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Possum sighting in Hemmingford, Quebec 
I am delivering mail this week in Hemmingford (Quebec) and on my route I noticed yesterday, February 8, 2017, a dead animal across the street …

Winter Possums of Ontario 
Several of our readers have written to us to tell us about their Possum encounters - here are a selection of them! Frank from Oshawa wrote to say ..... …

The Possums of Autumn 
Monica from Welland reports ..... I have been feeding a feral cat for about a year, having seen him emaciated during the winter months. He is …

Possums around the area 
Ted from Wasaga Beach wrote today to tell us ..... I saw a Possum last night, picking up sunflower seeds from the grass around my bird feeders …

Possums in Abundance! 
One of our readers wrote to tell us ..... My daughter saw a Possum cross the road, near the swamp, just outside of Renfrew, Ontario. :) David …

Dirty garbage possum! 
I live in Kitchener, Ontario. I went out around 2 am to put the garbage out and almost had a heart attack!! I lifted the lid on the can to …

Possums downtown Toronto 
I have a Possum, possibly two of them, hanging out around my house in the Spadina & Harbord neighbourhood. It's possible it's living under …

Whitby Ontario Possums 
Ron from Whitby wrote and sent us a picture ..... Family of Possums living under my neighbour's porch. He feeds them green veggies daily. So …

Have one on our front porch!  
We first spotted Bob (we don't know if a male or female) on New Year's Eve rummaging in the garbage bin. First time ever seeing him around. …

A big Possum In London, Ontario 
Saturday Night April 26, 2014, around 11 pm. A fat grey Possum was traveling on the sidewalk in front of our building entrance and directed …

There's one in our North York backyard 
The time is 7:30 pm, Thursday, March 20, 2014. The light is beginning to fade fast. As I'm looking out into the backyard from the kitchen …

GTA Possum Sightings 
S Douglas from Brampton told us about his late night visitor ..... We had a Possum visit our deck tonight. Cute little fella too. He came right …

Midnight patio visitor! 
We live in London, Ontario and late last night we went outside to sit at our patio table and this large, hairy, grey furred creature with a long …

Possum in Toronto May 1, 2014 Not rated yet
Took some pics of a little dude wandering around in our neighbourhood last May. He trundled past our house and then in between some nearby neighbours' …

Possum on my fence! Not rated yet
I saw a Possum perched on my fence this morning in Georgetown, Ontario! Thanks for sending this Lisa - what a great picture!

Thornhill Possums Not rated yet
We back onto a Conservation Area near Bayview/Steeles. Our Possum, Pogo (thanks, Walt), has been a regular visitor for a couple of months. …

Possum in our front door eating out of the garbage Not rated yet
I was coming back to work at 12:00 in the morning when I saw the Possum right in front of my door, eating the garbage bag that my family left …

Well there is at least one Possum in Simcoe Not rated yet
During the Thanksgiving weekend I put some left over Turkey and an aluminium pie plate on the patio for a stray cat that wandered around the yard …

Toronto (Weston) Not rated yet
One of my dogs started barking in our bedroom this morning at about 6:30 am and the other dog jumped off our bed and ran to the corner of the …

The Possums of November Not rated yet
Miro and Joanna from Whitby reported that they saw a Possum on their property, they said ..... Our dog chased it out from the backyard's ground …

He's back for food! Not rated yet
We first spotted a Possum on our back porch about five years ago, and I thought to myself, "these critters aren't native to Southern Ontario!?" …

Oshawa Possum Not rated yet
I went in my back yard to clean the barbecue after cooking chicken wings, and there it was ..... just sitting there staring at me. I had …

September Possums Not rated yet
Grace, John, and Konrad Samsel from the Black Creek area, wrote to say ..... We saw a cute looking opossum twice on my patio eating chicken bones …

An Assortment of Possums Not rated yet
Mark, in London, Ontario sent us some great pictures from a webcam he set up in his garden, and he says ..... We noticed digging in the corner of our garden …

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The Fence Possum! Not rated yet
So, around June 15th (last month) I first encountered this fairly big, but very cute Possum on the fence in my backyard. Now, July 8th, around …

Possum in Hamilton Not rated yet
I looked out my back window and just spotted a possum in our backyard. Can't remember the last time I saw one - especially in day light! Well, …

Pickering - Mackay residence Not rated yet
Just sitting on the back lawn this morning. Our house is on the marsh of the West shore of Frenchman's Bay, east of Toronto. I guess I had …

