To read recent reports of Coyote sightings
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Coyote Section
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The sounds of the Coyotes
I live in Georgetown, Ontario, and I am in the habit of waking up around 1 a.m. This night I could hear the yipping of the Coyotes, they run - it sounds …
Coyote spotted in Brantford
While driving to work this morning, going along Mohawk Street in Brantford, Ontario, I came across what was most definitely a Coyote - after viewing the …
Coyote reports in Doon area of Kitchener
For several weeks, I have been hearing odd barking in the middle of the night. A couple of days ago, signs went up at local stores warning of a large …
Coyotes in Ajax
In the community of Nottingham in North Ajax, in the green space, it's reported there is a pack of 6 Coyotes.
I have seen and heard one in the long …
Too close to home..
I see Coyotes running around my neighbourhood dragging garbage to the NCC field beside my house. One just spotted 10 minutes ago running in front of the …
Coyotes in Waterloo, ON
The last 2 nights we have heard coyotes outside of our home at the edge of Waterloo, near the dump, golf courses and farm land.
At first I thought …
Help these Coyotes
We have a plea for help - We have two baby Coyotes in back of our shop at 1555 Bishop Street, Cambridge, Ontario. Their mother and one sibling have been …
Kanata Coyotes
Last Summer myself and three other people saw three coyotes run around the side of the barn where I live. It was around 5:00 pm and one of the three decided …
DC, one of our readers sent us this report of his sighting of Coyotes - I've seen Coyotes on the 18th hole of Summit Golf Club in North Richmond Hill, …
Coyote in Oakville
My wife, dog and I went out on our front porch and from the moment we went out our dog (Stratus) started sniffing very "aggressively". Odd enough behavior …
Satanic Coyote Sounds North Whitby
One of our readers sent us this report of his late-night serenade by Coyotes! 01:00 am on July 27, 2010. Working away on the computer I was startled by …
We encroach on their territory
I have recently become aware that there are Coyotes living in the ravine across the street from me in Richmond Hill. I found out they've been there for …
Coyote seen in Sarnia
Two co-workers saw a huge Coyote in front of Landmark Village, at 4:00 am on June 3, 2010. This building has 4 floors, it has 123 rooms and is a Retirement …
Two Coyotes seen South of Barrie
One of our readers from Barrie, Ontario, wrote to tell us about his Coyote sighting today - I saw a pair of Coyotes on June 29th, 2010 just south of Innisfil …
Coyote Attacked my Cat in Cliffside, Scarborough
I came home from a bicycle ride at 9 pm June 12, 2010 and spotted a neighbourhood cat and a coyote next door on the front lawn. I startled them both and …
Coyote in Richmond Hill
Lori, one of our readers, sent us this report of her Coyote sighting - I spotted a coyote walking through my back yard to get to a wooded area. Not a problem, …
Sighting in Brampton
Marty, one of our readers, sent us this report today - I was driving west on Countryside Drive in Brampton, and a Coyote ran across the road, moving …
Waterdown Coyotes
I am 9 months pregnant and woke up early one morning unable to sleep.
I was looking out the window around dawn and saw a Coyote in the field, about …
Coyote in Markham, Ontario
Debra, one of our readers from Markham, Ontario, sent us this report of her sighting of a Coyote - I saw a Coyote in Markham, Ontario, this morning (May …
Coyote in Malcolmson Park St.Catharines Ontario
I was walking in the park, at around 8:00 pm, when a saw what looked like a dog walking down the path towards me. At first I thought it was a Dog with …
Many Coyotes in ravine
My name is Carole I live in Thornhill, Ontario.
We have a ravine at the back of our property and every evening around 12:00 pm we hear barking followed …
Coyotes in the Sifton Bog
Well, Readers, we seem to be having a lot of Coyote sightings here in Southern Ontario, here is one from London , Ontario - I live in the Oakridge area …
Coyote in South Windsor
Here is Lisa's report of her close encounter with a Coyote in Windsor, Ontario - For Earth Day today, we (mom and two kids) were picking up trash at …
I saw a Coyote in Oakville ,Ontario
Rudy, one of our readers from Oakville, sent us this report of a Coyote sighting - On Tuesday 20th April 2010, I was walking my two dogs when I saw a …
Saw a Coyote in Brantford this morning
Sheila, one of our readers from Paris, sent us this report of her sighting of a Coyote - I was driving through an industrial area at Hardy Road and Oak …
Coyote in my backyard in South Aurora, Ontario
Cindy, one of our readers from Aurora, Ontario, sent us this report - It was 6:00 pm April 7, 2010 - in broad daylight a Coyote crossed my front lawn …
Coyotes again
I wrote last week saying I saw a Coyote around Donnybrook and highway 74, just southeast of London.
