In Southern Ontario there are several types of Owls, including the Snowy Owl, Great Horned Owl, Short Eared Owl and Screech Owl.
These birds vary greatly in size, ranging from very small Saw Whet Owl, to the large Great Horned and Great Grey Owl.
They are mainly nocturnal, however the Short Eared Owl is often seen during the day, and all species typically have the large eyes and facial disc of their kind, sensitive hearing and in general, are rodent eaters.
These birds all have short tails and large heads, and hunt for food on the wing. Females are usually larger than the males, whereas in other birds, the opposite is often the norm.
For information on the various species of Owl click the links below.
Barn Owl
Barred Owl
Boreal Owl
Northern Hawk Owl
Northern Saw Whet Owl
Barn Owl in flight
Unlike other birds, it isn't possible to attract Owls to your garden, but even though we can't observe them at night, rest assured that the Owls of Southern Ontario are doing their job and controlling the rodent population in our area.
If you've had an Owl sighting in Southern Ontario, we'd love to hear from you ..... send us your pictures too!
Click below to see contributions from other visitors to this page...
Strange Owl Encounters
Yesterday, several owls showed up perched on our birch tree.
They are still there today. Very cool.
I just don't know what kind they are.
Thoughts? …
Unknown Owl in Hamilton
I was jogging with my dog about 6:45am in Hamilton, Ontario, when we encountered this owl-looking species.
At first I thought it was a cat, that's …
Owl in the Barn
We entered our barn to milk the cows for the evening and found this owl sitting on top of the door.
He let us approach him and take close up photos. …
Owl in Newcastle
I went out my back door to grill chicken breasts on the BBQ around 5:30.
I put one on the grill and was seasoning the other when all of a sudden something …
Owl in the dryer vent
On our street there is an Owl that has been living in my neighbour's dryer vent since late last summer, or early fall.
I got a picture in …
Mystery Owl?
This guy is in a nest close to the town of Petrolia Ontario.
I'm wondering what breed he is???
Thanks for sending us this picture Wayne, perhaps …
Unknown Owl Sighting
Hello, My wife and I decided on an impromptu walk last night, just before dusk.
On the return trip, walking down Victoria Avenue between Tecumseh …
Unknown Owl sighting in downtown Windsor
My wife and I decided on an impromptu walk last night, just before dusk. On the return trip, walking down Victoria Avenue between Tecumseh and Giles Streets, …
Backyard Visitor
This Owl lives in our area and frequents our backyard regularly.
I've only ever seen it hunting on cloudy winter days in December through February. …
Night time Intruder
Hello. We woke up last night to what we thought was our cat playing with a piece of paper on the floor or something.
When I finally came downstairs …
Taylor Creek Owl
Walking my dogs in Taylor Creek Park at dusk.
For some reason I looked up and there he was, a meter over my head!
Thanks for sending your pictures …
Early morning tree movement
I was outside throwing ball for my dog at 6 am.
Suddenly saw something move up in my evergreen tree above the street.
I tried to get photos to …
Friendly resident
I live in a rural part of Whitchurch Stouffville and this beauty is a regular on our quiet street.
Seen him/her maybe 5 or 6 times now and hear it …
Cold Weather Kills
Two mornings ago around dawn, I spotted a small puffed out bird perched on my chain link fence.
It was about the size of a dove, but not the shape. …
Our anniversary present
This little cutie flew into our window a couple of times before we brought him inside.
He was very photogenic and calm as we took a bunch of pics. …
Unknown Owl
I live in Grimsby, Ontario, and last night at 1:00 am, I heard a repetitive call coming from my yard.
It was a soft, deep hooting song. Hoooo, …
Owl moves into Seniors Residence
So, I'm building a Seniors residence in Oakville, Ontario just up from the lake and we happen to have a little friend show up one morning in …
Townsend Lake Golf Course
We noticed this little one on our bird feeder this morning.
How charming! Thank you for sending us this picture of the little Owl!
Do any of our …
The Rouge is a beautiful place
I live in Scarborough, and have been seeing quite a few different birds over the past few weeks.
Last Friday my wife, Jean and I, had a Coopers …
Porch Owl
Woke up this morning and while letting the cats out the front door, lo and behold sitting on the lamp fixture was this tiny owl.
We're not sure the …
Hanging around in Southern Ontario
I came across this Owl whilst walking in a forest area at the north western edge of London, in south western Ontario.
