Whitby Ontario Possums
by Ron, Linda, Barbara
(Whitby, Ontario, Canada)
Possums in Whitby

Ron from Whitby wrote and sent us a picture ..... Family of Possums living under my neighbour's porch. He feeds them green veggies daily. So far have seen a baby & mom only. Got a pic today of mom!
Linda also wrote to say ..... I spotted a Possum yesterday, March 7, 2014 for the first time, wandering into our backyard in south Whitby, Consumers/Garden area. Had never seen one in nature. It stuck close to the fence, completely missing the bird feeder & seed on the snow. It finally climbed a bush at the far corner & walked north on the wooden fence.
A reader from Whitby wrote to tell us about her Possum sighting ..... One on the Deck, around 7:00 pm let the dogs out and was a Possum cornered by the dogs (2 little dogs who thought it was a Cat)....this was in Whitby, Ontario tonight March 17/14
Barbara from Whitby wrote to say ..... We have spotted a Possum twice now in our backyard in Whitby, Ontario. He hangs around our pond, which we keep open so the birds and other critters can have a drink. He seems interested in the bird seed and the carrots we put out for rabbits. However, when he approaches, the birds scatter.