Coyote follows me Home
by Pat
(Ajax, Ontario, Canada)
On Wednesday, July 15th, 2010 in the morning, north of Oshawa, just north of Raglan Road and east of Thornton, I discovered a Coyote following me, my horse and dog.
I tried scaring this Coyote away with shouting and waving my arms, and I even charged at it with the horse.
The coyote moved 10 feet away and sat and stared at me.
I was concerned for my black Labrador retriever, so I headed back to the farm and this Coyote continued to follow us back to the farm.
UPDATE July 22, 2010I have discovered that the Coyotes have a den near my recent encounter. There are two pups, I'm told.
I have also seen the leg bone of what looks like a deer and the skull of another animal in the nearby viscinity. At first I didn't think anything of the skull, since I discovered it early in the spring. However, the leg bone was the same week of my close encounter with the Coyote.
At the time of the encounter, I was indeed quite fearful for my dog. I didn't know whether the Coyote would attack or the dog might decide to venture close to the Coyote.
In retrospect, this is actually my third encounter with Coyotes. About three or four years ago, I saw two Coyotes chasing a deer.
The other incident, was a Coyote stalking me and the horse and dog, but it wasn't as bold as this recent encounter. In the first instance, the Coyote did not follow me all the way back to the farm.
Thanks for your report, Pat, you must have been concerned about the animal being in such close proximity to you and your horse and dog. Feel free to tell us about any other wildlife encounters you have!