Again today, around 1pm, hubby and I were coming …
Coyotes near Dorchester
Dolly, one of our readers sent us this report of her sighting of Coyotes - Just this week, I saw a Coyote near highway 74 and Donnybrook Drive (between …
Spotted in Brampton
One of our readers in Brampton tells us about the wildlife in his area - We live by the cricket pitch in Camden Park near Sandalwood and Sunforest. In …
Coyote in my yard in southwest St. Catharines!
Loretto from St Catherines, Ontario, writes - I just saw a Coyote in my townhouse complex which is right next to the Twelve Mile Creek in St Catharines, …
My wake up call this morning!
One of our readers, Michelle, sent us this report of her Coyote sighting - I live in the Hamlet of Solina in Southern Ontario. Our 2 acres are surrounded …
Two in my back yard
One of our readers from Hammond, Ontario, sent us this report - My Labrador Retriever just spotted two Coyotes running through our forest-bordered backyard …
Nightly Howling
I live a little north of Orono, Ontario. It is not unusual to hear Coyotes howling back and forth to each other a couple of times a night.
It is …
Coyote sighting
When I was driving down King Street, near Chingacousy Road in Caledon, Ontario, I saw a Coyote cross the road in front of me.
It was orangy yellow …
Yes, we saw this beautiful creature
My husband and I live here, and at 4:10pm (in broad daylight with the sun shining) on December 15th 2009 …
Huron County Coyotes
Gord, one of our readers sent us this report of his many Coyote sightings - During our travels over the past month, November - December, we have seen …
True or False
I just read on this site about Coyotes & Wolves. I live in Pontypool, Ontario and at least twice a week I hear the howling of Coyotes .
This howling …
Port Hope Ontario Sightings Nov 2009
Ram, one of our readers from Port Hope, sent us this report - There have been many Coyotes , not only living in town this year but also in more rural …
Coyote sighted!
My wife and I saw a Coyote cross right in front of our car.
It was about 7:45 in the evening, and of course it was dark, but there are street lights …
I am about 98% sure that I saw a pack of three Coyotes about 10:00am on Sunday morning while I was running on Hamilton Rd, near Commissioners Road, just …
Oshawa Coyotes
We live on Stevenson Road North, North Oshawa, Ontario, - right across the river/ravine from the new University of Ontario and Durham College Campus. We …
Pack of Coyotes during the lunar eclipse on the winter solstice! Not rated yet
It's about 1:45am on the morning of December 21, 2010, in the rural-residential area about a kilometer from the airport between Brantford and Burford, …
Home Owner Not rated yet
I saw five Coyotes together around 1:00 am on December 20th 2010, in my back yard. I live in Caistor Centre on the North Chippawa Road. We have a grassy …
Coyotes at Trent University Not rated yet
I work at Trent University whose main campus is just outside of Peterborough, Ontario, and often leave campus between 8 pm and 11 pm on weeknights. …
Wiley Dave Not rated yet
Southampton, Ontario (Lake Huron) Beacon Lane. 4:00 AM Dec 4, 2010.
This morning I looked out our front window and watched a beautiful light grey …
Coyotes near Toyota Not rated yet
I had just turned on to Devonshire Avenue from County Rd 4, in Woodstock, Ontario, yesterday afternoon, December 3rd, 2010, and a Coyote sprang up from …
Port Rowan Coyote Not rated yet
Recently I have found the remains of rabbits on my front lawn, and today in our park in Port Rowan, I saw the blighter!
A large Coyote - looks like …
London Coyote Not rated yet
My sighting of a Coyote occurred on June 7th 2010 at approximately 6:30pm.
We live in a condominium complex that runs adjacent to the Thames …
Coyotes in our backyard Not rated yet
We hear Coyotes every night and have seen them several times in our backyard. I don't really find them to be a nuisance at all, however the farmers around …
Coyote sighting Not rated yet
I was out with my dog this morning at around 6:30 am. He stopped for a minute near the green space at Mowat Avenue & River Oaks Blvd.
As I was waiting …
Don't leave your CATS outdoors anymore! Not rated yet
In the last two years, 2009 and 2010, many neighbourhood cats have gone missing. Flyers of MISSING CATS are mushrooming in southern Etobicoke.
