Satanic Coyote Sounds North Whitby

by CC
(Whitby, Ontario, Canada)

One of our readers sent us this report of his late-night serenade by Coyotes! 01:00 am on July 27, 2010. Working away on the computer I was startled by the sounds I heard comming from the wooded area that my house backs on to. I live in north Whitby (Taunton and Thickson).

I woke up my wife to share in hearing these sounds. We both heard howls and barks and could also hear another distinct bark from a different animal - possibly a dog? The sounds lasted for about 30 seconds and then an abrupt silence. My wife described the sounds as Satanic.

I went on YouTube and started searching "Coyote sounds when they attack." I found one video that had clear audio and sounded exactly like what I heard. Eerie to say the least. What makes it more frightening was the fact that I was walking in the pathless wooded area until dark.

Thank you for sending us this report of the Coyote howling you heard last night - I wonder if any other readers from Whitby hear them too?

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Coyote Calls
by: Anonymous

I live at Rossland and Country Lane in Whitby. I often hear the howls and yips of coyotes throughout the night. They can be heard all seasons and many times have woken me up, as I sleep with my bedroom window ajar, even in the winter. I have seen one or two over the years near the ploughed fields, wooded area and stream that are just off Rossland on the outskirts of west Whitby.

by: Anonymous

I live off Rossland and Cochrane and hear them almost every night beside the adjacent train tracks toward Donald A. Wilson H.S.

I find it comforting.

Noisy Coyotes
by: Anonymous

I am at Rossland and Cochrane in Whitby and can hear the coyotes at least twice a week between 1:00am-2:00am.

It sounds like there is a pack of them all howling and yipping at the same time. It only lasts about 30 seconds and can be very loud, followed by dead silence.

Whitby Coyotes
by: Anonymous

It seems that this year there are more sightings and stories of people hearing these howls/cries/barks in the wee hours of the morning in north Whitby. I am at Brock and Taunton and I have yet to see one, but I too, have heard the eerie 45 seconds to 1 minute sounds that you describe. In fact I at times, hear what seems to be just one coyote making short high pitched barks.

Poor kittie's - I've heard gruesome stories of cat owners finding remains of their pets.

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