Coyote Attacked my Cat in Cliffside, Scarborough

by Jim
(Scarborough, Ontario)

I came home from a bicycle ride at 9 pm June 12, 2010 and spotted a neighbourhood cat and a coyote next door on the front lawn. I startled them both and the cat ran away but the coyote proceeded to my front porch where my cat Brutus was tied on a leash.

I dropped my bike and ran after the coyote who had made a bee line to my cat. A bush blocked my view but I heard my cat scream and thankfully the coyote continued north to my adjacent neighbour's property. I continued chasing the animal for another block and then on the way home knocked on the doors of a couple of cat owners to warn them to bring/leave their cats indoors. Brutus is unharmed and very lucky.

I live a 15 minute walk north of the Scarborough Bluffs and now I'm afraid to leave my cat out on a leash, even by my front door without keeping a constant watchful eye.

Brutus is one lucky cat!

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coyote attack
by: Anonymous

One should NEVER tie up a cat or dog without CONSTANT supervision. Predators can come from the ground or from the air.

There Must Be Other People Who've seen Coyotes????
by: Sandy

How would one find out about sightings in the Beach? I don't know anyone here as I'm new to the area?

I called the Toronto Animal Services because I thought they'd probably want to know about this and they said they "had a lot of calls of this nature" ..... they didn't even want to know about it, does no one care?


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