Coyote in my yard in southwest St. Catharines!

by Loretto Woods
(St. Catharines, Ontario)

Loretto from St Catherines, Ontario, writes - I just saw a Coyote in my townhouse complex which is right next to the Twelve Mile Creek in St Catharines, Ontario, on Martindale Rd.

It came out from under the deck behind my house, and then walked away!

If you see this, or another Coyote again, please let us know - and, see if you can get a picture of it too!

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Coyote sighting
by: Peter

I think I saw a Coyote today on Eastchester Avenue, today around 10 am.

It was smaller than a German Shepherd, it was grey.

Sorry, no pictures, but I saw it with 3 co-workers.

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