The Fence Possum!
by Melissa
(Whitby, Ontario, Canada)

So, around June 15th (last month) I first encountered this fairly big, but very cute Possum on the fence in my backyard.
Now, July 8th, around 9:45 pm I came in contact with the same big Possum.
I went out on my deck to find him curled up on the ground in front of the fence, so I ran in the house to tell my mother in-law to come look at him, as they are not seen around here often.
When we went out to look at him he was gone!
I ran in the house and grabbed a flashlight, and we ended up finding him up on the fence, hiding within the branches of the pine tree.
I was actually nervous both times I spotted him, because to my knowledge Possums were ferocious and vicious, until my mother-in-law found this site, and to my surprise found out that they are actually gentle omnivores.
So we found the "tell us your story" and decided to leave ours, hope you enjoyed!
Thank you for writing to tell us about your Possum encounter!
Yes, the do have big teeth, but they'd rather roll over and play dead when cornered, than fight.