Ravine Coyotes

by Maureen
(Toronto, Ontario, Canada )



One of our readers from Toronto sent us this report of her recent Coyote sighting - I live in the Toronto Beach area and while I was walking my dog this morning, at around 11am, a Coyote walked behind us and crossed the street.

It was pretty scary as he was fairly close, and it was broad daylight - I was quite nervous!

Thank you for telling us about your Coyote sighting - they are very bold animals, and have adapted well to urban life

Here are links to other readers who have seen Coyotes in areas where they live.

Coyote in Oakville, Ontario from Rudy

Coyote in Caledon submitted by Carole from Caledon, Ontario

Coyote in London from Karen in London, Ontario.

Coyote spotted from Mike from Brampton, Ontario.

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