In Southern Ontario, the howl of Coyotes is a familiar sound to those who live in the country, and to many who live in smaller cities, as they have long inhabited the outskirts of towns here.
They are most common in areas that are adjacent to green spaces, such as farm land, conservation areas and parks.
They can travel a long way using ravines, highways & roads, walking paths and hydro corridors, although they prefer to build their dens in secluded places where they will not be disturbed - in ravines or close to the banks of streams and small rivers.
These intelligent and adaptable animals seem to be able to live closely with their human neighbours and are not usually a threat to human safety, although we are their only natural predator.
Many people have concerns about these wild carnivores living in their neighbourhoods, and to live in harmony with them it is necessary that we respect and understand them and their needs.
According to the Ministry of Natural Resources, there have been no incidents of these canids attacking humans in the province of Ontario.
Common sense should dictate that small children and babies should not be left unattended outdoors if Coyotes are known to be about.
We should all teach our children basic safety regarding wild animals.
They have adjusted well to living in close proximity to humans. They are generally cautious, shy animals and would prefer to avoid confrontations with people.
Some people consider them to be a nuisance and have tried to trap and relocate them, however they are extremely intelligent and almost impossible to live trap.
Ontario Provincial legislation prohibits the relocation of wildlife from their home territories; therefore, trapped animals must be released in the same area or destroyed.
Research shows that wildlife relocated from urban areas will typically return to their home range, or become a problem elsewhere and that when coyotes are hunted and killed, the population will compensate by producing larger litters and expanding their range.
Coyotes are active and often sighted at dusk, during the night and at dawn.
Mike, one of our readers, saw a coyote recently when it pranced in front of his car on Cootes Drive, Dundas, Ontario.
One term that I have heard used frequently recently, is COYWOLF, which means a Coyote - Wolf Hybrid. It seems that the Coyote is breeding with the Grey Wolf and the Red Wolf, and the mixing of genes is creating an animal with different behaviours and habits than either one.
For example, Wolves tend to be bigger and avoid approaching human habitation, they feed on larger prey, but Coyotes are cunning and can find ways to live in closer proximity to humans.
Imagine, if you will, once the Wolf and the Coyote have interbred, there may be a pack of Coywolves which might look like Coyotes but behave more like Wolves, or which look like Wolves, yet live closer to humans, like Coyotes.
The diet of these canids is mostly made up of mice and other small rodents such as
Groundhogs & rabbits,
Snakes, fish, Chipmunks, Possums, and carrion and they are opportunistic feeders.
This means that they will also eat garbage which has been left outside, so residents should make the effort to keep their trash enclosed and inaccessible.
They breed in late Winter, with their young born in Spring, which are weaned at six weeks, with most pups leaving their parents in Autumn to find their own territory.
These animals don't form packs the way Wolves do, so if seen in a group, it is likely a group of siblings, and a mated pair are the basic social unit.
Canis latrans are not considered to be main carriers of rabies and only represent less than 1% of all diagnosed incidents of the disease in wild animals in Ontario over the past 40 years.
The colour variations of Coyotes range from blondes to reds and browns, and the weight and size of these animals varies from 35 to 45 pounds, although their thick fur often makes them appear heavier than they really are.
In the YouTube video below, you can hear the "Yipping" howl of the Coyote, which is very different from the howl of the Wolf which you can find in our Grey Wolf section.
If you would like to read Coyote reports from previous years, you can read them below.
Archived Coyote Sightings from 2010
Archived Coyote Sightings from 2011
Archived Coyote Sightings from 2012
Archived Coyote Sightings from 2013
Archived Coyote Sightings from 2014
Have you seen any Coyotes in your area, or when you were traveling in Southern Ontario?
We would love to hear if you spotted one of these intelligent animals!
Remember to make your submission a minimum of 100 - 200 words and tell us when and where you saw the animals, the time of day, and what you observed them doing.
Click below to see contributions from other visitors to this page...
Big Coyote in Tiny Township
A couple of weekends ago we were up north enjoying some time outside with our two dogs.
I had just brought them in and then looked out the kitchen …
Rural Kingston and Not alone...
We live on a country road 20 minutes northwest of Kingston, in Stone Mills Township, on 4 acres of land with neighbouring homes about 70 metres away on …
Coyotes Everywhere
Robert from Collingwood wrote to tell us ... I heard the coyotes at 7.00 am. this morning. They were crossing my backyard in a community of about 200 …
I spotted this big guy just east of Peterborough, Ontario, on February 10th, 2018.
The animal was larger than a Coyote, but displayed similar marking …
Coyote spotted
Coming back from work, approximately around 4:30 am, a coyote crossed the road in front of my car forcing me to brake. The coyote didn't seem scared and …
Coyotes of Summer 2017
May 1 2017 Lasalle, Ontario, a reader from Lasalle said ... I spotted three Coyotes on the railway tracks on Reaume Road Sunday April 31 around …
Haldimand County Coyotes
Hi all, love your site! So many interesting things to learn and share.
