The Rouge is a beautiful place
by Bob Hilscher

I live in Scarborough, and have been seeing quite a few different birds over the past few weeks.
Last Friday my wife, Jean and I, had a Coopers Hawk spend some time in our backyard.
The Hawk soon made quick business of an unlucky bird that was at one of our bird feeders. We have posted the pics and video at if your interested at:
Coopers HawkA couple of other remarkable birds we have seen in the past are: A Northern Saw Whet Owl, in Toronto's Milliken Park:
Northern Saw Whet Owl A Barred Owl, in Rouge National Park:
Barred OwlA Red Tailed Hawk, on the north shore of Milne Dam Conservation Park, Markham:
Red Tailed HawkI must note that on the day we saw the Red Tailed Hawk in Milne Dam Conservation Park, we also witnessed, and videotaped a man releasing domestic ducks into that wildlife reserve. We reported that release to the City of Markham, and as you might have read in the Toronto Star, actions are being taken to capture, and move those domestic ducks elsewhere.
Bob, thank you for sending this to us - your pictures are amazing! I know our readers are going to love checking out your website and all your beautiful wildlife photographs!