One of the easiest to identify large birds in this area, is the Turkey Vulture, which is fairly common throughout North America.
When they are sighted, gliding high on the thermals, they appear to hardly flap their wings at all, as they maximize the currents of warmer air to stay aloft and gain altitude.
The feathers of these birds are brownish-black, and in this picture you can see the distinctive dark and light pattern on the underside of the wings, this is unlike any other large bird in the area, and makes them easy to identify.
These birds have a 6 ft wing-span, so they are really large and difficult to miss when they are nearby, although they could be mistaken for an Eagle or other Raptor at a distance.
It is not easy to distinguish between the sexes, however, typically the female is slightly larger than the male.
These birds prefer to breed in out-of-the-way places, usually in heavily wooded areas, building their rough nest in a cavity in a tree, on a rocky ledge or cave.
The white mottled eggs take around 4 - 5 weeks to incubate, with the nestlings taking a further 10 or 11 weeks to become fully fledged and ready to leave the nest.
In this picture, the red head is clearly visible and you can see that it is devoid of feathers, which is an evolutionary adaptation which makes it less likely to be soiled by the meat that the vulture is eating - making the whole process more sanitary.
In this part of Southern Ontario where we live, in Elgin County, we sometimes see these birds flying singly, but more often we observe them in groups of 6 - 16 individuals, as they circle around overhead.
Often, when I observe them, they seem to "wobble" to adjust themselves, and then they continue to glide, as they scan the ground for signs that would indicate that there is a meal to be had nearby.
I took this picture in the summer of 2016 when I saw around 20 Turkey Vultures resting in a tree in Port Stanley.
The picture is not very clear, but it shows several Turkey Vultures sunning themselves on a dead tree near the centre of the village highway 4, south of St Thomas.
They prefer the meat of herbivorous animals (plant eaters) such as rabbits, squirrels and hares, rather than the flesh of carnivores (meat eaters) such as dogs and foxes.
Turkey Vultures ONLY eat meat that is already dead and do not hunt or kill their own food, so they pose little danger to pets or small children.
They must be very successful in their particular niche, on their own special rung of the food chain ladder, as there are lots of them around!
The best place in this area of Southern Ontario that I know of, is just south of London - at the corner of Scotland Drive and White Oak Road - there are sometimes up to 40 or so of these birds sitting in the trees on the north side of the road.
My family always describes the Turkey Vultures as the "Clean-up Crew" as they take care of a wide variety of dead animals and use both their sight and sense of smell to guide them to their food.
Their diet is varied, ranging from the remains of an animal killed by predators, animals that die of natural causes, to animals killed by cars on area roads and includes squirrels, raccoons , rabbits and possums.
Condors & Vultures (World Life Library.)
Until 1994, these Vultures were classified with birds of prey, such as Hawks and Eagles, however, due to recent DNA analysis and other studies on anatomy, physiology, and behavior, these Vultures have been reclassified and placed in the Stork family.
This picture of circling Turkey Vultures was taken in spring 2007 near Eagle, Ontario, and shows six individuals of what was a group of around 12 birds.
Interestingly, a group of Vultures on the ground is known as a "Venue" and Vultures circling in the air are a "Kettle".
Hawk Cliff, near Port Stanley, Ontario
This is one of the top places in Ontario to observe raptor migrations. In October 2005 over 3,000 Turkey Vultures were spotted in one day! The following day 62 Bald Eagles were sighted there also.
The Turkey Vulture Society Website
A great source of information for anyone interested in finding out more about these intelligent and fascinating birds, there are lots of questions and answers for the curious!
Information on identifying birds in Ontario and the rest of North America, including the Turkey Vulture and many more
EEK! Environmental Education for Kids
This is an information site for children which gives clear, easy to understand info about fish, birds, reptiles and insects in North America
We would love to hear about your sighting of Turkey Vultures in Southern Ontario
Remember to make your submission a minimum of 100 - 200 words and tell us when and where you saw the bird, the time of day, and what you observed them doing.
Click below to see contributions from other visitors to this page...
