Many Coyotes in ravine

by Carole
(Thornhill, Ontario, Canada)

Howling Coyote

Howling Coyote

My name is Carole I live in Thornhill, Ontario.

We have a ravine at the back of our property and every evening around 12:00 pm we hear barking followed by howling and it sounds like there must be a whole pack of Coyotes out there.

They also make a awful screaming sound, which makes me think that they are killing some small animal or it's the small animal thats screaming.

I really wish something could be done to get rid of them because it is a very frightening experience and I don't feel safe in my own back yard.

Wow, that would be an un-nerving experience, having to listen to all that howling.

If it is any consolation, Coyotes typically don't form packs the way Wolves do, they are more likely to be just a pair or small family, and according to Hinterland Who's Who ... "If several coyotes are in the same vicinity, the howling of one triggers that of the others, resulting in an impressive concert. Two coyotes howling in unison can create the illusion of a dozen or more."

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by: Anonymous

I have lived in Thornhill since 1950, the coyotes have been here long before that, it's their habitant too. Learn about them, not natural resources has info, we need to respect them not fear them. There is no reason for concern if residents follow certain guidelines - don't feed them, or leave garbage out, don't run if you see them etc.! I have come across many wild animals over the years, including bears and coyotes, I have never had a problem. Children need to be educated about them, and not fear but respect them.

Don't shot innocent animals
by: Anonymous

Please don't kill them, use a trap.

Coyotes in Thornhill
by: Anonymous

I live near the Bayview GC and I have heard coyotes howling many times in the night. Sitting in my backyard I have seen them run past my fence during the evening. Last Year while going to work I saw a coyote crossing Bayview south of John Street.

Remember how they told you coyotes won't bother you?
by: Anonymous

It is now June 2014. A pairs of coyotes has now attacked 4 or 5 people. Carole, we all tried, but its time for the Coyotes to relocate. Your concern was not unfounded. I live near Toronto Ladies golf club, and I can sit in my yard, howl and they all start howling. Pamona Valley must have several families of coyotes. They are loud. We have tried to live with them, but now with yesterday's attacks, the Ministry of Natural Resources need to relocate them to more suitable home.

Re: Many Coyotes in ravine
by: Anonymous

I think you need to move so you are deep within a large city. Please make sure no large parks or green spaces are nearby. Coyotes will not harm you but if you cannot abide them I am afraid you are the one that needs to move.
We should be lucky to have them given how we wiped out so many other species and predators are essential. Not that they need to have a "use" for their existence to be respected.
They do us a great service regarding rodents and insects and even deer to a degree. Ontario Coyotes are part wolf but neither wolf nor coyotes have interest in you.
It is sad to hear such intolerance now after we know so much more about the animals that live among us. But personal entitlement and ignorance are yet stronger still, but I hope for a day when that will not rule as it does today.

Wake up and smell the coffee
by: Anonymous

The coyotes were there long before you moved in.


Coyotes keeping me awake and scaring my small dog
by: Anonymous

I am in Thornhill as well, and there is a large park nearby and ravine close too. This morning at about 3:00am I heard the screaming and it was scaring my small dog.

Is there any way to manage this? Do they attack small animals like dogs?

Yes, Coyotes may attack small dogs (and cats), so if you are concerned for the safety of your dog, stay with your dog while he is outside, and meanwhile, contact Animal Control in your area - they may have to deal with these Coyotes if they are becoming a problem and a danger to people and pets

by: Anonymous

Did your community do anything about the Coyotes that you hear howling near your house? Thornhill is pretty close to Toronto, so these animals are getting pretty bold!

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