I have plenty of Coyotes around my farm and thought I'd share some pics I grabbed …
Collingwood Coyote Concerns
One of our readers wrote about Coyotes on town property ... We live on Rodney street in Collingwood. We have a small dog who loves the outdoors …
Autumn Urban Coyotes in Mississauga
We receive several reports of Coyote sightings each day - here are some from Mississauga from 2016
Dixie and Q E W August 28th ... there …
Coyotes in Mississauga
Over the past two months we have received many reports of Coyote sightings in Mississauga, Ontario - you can read them below.
It is a daily …
Coyotes around Ontario
One of our readers saw a Newmarket Coyote pack ... last week was driving home around 5:30 pm and saw a pack of Coyotes in field just outside of Newmarket, …
Coyotes have been silent for the last 3 years...
We moved to the country about 1/2 hour west of London Ontario 6 years ago, this is our 7th summer.
We used to hear the Coyotes nightly and …
We have Coyotes on our property in Ashburn, Ontario, and we have used a night camera to video.
They are beautiful and have a safe and forever home …
Recent Coyote sightings
Vicki B reported an early morning Coyote sighting ... I saw either a small female or young adult Coyote this morning at about 6:30 am. I had my dogs with …
Coyotes & White Wolf in Barrie and Innisfil
Our first sighting was in Innisfil in 2009 just of 7th line/Nantyr Drive I was shoveling the drive at 4.30 am and I saw what I thought was a dog. I looked …
Gray Wolf-like animal spotted in Mississauga
Today, March 16, 2015, this morning we took a picture of a wild canine which looked like a gray Wolf.
It was running and seemed afraid of the traffic. …
Pond Mills Coyote Sightings
I live in South London, Ontario, and my property backs onto a conservation area and Spettigue Pond.
We regularly see wildlife such as deer, skunk, possum, …
Churchill Park, Cambridge, Ontario
This morning, Thursday, January 8th, 2015 @ 7:30am. I sighted a Coyote at the entrance of Churchill Park, Christopher Drive, while walking my yellow lab. …
Coyote Sightings
We received a report of Coyote sightings from Mark Letheren from Innisfil, who said ... I just came across two at 9:30 pm. I live north of Big Bay Point …
They are a problem in Ajax!
I have 2 young children, use to have 4 cats however one got out and never came home. Not at a shelter not in the deceased database, as well as many other …
Aurora - howl in the Night
We live in Aurora, Ontario, and we have heard strange sounds at night. I Googled the howl of Coyotes and it does sound like it.
We have not seen them …
Coyote sightings across Ontario
Jody from Windsor wrote to say ... I have train tracks behind my house and a small wooded area. The Coyotes are sometimes quite loud and it sounds like …
Assorted Coyote Sightings Not rated yet
One of our readers said ... I was chased by a Coyote in Whitby Optimist Park, June 17, 2022. I live by the Whitby Optimist Park and have a small dog. …
Coyote Sightings Not rated yet
Spotted by our wildlife camera.
Coyote sightings Not rated yet
Sightings around Mississauga ... January 2020, Coywolf pack at JC Saddington Park. I was on my bicycle for a frigid late evening ride when I approached …
Coyotes seen and heard Not rated yet
From Ottawa A.C. wrote ... I live in the west end of Ottawa, near Hunt Club and Woodroffe. For years I have seen the coyote on the bike path that leads …
Assorted Coyote Sightings Not rated yet
Don wrote to tell us ... I spotted a big coyote in front of my house just after midnight on March 1,2020. I shined my flashlight at it and he disappeared …
Coyotes sighted Not rated yet
Tabitha from Barrie, Ontario, wrote ... my dog and I got followed/chased by a Coyote for about 10 minutes on Friday, February 14, 2020 in our local park. …
Keep your eye on Coyotes Not rated yet
We see coyotes all the time around here and North Burlington. The builders are destroying farmland and wooded areas to put up thousands upon thousands …
Coyote seen in Peel Park, Whitby Not rated yet
Single healthy looking coyote has been sighted all summer in Peel Park in Whitby Ontario.
I saw it again this morning sleeping curled up in the middle …
Two Large Coyotes near Ballantrae Not rated yet
I went for a long hike at the Regional Forest today and spotted two very large Coyotes or small Wolves in the wheelchair accessible reforested section …
Southern Ontario Coyotes Not rated yet
Irene from Hamilton wrote ... I saw lots of coyotes at Confederation park and Red Hill conservation belt. They are very common there and not very shy, …
Early Coyote sightings 2019 Not rated yet
Wayne and Christine said ... we were leaving work today and spoted 4 very large coyotes along the ridge. Approximately 200 meters away. My wife said …
Coyotes Not rated yet
Jane S from Barrie reported ... our house backs onto the ravine between Crimson Ridge Road and Taylor Drive (aka Wilkins walk). Today at noon I saw a …
Our resident pair in Caledon Not rated yet
One of our readers sent this Coyote sighting report several months ago.