Vulture Watching
Today I saw these pairs of vultures on Leamington Beach.
Very fascinated to see their enormous wings.
Beautiful scenery.. .. 🐤
Toronto Area Turkey Vultures
Ian Harvey from south Scarborough wrote about his Toronto sighting ... there's a nesting pair of Turkey Vultures who hang around the corner of a 55 acre …
Turkey Vultures Sightings
Carolyn from Ivy Lea, Ontario, wrote ... we have a pair of vultures that have made our small island near Ivy Lea (between Kingston and Brockville) their …
Turkey Vulture Tree
Spotted this morning on my way to work (8:30 am) in Guelph on 25 side road just west of Guelph line.
The birds were just sitting in the tree.
There …
Hundreds of Vultures sighted
Kim from Toronto wrote ... I witnessed an amazing bird with a huge wingspan fly over head. It landed on an apartment building with two other companions. …
Three Turkey Vulture Sightings
A reader from Toronto wrote to say ... Turkey Vulture spotted June 11, 6:00pm. On its own. Seemed to be targeting something out of my sight, but was …
What Type Of Bird?
It was a large bird with a big wing span, looks like a Turkey / Vulture.
I'm 99% sure that what you've got there, is a Turkey Vulture.
Sighting of Turkey Vulture
I live in Oakville, Ontario. This morning as I was on my way to the library, I saw what seemed to be a Turkey Vulture.
I have seen various Vultures …
Help with Turkey Vulture Problem
I have Turkey Vultures in my back yard.
They have been there for a few years and they are ruining it.
They are so dirty and their pee is everywhere. …
Nesting Turkey Vultures in Toronto
A pair of Turkey Vultures are nesting on one of the lower (layered) roofs of the office building on the SE corner of Sherbourne and Bloor, in Toronto. …
Turkey Vultures in Petro Park
Hawks have been a fairly common sight along Bronte Creek in Oakville for as long as I can remember, but until recently the only place I'd seen Turkey Vultures …
Turkey Vulture
My home backs on to the east side of the East Don Ravine, just north of Finch Avenue (Pineway Blvd).
Yesterday morning as I opened my bedroom blinds …
Vulture in Brampton
I awoke to the sun shining and sleep still in my eyes, decided to step outside (7:30am)and noticed a Robin singing for a mate, and one appeared right before …
Turkey Vultures in Aurora and Ottawa
A couple of weeks ago, K. Mikula wrote to tell us ..... Just spotted a Turkey Vulture 19/3/11 at 3:50 pm flying over the St. Andrews Golf Club in Aurora, …
Turkey Vulture sighting
Sitting in a doctor's office at Sherbourne and Bloor in Toronto Ontario which is downtown and saw this incredible sight of two Turkey Vultures soaring …
Over Our House
Two of our readers sent us reports of their Turkey Vulture sightings recently - the first one is from Margaret , who says ..... My husband and I watched …
Vultures and Hawks in Kitchener-Waterloo
On March 29th I went out around 5:15 to walk my dog and spotted a group of about 10 - 15 Vultures with red faces or heads flying low.
I live …
Turkey Vultures Nickel Beach, Port Colborne
My wife and I take regular walks on Nickel Beach, Port Colbourne, Ontario. This morning, we observed 6 large birds, 2 of them eating a dead fish, near …
We saw a Turkey Vulture
Travelling to Hagar, Ontario, Hwy 535, we spotted a scary looking large size bird, pink/red head and black body ..... it appeared to be eating roadkill. …
Turkey Vultures on the Niagara Escarpment
One of our readers sent us this report of his sighting of Turkey Vultures - Sunday May 16, today my girlfriend and I went for a hike at Woodend. We decided …
Several Turkey Vulture Sightings
For the past week I have seen several Turkey Vultures right in the city of St Catharines!
The first was a group of at least 30 near the St Paul Street …
Black Vulture
A question was posed the other day "What is this raptor" and it was suggested it might be a Turkey Vulture. The other possibility is a Black Vulture. …
What type of bird was visiting Brampton?
