The Game birds found in Southern Ontario are many and varied, and include the Canada Goose, Snow Goose, various Duck species, Woodcock, Snipe, Moorhen and the Wild Turkey.
All persons wishing to hunt wild game birds, must have both a Federal Migratory Game Bird Hunting Permit, a Wildlife Habitat Conservation Stamp, as well as an Ontario License to hunt small game. Hunting season is in the Autumn and many Canadians are avid hunters.
The following are migratory game bird species that may be hunted in Ontario during the open season - Ducks (other than Harlequin Ducks), Geese, including Snow Geese and Brant, Rails (other than Yellow Rails and King Rails), American Coots, Common Snipe, Common Moorhens and Woodcock.
Below are the Birds featured on this site.
Snow Goose
Ministry of Agriculture & Food - info about Game Birds
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American Coot Not rated yet
I was able to capture these photos of an American Coot fishing at Silver Lake Park in Port Dover.
Thank you for your wonderful pictures, they are lovely! …
Turkeys and Badgers! Not rated yet
I live outside of St Thomas, Ontario - you forgot how awesome Turkeys are!
I'll often only see one or two around but they can gather in quite large …
Wild it Thanksgiving already? Not rated yet
A flock of Turkeys makes a daily trek through my parents' neighbourhood.
I have seen these birds on many occasions, and while visiting this past weekend, …
Mar 21, 25 09:00 AM
Mar 20, 25 08:00 AM