Fortunately I had my phone in my pocket as I looked out a northwest facing window …
Coyote with possible mange Not rated yet
Coyotes are a regular sighting in the Greater Royal Botanical Gardens area.
I was a bit concerned about this one, due to the possible mange …
Coyote sighting in Jerseyville Not rated yet
Out on the field in a tractor, a Coyote was running around, and came right in front of my boyfriend's tractor!
This happened at 9 am and it …
Coyotes of Mississauga Not rated yet
Below are several of the Coyote sightings from Mississauga in the past few months ...
One of our readers from Erin Mills, Mississauga, reported …
Brampton Coyotes Not rated yet
Thursday, December 1, 2016 - one of our readers said ... just back from walking the dog in Rosedale Village and there was a Coyote roaming behind the clubhouse …
Coyote in Cambridge Not rated yet
I live near Shade's Mills Conservation Area (part of the Grand River Conservation Authority) and back onto green-space.
This morning at 8:15, …
Coywolves Not rated yet
These live here in my woods.
Thank you for these pictures from your "Critter-Cam" - I will also post this on our facebook page .
Summer Coyotes Not rated yet
Katie Emberley from Hagersville, Ontario wrote ... We hear coyotes often, but haven't seen any since we moved out to the country in April. Tonight, I was …
More Coyotes Not rated yet
Kells said ... Friday night, June 24th, I saw what looked at first like a Wolf, then a Fox, then I figured it was a Coyote, crossing Walker's Line just …
Mississauga Coyotes Not rated yet
Several readers reported Coyotes in Mississauga ...
One of our reader gives a warning as there is a big Coyote on Etobicoke Creek Trail, he …
Coyote or Coywolf Not rated yet
I was in my car, thank God. But I saw this Coyote on the other side of my street.
I stared at it for a good 10 minutes.
It did not show any signs …
Lots of Coyotes Not rated yet
Terry Talbot from Stevensville wrote to say ... I live near the rail-road tracks in Stevensville and when the evening train comes by the Coyotes start …
Lots of Coyotes Not rated yet
Amanda from Brampton wrote to report ... Just now while getting back in my car after a walk; I noticed a "dog" running off leash across the far side …
Face to face with a Coyote Not rated yet
July 30th at about 11:00 am, I decided to go for a three hour hike along the Grand River footpath, starting at Hardy Road walking towards Paris Ontario. …
Lots of Coyote Sightings Not rated yet
One of our readers from London wrote ... Last night (August 19/15) shortly after 10 pm at the Commissioners Road & Springbank Drive intersection, I was …
Hillside Park Coyote, Waterloo Not rated yet
This morning I saw a Coyote between 6:30 and 7:00 am, and it followed me and my two dogs for quite a while.
It is a wooded area.
Both my dogs …
Coyote Activity in Southern Ontario Not rated yet
On May 6th Mariarosa from Scarborough wrote to tell us ... Around 10 pm I was walking my two small dogs on Prudential Drive, which is right next to the …
Michelle's Mississauga Coyotes Not rated yet
Michelle wrote to tell us about her many Coyote sightings in the past few months, she says ...
November 10 2015, Crossfield Bend sighting - I was walking …
Coyote in my backyard Not rated yet
A Coyote sighting in my backyard on Monday January 18th at 2pm.
I was playing inside with my two daughters when I saw the Coyote run in my backyard, …
Coyote near St Agnes Elementary School Not rated yet
While walking my dog in the back of St Agnes school yard in Stoney Creek, Ontario, I saw a large animal running very quickly down Prins Ave, cross Vitoritio …
Coyote Spotting across the area Not rated yet
One of our readers said ..... Early January 2015. It was typical day for me, leaving for work at about 8:00 a.m. I was coming across to Franklin Boulevard …
Lots of Coyotes Not rated yet
Pedro from Milton told us ..... I was just woken up (3:30 a.m. February 4th, 2015) by the creepy howl of two coyotes behind the fence of my backyard. …
Etobicoke Coyotes Not rated yet
Hilda Andrade, from Etobicoke, Ontario, wrote to say ..... Unfortunately this is not a good story. Recently a pack of these creatures attacked an unleashed …
Coyotes around Southern Ontario Not rated yet
Jim, one of our readers from Calmachie, Ontario, wrote to say ..... On Thursday January 1st, 2015 at about 6:45 p.m. While travelling along Michigan Line …
Coywolves and Coyotes are beautiful! Not rated yet
Before I begin, I have to comment on one of the submissions here that had me laughing! As I too would say that running into Coyotes after 10 in parts …
More Coyote Encounters Not rated yet
Erin from Milton, Ontario, recently wrote to tell us about her Coyote encounter, she says ... I heard some howling one night a couple weeks ago and I'm …
Coyote Sightings around Ontario Not rated yet
A reader recently wrote to tell us ... We could hear the howls at about 9:00 in the evening. They sounded really close. My husband went to the back …
Coyote at Wildwood Conservation Authority Not rated yet
I cross country ski at Wildwood Conservation Area near St Marys, Ontario.
I was about to enter the trail through the woods when approximately thirty …
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