This large bird was on a rooftop in Brampton, Ontario.
I'm not sure if it was a Turkey Vulture.
It shows white head with a wingspan of about …
Turkey Vultures hanging out in Aylmer Not rated yet
I spotted this group of Turkey Vultures hanging out on the gazebo in my yard, today.
We often see Vultures circling overhead but I have never seen them …
Kincardine Turkey Vultures Not rated yet
We live on the shoreline of Lake Huron and “our” neighbourhood Turkey Vultures have returned to the stand of spruce trees every late March, early April. …
Turkey Vultures Not rated yet
In the Malvern neighbourhood in northeastern Scarborough, Turkey Vultures are almost as populous as human beings. It is not uncommon to see upwards of …
Turkey Vulture Dining on Deer Not rated yet
May 2nd, as I was travelling between Rodney and Wardsville, Ontario, this afternoon I spotted four Turkey Vultures on a barn roof then further down the …
Big birds in York Region Not rated yet
I have been watching these birds since the Spring of 2020 when Covid-19 hit. I have a clear vantage point from my back deck. At first I only saw a couple …
Turkey Vultures Not rated yet
Ian B wrote to report ... I have lately noticed a Turkey Vulture in my neighborhood soaring over a copse, since early this year. I originally thought it …
Migrating Vultures Not rated yet
Last October I saw group of several dozen Turkey Vultures circling above Corpus Christi Secondary School in Burlington, Ontario (Upper Middle Rd. between …
Swarms of Vultures Not rated yet
A huge mass of Turkey Vultures were flying over from Scarborough, flying across east Toronto to the west.
This was at about 4:45 pm on October 17, …
Lots of Vultures around Not rated yet
Janusz from Toronto said ... I observed two large Turkey Vultures last May around 4 - 5 pm, circling the area northwest of Kipling/Dundas in the west end …
Turkey Vultures in the City Not rated yet
Driving home from a trip to the store I saw these two Vultures along the side of the road.
March 20 at around 1:30 pm.
Hawk or Vultures Not rated yet
I admire these birds circling as I'm driving down #3 highway near Port Glasgow, but I wonder if they are Hawks or Vultures.
How can I tell from a distance? …
Turkey vulture? Not rated yet
I watched one swoop down and then drag a dead skunk to the other side of the road and pick away at it.
This was in the Kitchener area.
Turkey Vultures Sighted in Sutton Not rated yet
Three Turkey Vultures were sighted in Sutton, Ontario, Saturday, August 8, 2020 just after 5:00 pm.
There were 3 large birds flying between tree …
Turkey vultures in Barrie Not rated yet
I saw 4 turkey vultures around 9am circling, and then eating their catch ... a rabbit.
Thank you for sending these great pictures!
Two Turkey Vultures in Oakville Not rated yet
One of our readers wrote to tell us about her Turkey Vulture sighting ...
I was sitting, working from home at the dining room table and saw two …
Turkey Vulture Soaring Not rated yet
I have about six Turkey Vultures in the Oshawa city, by my home on Wilson Road and Bond St.
They tend to stay around the creek in that area.
Turkey Vulture sightings Not rated yet
Rick wrote to say ... I saw a turkey vulture today, on Norfolk County Rd. 23 around noon. I was surprised to see it so early in the season. The bird was …
My First Vulture Sighting! Not rated yet
I have never seen a Turkey Vulture before, but now I have two regular visitors.
They appeared before my eyes while sitting on my balcony. …
Turkey Vulture in Mississauga Not rated yet
I spotted this Turkey Vulture in Mississauga south in a school yard behind my house.
I have never seen one in our area before and I have lived here …
Vulture sighting Not rated yet
Picture looks just like the bird I saw eating a squashed squirrel on my front lawn at 7:00 p.m. tonight in Innisfil.
Tried to take a picture but my …
Up to 100 birds migrating along Don Valley Not rated yet
About 5 years ago I moved to a neighbourhood that edges onto the east side of the Don Valley, and I've noted that a couple times now I've seen a large …
Coming to Worship Not rated yet
Two Turkey vultures playing like a steeple.