I followed it around for …
What is that Owl sound? Not rated yet
October 20, 2024. We were wakened before 5:30 am to hooting sounds.
While it was still dark we could not see anything but audiotaped the sounds from …
Various Owl Sightings Not rated yet
M Jackson from Markham wrote ... While walking through a small woodlot in my neighbourhood this morning, November 17, 2021, I was watching a squirrel adding …
Owl in my backyard in Oakville Not rated yet
Can you tell me what type of Owl that’s in our backyard?
Thanks for sending us this picture of your owl sighting.
Perhaps one of our readers will …
Owl in backyard Not rated yet
My house backs onto one of the many greenspace corridors in the Oshawa/Courtice town line areas.
Dogs were barking in backyard so I went out to stop …
Owl in my backyard in Scarborough Not rated yet
Hey, so I seen a owl chilling on my cherry tree branch.
I see it about once a year only during night though.
I'm just here wondering if anyone …
What species is this Owl? Not rated yet
I photographed this owl but have no idea what it is.
Wow, what a beautiful photograph!
If any of our readers can identify this Owl, please let us …
Road Kill Bird Not rated yet
Cycling southbound on Highway 6, when I noticed this little fellow belly down on the side of the road.
Must have hit a vehicle...
Maybe 7 inches …
Finally spotted him or her! I hear this Owl all the time! Not rated yet
I have this small wooded area across from my house.
There are at least a hundred varieties of birds.
Hawks, jays, woodpeckers, robins …
Forest Walking Not rated yet
I have been seeing this Owl almost every day, late in the day.
It is not easily spooked and I have spent a long time staring at this beautiful creature. …
18th Floor Balcony Clarkson Not rated yet
Look Who-Hoo-Hoo came to visit!!
I was quite surprised to see this visitor perched on my condo railing!
What a rare and beautiful gift for me to …
Small Owl Not rated yet
The third night outside the Salvation Army Bayside mission I know in Barrie, Ontario, 16 Bayfield Street.
New visitor Owl Not rated yet
Back on February 9th at approx 8:30 am I spotted this owl in one of my trees.
It appears to be a Grey Owl and hopefully I can get better pics …
Toronto Owl Not rated yet
Spotted on December 19, 2020 about noon. At a location that we are asked not to disclose to avoid to much traffic.
The owl was on a low branch …
Most amazing sound ever! Not rated yet
Tonight, December the 8th, I stepped outside for a few minutes of fresh air.
Now, from my balcony I have had the chance to see many birds and critters …
What kind of Owl? Not rated yet
My husband found this young guy in the field trying to fly and not sure his type of owl.
Unknown Owl Not rated yet
We found this little guy hit on the road right in front of our house.
We live right by a woods.
I'm having trouble identifying him, perhaps a juvenile? …
Cabbagetown bbq crasher Not rated yet
This little owl dropped by our Saturday evening BBQ in Cabbagetown.
It sat on a low branch initially then moved up into the tree but continued to …
Barn Owl Sighted Not rated yet
Last summer I was rolling up my garden hose and sprinkler when I felt sometime above me.
Six feet above me on the peak of my garage landed what appeared …
Owls in the neighborhood Not rated yet
These 4 owls have been visiting us since last Friday. The always come at dusk and are hard to get a good picture of.
Tonight the mom (less fluffy) …
Little Owls Not rated yet
We saw these three little owls in our yard. They came back the next day with a slightly larger owl, maybe the mom?
The pictures aren’t great as it …
Barred Owl in the Snow Not rated yet
My mom took pictures and video of a Barred Owl eating bread.
Why would it do that?
A sighting Not rated yet
Sat on our neighbour's fence. Whitby, Ontario.
I have lived here most of my life and have never saw an owl in this vicinity.
Thank …
Owl sighting, not sure what kind they are Not rated yet
I've rented a cottage just outside Goderich near Port Albert, had heard them a couple nights in a row but had no idea what I was hearing until we were …
My Christmas Day visitor Not rated yet
One afternoon I went out to cut some branches for my table and noticed something in my planter.
I took a better look and I saw this fellow.
So excited! Not rated yet
A couple years ago I put up what google told me was a good ‘owl spec’ birdhouse.
The first year some blackbirds moved in. I cleaned out the nest after …
Owl Sighting Not rated yet
I saw this little guy this morning, he was about the size of a squirrel, sitting on my deck rail.
