Second sighting in less than a week February 2010
by Kim
(Aurora, Ontario, Canada)
One of our readers from Aurora, Ontario, sents us this report - I have recently moved and I now back on to St. Andrew's College in Aurora, ON.
Last week at 7:30am my son spotted a
Coyote right behind my house on St. Andrew's College property. Last night at 1:30am I heard them yipping and howling and so I sat and watched to see if I could spot them. About 2 minutes later, 2 Coyotes went by my chain link fence. One was bigger than the other (maybe male and female).
Another night last week, my dog started whining to get out in the middle of the night which he never does, and ran straight to the fence and started barking like crazy.
I guess they must live close by. They were awesome to see!
Thank you Kim, it seems that you do live close to Coyotes! Keep us updated - I'd love to hear if you see them again.