An Abundance of Possums! Not rated yet
A reader from Frankford, Ontario, sent us this picture and report of his Possum sighting ..... Little fellow was quite friendly, walked right …

Sighting Not rated yet
6:00 pm in full sunlight we saw a Possum on our back yard patio. Took out the camera and opened the door to snap pics and video. It did …

Kitchener Possum Not rated yet
For the past few days, there has been a cute Possum in our front yard eating berries that have fallen off of our tree. It is quite cold out …

2nd possum sighting London, On Not rated yet
Our first sighting was a few years ago which our oldest cat took a fancy to and some how managed to have this Possum follow him home....every …

A Possum in Windsor, Ontario Not rated yet
I live near the Roseland Golf Course, on the city's outer edge, and was brushing my teeth about 8:30 am on a dark, overcast morning in late March …

On the front lawn! Not rated yet
A Possum just spent 20 minutes on our front lawn feasting on birdseed that had fallen on the ground. We live at the north end of Newmarket, …

Porch Possum Not rated yet
This little guy hung around our Appin, Ontario, property most of the day today, March 14, 2014, scavenging for food under our bird feeders. …

Richmond Hill Not rated yet
For the past two nights our three dogs have been diligently sniffing around our BBQ, we assumed mice had nested in or under it. Due to the …

Mississauga Possum Not rated yet
We let our dogs out back and they went straight to the side of our home. Our dog Lucy kept scratching between the house and the shed. …

Possums here, Possums there! Not rated yet
Wally from Kitchener, Ontario, wrote to tell us about the Possum in his backyard ..... Second Opossum sighting in our back yard, feeding on …

Possum in our backyard Not rated yet
Wing Chu from Markham wrote to tell us ..... I have friends visiting me and at 5:00 pm today all three of them spotted a cat-like "ugly" creature …

Hamilton area Possums Not rated yet
I live on a horse farm and they are a pain because their urine is a deadly killer to horses, so we have to kill them. I have killed two …

Found at work Not rated yet
Unfortunately this is a sad story of abuse. I work in the Weston area of Toronto and spotted one walking along the railroad tracks. Someone …

So much for being Nocturnal! Not rated yet
Doreen from Pickering wrote to say ..... I've been seeing Possums around our neighbourhood in Pickering, Ontario, for the past few months but …

Possums across the province Not rated yet
Maria from Scarborough wrote to tell us ..... In the mid evening this January (2014) our indoor cat was frantically meowing at the back patio …

Hairy spots a Possum Not rated yet
Suntanning on top of the fence. My dog Hairy alerted me of the intruder. Thanks for the great pictures, and thank Hairy for us!

Canadian Possums Not rated yet
Several of our readers have reported seeing Possums ... We spotted a Possum in our back yard in Whitby, Ontario February 4th 2014. Our small …

Pickering Possum Not rated yet
There's a Possum living among six thick spruce trees behind my apartment building. I first saw him/her last fall, at night-time. I thought …

In Goderich Ontario Not rated yet
Our neighbour found the Possum on her back deck. I don't know what it was doing out in the snow! Poor little Possum, it must be feeling the cold …

Rexdale Possum Not rated yet
I saw a dead animal in my back yard one evening and when I went to look I was amazed to find that it was a Possum. Guess what. I was not …

Percy Possum - Rural Brussels. Not rated yet
My husband found the Possum in our garage yesterday after working on his truck. It must have been attracted by the garbage that he had moved …

Cameron Possum Not rated yet
I saw this little guy in mid daylight, on Monday January 13 2014, in Cameron, Ontario. He was trying to sneak food out of the barn cat's dish on our …

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Mississauga (Clarkson), Ontario Not rated yet
This morning, January 13, 2014, my dog, Casper, was looking out the balcony doors and started barking. I thought at first he was just barking …

Toronto Possums Not rated yet
Diff Mazurek wrote to tell us ..... At 12:20 am this mild morning and 35 degrees F. My wife looks out the back French door and sees a Possum …

One found me in Alliston, Ontario  Not rated yet
I was looking out my garden doors at the snow and looked down to find a Possum staring back at me. I quickly grabbed my iPad and tried to …

Possums, Possums, everywhere! Not rated yet
Charlie from Caledon, Ontario wrote in January to tell us ..... I found him rustling in my recycling blue bag in my garage a week ago - threw …

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