Many …
Sarnia Coyotes Not rated yet
Gus, one of our readers from Sarnia writes - November 15th 2010 - I was out walking beside the woods at Canatara park, in Sarnia, tonight. It was about …
How many dogs have to die? Not rated yet
I live 15 miles east of Kingston Ontario. There are Coyotes waking me up (over the hum of my bedroom fan) every morning and late at night.
I have lost …
Rebecca Street, Oakville Not rated yet
To my surprise, I saw a Coyote yesterday afternoon, November 10th 2010, on my way home from work at about 5:20 pm on Rebecca St. and Jones Rd. in Oakville. …
Sifton Bog Not rated yet
I have heard the Coyote's in Sifton Bog, London, I haven't yet seen one, but the sound of the fire trucks seem to make them howl.
I was back in the …
Our Coyote has found a mate! Not rated yet
I live on a farm in Southwold and for the past several years we have noticed a very beautiful, large silver Coyote who cuts across our field from one forested …
Mississauga Not rated yet
I am almost sure it was a Coyote. It was not a deer and it was walking fast (sort of walked lightly like a dog does when it walks fast, but is not running). …
Always hear them and see them from time to time Not rated yet
Just yesterday I spotted a Coyote going into a small clump of forest right beside my home. I live just on the outskirts of Alliston, Ontario, and we hear …
Whitby, Ontario Not rated yet
I live off Cochrane Road, almost every night there in the fields by the train tracks behind my house, howling, at least 6 of them. It was a nuisance, but …
Hear and see them often! Not rated yet
I live in Harrow Ontario and we hear and see Coyotes very often. Just last night we were woke up about 2am by 3 howling in our backyard by our pond. We …
Mississauga Coyote Not rated yet
I saw a good sized coyote last week crossing Erindale Station Rd into the parking lot of a Chinese resturant just south of Burnamthorpe. It was a bit skittish …
A Coyote was shadowing me and my dog Not rated yet
I took my dog for a walk tonight at 10:00 on a bicycle path off of Williamsburg Road in Kitchener. My Beagle stopped and looked into a small field behind …
Learn the Real Facts Not rated yet
I live outside of Peterborough, Ontario, and there are a few Coyote families living in the area. What disturbs me is that there are groups of hunters …
Backyard Entertainment Not rated yet
Last night at 8pm we watched six Coyotes playing in the wheat stubble behind our house, with one sitting on a rise to be lookout. We hear them many nights …
Pouncing Coyote Not rated yet
We live on a small 50-acre farm near Meaford, Ontario. On Wednesday August 18th, while looking out our living room window, I spotted an adult Coyote, …
Creemore Coyotes Not rated yet
We own a farm in Creemore, Ontario. At 10:30 am I saw a Coyote in the baled field on our property. I have 2 young German Shepherds and am concerned. …
Coyote in urban Oakville Not rated yet
Karen, one of our readers, writes - This morning we were awoken by the sounds of a Coyote and Raccoon fight. It's not clear who won the fight …
Coyotes in the City Not rated yet
We have an important appeal to our readers in the Cambridge area - this email message was sent to us from someone very concerned about a family of Coyotes. …
Coyote follows me Home Not rated yet
On Wednesday, July 15th, 2010 in the morning, north of Oshawa, just north of Raglan Road and east of Thornton, I discovered a Coyote following me, my horse …
Sighting fromTeamtonin Not rated yet
I was about 300m from the parking lot at the Windermere Basin Loop trail, off East Port Drive in Hamilton, Ontario, looking for a geocache , when a …
The Beach, Kingston Road, Toronto Not rated yet
I was waiting for the bus approximately 7 a.m. last week.
From the corner of my eye I saw what first appeared to be a scrawny dog crossing the road …
Coyotes along the Mississippi (Ontario) Not rated yet
I remember when the first Coyotes began appearing in eastern Ontario back in the 1970s. Unlike the Wolves, Coyotes were not native to Eastern Ontario, …
Wile E at the Whitby GO station Not rated yet
Bill, one of our readers from Whitby, tells us about his encounter with a Coyote - I had just gotten into my car around 6 p.m. in the south lot of the …
Coyote living in Grasshopper park in Ottawa Not rated yet
I have seen the Coyote twice since may 2010,
Once he was standing by the bushes in the park and the next time he was running at the bottom part of the …
Coyotes in Whitby Not rated yet
My house is a new development in North Whitby, near Baldwin and Taunton Rd and backs on to a forest/greenspace. At around 10pm on June 13, 2010, as I was …
Coyote in Paris Not rated yet
Mike, one of our readers from Paris, Ontario, sent us this report of his Coyote sighting - I saw one in a hay field on Golf Links Road in Paris, June 10th …
Coyote - Vandorf Sideroad, Aurora Not rated yet
One of our readers in the Aurora area, sent us this report - June 2010 - These animals are quite common in the wooded area on both sides of Vandorf Sideroad, …
Coyote sighting near Darlington Provincial Park Not rated yet
One of our readers tells about his Coyote sighting near Darlington Provincial Park - My friend and I took my son out on our newly purchased ebikes and …
Four Corners, Whitby Not rated yet
This morning about 7:30am, as I was looking out the front window, I spotted what I originally thought was a dog, but it just wasn't registering properly, …
Stouffville Coyote Not rated yet
6:15 pm June 4th, 2010. I was walking my 2 dogs off leash in the York Regional Forest behind my home, on Aurora Sideroad / hwy 48.
