Possums here, Possums there!
by Wally, Barbara, Marj, Amalia, Carol, Joy, Eleanor, Ed Boynton
(Kitchener, North Brampton, Kitchener, Toronto, Sarnia, Hamilton, St Catharines, Moonstone)

Wally from Kitchener, Ontario, wrote to tell us about the Possum in his backyard ..... Second Opossum sighting in our back yard, feeding on apple peels left over after making apple sauce (WE made the apples sauce, not the possum LOL). I suspect that it lives under a shed in the back yard. It has appeared in the middle-to-late afternoon, which is perhaps unusual for a nocturnal animal.
Barbara from North Brampton wrote to us recently to say ..... For the last week, we have had a Possum in our backyard. We back onto 50 acres of conservation land and are surprised that it would come into the backyard when we have two large dogs. Luckily the dogs have not been out playing when the possums makes his daily visit. He/she just spends some time exploring around the yard and then moves onto the neighbours backyard who also have a dog!
Marj from Kitchener wrote to tell us ..... My husband went to the garage yesterday afternoon to throw some cans into our blue bin. He was shocked to find a large Possum already in the bin. We usually leave the garage door closed, but somehow it was left open in the afternoon. We left the door open for a few hours and eventually the possum departed. We had never seen one so close up - literally only two feet from us. He did not "play dead" when he saw us! Hope he survives........
Amalia from Toronto wrote to say ..... My sister was surprised to see a Possum staring into her kitchen patio door last night. When he noticed people staring at him he backed away. She just moved into a home in Hollands Landing.
Carol from Sarnia, Ontario, says ..... Our Cairn Terrier barked non stop in our yard in a corner behind our shed but the young one just looked at me from our hanging ladder rung. I am worried about him being attacked. Are they aggressive.
Joy from Hamilton wrote to report ..... Omg I just saw my first Possum in real life. I was in my garage and it poked its snout in. In shock I screamed and slammed my door shut. I stayed in there for ten mins and slowly creeped out and it was nowhere in sight, thank god. Scared the jeebus outta me.
On Tuesday Eleanor wrote to say ..... I have a Possum on my Patio in St Catharines, Ontario, and it is sleeping on some old leaves and arrived around 11:00 am this morning. It shows no sign of leaving and peers at me through patio window.
Ed Boynton of Moonstone, Ontario, says ..... My cat was growling at the window beside the door one day and when my step-son came home he told us there was a Possum under the BBQ. We got him into a cat carrier and I relocated him the next concession over - hopefully never to return.