I’m surprised how close he let me get.
I'm …
Owl in Sault Ste Marie Not rated yet
Last night around 8 pm I was heading out to the shed that's out at the very back of our yard. It just snowed, about 4 - 5 inches of fluffy stuff, and we …
Owl at the pond Not rated yet
Photo taken on November 9, in our Oakville, Ontario backyard.
The owl was perched on a rock at the pond.
Great picture, thank you for sending …
An Owl was the culprit Not rated yet
A couple of my smaller ducks disappeared during the night early in the summer so I decided to stake out my backyard.
It took me a week, and …
Small Grey Owl using bird bath Not rated yet
My wife spotted this little grey coloured Owl sitting in the grass just off our deck stairs into the back yard where there are lots of trees, gardens and …
Owls Everywhere Not rated yet
Matt wrote to report ... it was a lovely day in a St. Catharine's park, whilst out walking my 3 dogs, I came upon a crow cawing loudly up a tree. As we …
The Owls in the Maple tree Not rated yet
My husband sits most mornings with a cup of coffee and the dog by his side in our back yard.
The other morning he heard something unfamiliar in …
Owl Lake Muskoka Not rated yet
I'm not sure what kind of Owl this is, but I saw it last Spring and saw a Snowy owl yesterday.
What do you think readers? Does this look like any …
BBQ Supervisor Not rated yet
I was BBQing, about 5 pm, and it was still light outside.
I looked into the bush/tree beside me and about 3 feet from my head was this little guy. …
I See You Not rated yet
I was out one day in the spring geocaching down some country roads.
After having come out of the woods near Port Hope, Ontario, I just happened to …
Highland Creek Ravine Owl Not rated yet
Finally after years of not seeing any owls, I found this beauty while out hiking in the Highland Creek Ravine in Scarborough.
I had the …
Best Guess Screech Owl Not rated yet
My neighbour had 5 of these in her tree and then two of them decided to reside in our tree during the daylight hours.
There was a Robin screeching …
Owl in my backyard! Not rated yet
Here are baby Owls but I have no idea what kind.
Can someone help with that?
Hello Michael - thank you for the adorable picture of an Owl …
Southern Ontario Owls Not rated yet
One of our readers wrote to say ... I saw an Eastern Screech Owl land in a backyard spruce tree just before dusk. Shortly after, it was joined by another …
Paxton's Bush Not rated yet
In late April we went for a walk in Paxton's Bush. There was an owl way up in a tree that was broken off. A perfect place for a nest.
We couldn't …
A Multitude of Owls Not rated yet
Stev recently wrote to say ... I live in New Hamburg, Ontario, literally on the edge of town and while returning home on a very cold night in January around …
Barred Owls Not rated yet
We recently moved to the Tamworth, Ontario, area and have been lucky to watch and listen to a family of owls for over a week now.
We drove out to the …
Canoeing on the Thames Not rated yet
Hey, earlier today me and my fiancee rented a canoe at Wildwood Conservation Area .
We were canoeing down the river when we decided to paddle into …
Owls in our backyard Not rated yet
We have cedar trees in our backyard and two owls (I think Great Horned) are now taking up residence there.
I think they have been there all winter …
Backyard Owl Not rated yet
It was November 19, 7:00 and I looked out the window.
Something stuck out of the tree.
It was either a Great-Horned or a Eastern-Screech owl. …
Various Owls across Ontario Not rated yet
Gary Curl from Scarborough wrote to us recently to say .....In fall 2012 I was walking in the Highland Creek valley in Scarborough when I observed a grey …
Lucky Owl Not rated yet
I was driving along county road 8 between Bobcaygeon and Fenelon Falls.
It's about 6:30 at night and dark. I am alone and on my way home from a long …
Surprising Owl Spotting Not rated yet
I was walking the morning of Tuesday March 11, around 6:00 a.m. in Paris, Ontario. I saw movement in an evergreen shrub to my right as I walked down a …
Betty-Lou Mancuso Not rated yet
I live in Sault Ste Marie Ontario. Yesterday we spotted an owl in our backyard which backs onto a conservation area. We only noticed it because of a couple …
Intriguing Owl in Hawkestone Not rated yet
I was driving eastward on Old Bass Lake Side Road in Hawkestone, Ontario, in the early evening.
To the right of me, perched on a fence, was a plump …
The Ontario Nocturnal Owl Survey
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