My dogs, a 6 year …
Surprise Visitor - Bothwell, Ontario Not rated yet
Today, June 3rd 2010 - Roughly about an hour ago at 6:30PM I saw a Coyote when I was cutting my yard - a rural lot near Bothwell, Ontario.
I was on …
Coyote Golf? Not rated yet
I was golfing on Thursday afternoon May 27 2010, along the Thames River (south branch) the same vicinity as Hilton from London.
I saw what looked …
Coyotes in my Neighbourhood Not rated yet
One of our readers sent us this report of his Coyote sighting yesterday - I live in London, Ontario. I was coming home around midnight on Wednesday May …
Coyotes Sighted Not rated yet
One of our readers sent us this report of her Coyote sighting - Driving along Benthpath Line, in between Brigden and Wilkesport, Ontario, I saw 2 Coyotes …
Coyote spotted in woods, near Kitchener, Ontario Not rated yet
I took my dog for a walk this morning. We went through the forest near my home in Kitchener. I had my black lab off leash (as I usually do through the …
Coyotes on the Golf course Not rated yet
Mike, one of our readers from London, spotted Coyotes this morning, here is his report - I just saw a pair of Coyotes this mornng playing together on the …
Ravine Coyotes Not rated yet
One of our readers from Toronto sent us this report of her recent Coyote sighting - I live in the Toronto Beach area and while I was walking my dog this …
Coyotes in my back yard Not rated yet
Carole, one of our readers from Caledon, Ontario, sent us this report of her Coyote sighting - This morning at 7:30, I saw a Coyote running along the …
Coyotes in Binbrook, Ontario Not rated yet
Nicole of Binbrook, Ontario, sent us this report of Coyotes near her home - I often hear Coyotes howling and barking behind my home (in a wooded area) …
Coyote in North London Subdivision Not rated yet
Karen, one of our readers from London, Ontario, sent us this report - I was just starting out on my morning run last Saturday, April 17th 2010 at 7:30 …
Coyote spotted in London - Oakridge Not rated yet
One of our readers in London sent us this report - Last week my neighbour was taking her kids to school and was in her driveway when she heard something …
Pelt and Bones Not rated yet
My girlfriend and I had recently built a new house in St Thomas, Ontario . We live right on a Conservation Area and have lots of rivers, streams and …
A Frightening Experience Not rated yet
Diane, one of our readers in London, Ontario, sent us this report of Coyotes in her area - We live in the Wonderland Road and Springbank Drive area of …
Exciting but scary! Not rated yet
There have been recent articles being written in the paper, about small dogs being attacked and ripped right off their leashes, while their owner was walking …
Regular Occurance Not rated yet
We live out near HorseShoe Resort on 14 acres surrounded by bush, and we hear the Coyotes all the time.
We see them travelling along beside the house …
Three Coyotes Not rated yet
On February 27, 2010 I was walking my pack (3 Dobermans, one chocolate lab, a Boxer-lab and 2 Min Pins) At the Darlington Conservation Area in Oshawa/Clarington. …
St Thomas Not rated yet
February 19th, 2010
I just saw a Coyote this morning, as I was driving to work on Burwell Road, St Thomas around 8:30am.
There was a flash of fur …
Second sighting in less than a week February 2010 Not rated yet
One of our readers from Aurora, Ontario, sents us this report - I have recently moved and I now back on to St. Andrew's College in Aurora, ON.
Last …
Nature in my backyard, WOW!!! Not rated yet
I live in Kemptville, Ontario. We often hear a pack of Coyotes howling at night, in the bush across from our house, its very scary because they sound …
Mar 26, 25 08:00 AM
Mar 24, 25 09:00 AM
Mar 21, 25 09:00 AM