Possums, Possums, everywhere!
by Charlie, Darlene, Vince, Christian, Darcy
(Caledon, Uxbridge, Markham, Brampton, Oshawa, Newmarket)

Charlie from Caledon, Ontario wrote in January to tell us ..... I found him rustling in my recycling blue bag in my garage a week ago - threw him out but he got back inside. My daughter thought we had a rat in the garage and it initially scared her - and the possum to boot! He seems to be residing presently in my lawn tractor. I guess we'll have to wait until it gets a bit warmer to try and get him out.
Darlene from Uxbridge, Ontario, wrote to say ..... A friend reported one was in her bird feeder and this was in the morning, she was worried because she thought they were night creatures, I just came on here to confirm that it was indeed a Possum she did see.
Vince in Markham, Ontario, said ..... Saw one next door to my house, looked pretty big, probably pregnant.
Christian Berndt from Brampton wrote to say ..... Just buried a dead possum that was under our back stairs. Definitely was a Possum which had us all puzzled as we didn't think they lived up here. This site put the arguments.
A reader from Oshawa, Ontario, wrote to tell us ..... I have seen two dead ones on the roads and one very much alive in my back yard .
Darcy from Newmarket says ..... I was out for my nightly walk. Usually I encounter mostly Skunks and Raccoons with the odd Coyote making an appearance. On Easter Sunday evening, I was walking my usual route through an industrial part of the town and saw a movement on the side of the road. It was a strange looking critter, one I had only seen previously on television and in books. It was a full grown Possum munching on something, and seemed quite unperturbed by my presence. I walked on and about 50 yards down the road was one of my usual sightings, a skunk, of whom I was much more cautious with. They have a tendency of walking oblivious to anything else and I would hate to have it startled too close to me for understandable reasons. I think I prefer the possum as a nighttime visitor.