Coyotes near Dorchester

by Dolly
(London, Ontario, Canada)

Dolly, one of our readers sent us this report of her sighting of Coyotes - Just this week, I saw a Coyote near highway 74 and Donnybrook Drive (between London and Dorchestor area).

I live on highway 74, and heard them howl last year, in a very small area of bush, behind my house.

This is not the first time l have seen them, they have been around the bush behind my house, and in the bush at highway 74 and Donnybrook Drive, before.

Thanks, Dolly, for your report of Coyotes in this area of Southern Ontario

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Waubuno Coyotes
by: Neil

I saw two Coyotes this morning walking east on the frozen Thames River.

This was in the community of about 1 kilometre east of Veteran's Memorial Parkway, London.

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