Waterfowl are found all around Ontario, in rivers, marshes, lakes and ponds, you will find many species of Water and Shore birds.
Some of these birds stay here year-round, and others are migratory and spend their winters in warmer climes, returning to this area in Spring to breed.
Those which migrate to warmer climes for the winter, may only be seen in this area during their spring or fall migrations to their breeding grounds in the far north, and other species stay here year-round.
The water birds of this area include the Canada Goose, the graceful Tundra Swans and the beautiful, but elusive, Wood Duck, the Common Goldeneye, the Common Loon and others, which are listed below.
Ruddy Duck
Jack Miner Bird Sanctuary
This Bird Sanctuary in Kingsville, Ontario, was created to preserve and protect water birds
Waterfowl in Ontario - De la sauvagine de l'Ontario
Info for those wishing to hunt water fowl in Ontario
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Very large yellow bird with flat head
Walking in Collingwood along a trail, I saw this large (30" tall) bird sitting on the fence.
I thought it was a stuffed animal but when I …
Beautiful Black Crowned Night Heron
I was on my bike ride I enjoy at least twice a week with a friend along the Don Valley and as we approached a certain area my friend pointed out a bird …
Another Unusual Visitor
This little water feeder has also frequented our duck pond in Ottawa, and we have no idea what it is.
Any ideas?
It looks like a type of Heron, …
Heron and Ducks
Not in our back yard, just down the road, in Georgetown South.
A family swimming together
Here is a family of Canadian Geese swimming in the Grand River.
When they saw me and the dogs, the adults went on each side of the goslings and swam …
Wood Ducks
Wood Ducks showing off in Grenadier Pond, High Park, Toronto.
I have been told that these beautiful males will lose their colour in summer and become …
Ducks I've Photographed This Spring
While waiting for the many birds to return I've been photographing ducks.
Some remain here and others are just stopping by on their flight further north. …
A chance sighting
I was walking down a path in my residential neighborhood in Kitchener, Ontario.
This path is beside a small stream near a small storm drain/marshy …
Home Owner
My wife sat in kitchen the other morning and a Blue Heron flew over and landed in neighbour's yard beside us.
This was January, and we live in London, …
Can you tell me?
I like these birds, but have no idea the name of them.
I know they dive deep in the water for fish and they are in the water at Hamilton Bayfront …
Blue Swedish Duck looking happy to see me!
While photographing birds at a pond in Markham last year this duck came out of the bushes to greet me.
Referring to my numerous bird guides I couldn't …
Gaggles of Geese Not rated yet
We recently moved to a new community and built a house.
There is a former gravel pit behind our house where there are geese for most of the year. …
Herons in Oshawa harbour Not rated yet
Photos of two herons in Oshawa harbour last May
There was a seagull was attacking the heron and it was fighting back ...
Thank you for sending us …
Night Heron in Toronto Not rated yet
My girlfriend and I were hanging out in the Brickworks area of the Don Valley in Toronto when we saw this heron on a log.
The Brickworks has a plethora …
What kind of Water Bird? Not rated yet
I'd like to identify this large duckish / kingfishery bird spotted for the first time yesterday on West Humber River Rec Trail.
Thanks! …
More Wood Duck eggs were laid yesterday Not rated yet
More eggs were laid yesterday, April 28, 2016. Mom has not been seen since.
Please keep us updated. Did the mother return? Did the eggs …
Mother Wood Duck Not rated yet
We placed a camera in the Wood Duck nest.
This is the second lay in this nest this year.
I wonder why the mother is not spending any time on them? …
Wood Duck Not rated yet
I have installed 3 Wood Duck nests by Lake St. Clair.
They have entered the east box and have brought some grass to go on top of the wood chips, that …
One un-hatched Wood Duck egg! Not rated yet
I have taken the Wood Duck nests down and cleaned them for next year.
Found one unhatched egg.
Thanks for your report and picture - I guess Wood …
Wood Duck Sunrise over Lake St. Clair Not rated yet
We had 4 breeding pairs of Wood Ducks on our beach this morning.
We have 2 breeding pairs in our nest boxes.
These two were enjoying the morning …
Blue Heron Not rated yet
A Great Blue Heron looking for supper, in the pond.
I will also post this picture on our facebook page .
Belted Kingfishers Not rated yet
I found a pair of mating Belted Kingfishers at a pond near me.
They are very smart and I'm having a hard time getting a good picture of them. …
Along the Credit River near Georgetown Not rated yet
Canada Geese along the Credit River.
Hello Marinus, I hope you don't mind, but I've added more pictures of geese that you sent me by email - great …
Egrets and Herons Not rated yet
I have been very happy lately to see so many Great Blue Herons and Egrets near Innerkip and Woodstock.
A Funny Duck Not rated yet
We keep seeing this particular bird in a duck pond near our condo here in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada - any idea what it might be?
Yep, that is a …
Canada Geese family Not rated yet
Canada Geese and young ones.
Decision time for Canada Geese Not rated yet
Canada Geese.
"To stay, or not to stay, in Georgetown, or fly South, that is the question"
Blue Heron Not rated yet
A Great Blue Heron wading in the Grand River in early May, near Brantford, Ontario.
Thank you for your lovely picture of this Great Blue Heron, he …
Visiting Ducks Not rated yet
In an area pond in Markham many ducks are stopping by.
These are a few of the ones I was able to photograph.
Thanks for sending us your pictures! …
Ducks Stopping By Not rated yet
These are three of eleven different Ducks I was able to photograph on a pond in Markham, Ontario.
Wow, thanks for the great pictures!
CANADA GEESE. Not rated yet
Proud Parents - out for a Swim!
A Selection of pictures of Canada Geese, Georgetown, Ontario.
Woodduck eggs Not rated yet
Here is a picture of empty Wood Duck eggs.
They must have hatched recently.
Double Crested Cormorant? Not rated yet
On April 26, I visited High Park in Toronto with my camera I took a picture of a bird I had never seen before.
It was a relatively big bird, smaller …
Mar 21, 25 09:00 AM
Mar 20, 25 08:00 AM
Mar 18, 25 06:00 AM