Toronto Possums
by Diff Mazurek, Lauralee, Shareen
(Toronto, Ontario, Canada)

Diff Mazurek wrote to tell us ..... At 12:20 am this mild morning and 35 degrees F. My wife looks out the back French door and sees a Possum coming toward the door. We have been feeding some feral cats who show up periodically in this bitter cold and since we have three we can only hope that a full belly will help them survive. It walked around in the snow quite slowly but when I went out to take pictures of it a few minutes later it was gone. It could be under our shed but I have never seen one anywhere that I can remember. He was walking slowly because his feet were sinking into the now soft snow. Really something to see.
Shareen from Younge & Eglinton says ..... I live in midtown Toronto and while walking my dog we came across a GIANT possum! It came out of a little park and crossed the street. My dog went bananas and we followed it for a while, keeping our distance. It shuffled away and hid in someone's yard. I hope to see it again! :)
Lauralee from the East end of Toronto wrote to say ..... I found one in a bag in my garage just last week while doing some spring cleaning (Apr 2014). Wasn't sure if he was hibernating or dead, but have just read on Opossum pages that they do not hibernate. :(
A Toronto reader said ..... I live in Toronto by the lake. About twice a month, since January, a possum comes into my back yard and scrounges for food. I feed the outdoor cats so there is always something to eat. It is very large but skinny. I don't know if it is male or female.
Thank you all for writing to tell us about the Possums you have seen in Toronto!