Vulture in a old barn Not rated yet
Amherstburg, August 13 2018
For a couple of weeks I've seen something move in this old abandoned barn but couldn't figure out what it could be.
Spotted this morning in St Catharines Not rated yet
Went to my moms this morning and saw two huge Turkey Vultures just standing around hanging out in the field at Trapper Leo park in St. Catharines (Glendale …
Surprise! Not rated yet
I was sitting in my daughter's living room while my grandson was napping.
Suddenly through her patio windows (second storey) I saw a large winged bird …
Turkey Vultures from Windsor to Ottawa Not rated yet
Jeff from Waterloo told us ... behind the Costco in Waterloo I was walking and saw 3 large birds sitting on the electrical tower. I got close and could …
Sighting of Turkey Vultures in the Rouge Park Area Not rated yet
Pair of Turkey Vultures sighted on April 22, at 3:30 pm on the side of Beare Road between Steeles Ave E and Finch Ave E. Photo attached.
Turkeys Galore at the farm Not rated yet
I am located 1 hour north west of Toronto Canada in farming community.
I have observed the Vultures, five of them all summer.
They would rest on …
Turkey Vulture in Mississauga Not rated yet
I came upon a Turkey Vulture feeding on the carcass of a small animal in the football field of Jim Murray Park at the intersection of Tenth Line and Erin …
Assorted Vultures across Ontario Not rated yet
In the late spring this year we received several sightings of Turkey Vultures, and you can read them below.
April 9 2017, North Pelham, one …
Migrating Turkey Vultures Not rated yet
I observed 27 large Vultures moving slowly and silently in early September (I believe) last year.
I live on the top floor (24th) of an apartment building …
Turkey Vulture feeding on a rabbit Not rated yet
I had gone to pick up my daughter from her school and we both sighted this Turkey Vulture feeding on what looked like a rabbit carcass.
The sighting …
Suburban Turkey Vulture Not rated yet
Suburban Waterloo.
I'm not sure what's dead around here, but this Turkey Vulture sat on a streetlight and our roof.
Thanks for the pictures ... …
Sighting in Galt, Cambridge on June 10, 2017 Not rated yet
Hi, today, on June 10 2017, at around 11 am, I saw about 6 Turkey Vultures in the yard of my house which is right across from Galt Collegiate …
Six spotted May 30 at Sherbourne & Bloor Streets. Toronto Not rated yet
I've spotted Turkey Vultures perched on this building at Sherbourne and Bloor Streets in Toronto around 5 pm, for just one afternoon in late May …
Turkey Vulture Sighting Not rated yet
We've seen many flocks of Turkey Vultures (up to 20) gliding in the Masonville area in London Ontario on many occasions.
In the attached photo …
Turkey Vulture at Port Hope Not rated yet
I saw a Turkey Vulture by the Port Hope, Ontario, water tower today.
It was soaring and then perched on a tree branch.
The time was six …
Vulture Not rated yet
We are on the Rideau River approximately 25 km south of Ottawa.
Around noon today I saw a large black bird land in our front yard.
It was about …
Turkey Vultures Gather Not rated yet
October 3, 2016 5:00 pm
In LaSalle, Laurier Drive South west of Windsor, Ontario.
Gathering of 25-50 birds circling for about 1 - 2 hours.
My Turkey Vulture Not rated yet
I was not sure what the Monster on our lake side lawn was, I got a few photos and came it to look it up.
He was on the grass, snacking on …
Turkey Vulture living in St Thomas Not rated yet
I back onto a ravine and noticed a pair of vultures living in a dead tree about 16 years ago.
A couple of years past one of the pair must have died …
Turkey Vultures in Wasaga Beach Not rated yet
We recently received reports of sightings of Turkey Vultures at Wasaga Beach - thank you Corie and Steve for writing to us.
Corie said ... My husband …
Turkey Vultures in Etobicoke Not rated yet
Today is Tuesday July 5 2016, at about 9 am today my family and myself were very surprise to see two Vultures flying in front of my building.
I live …
A few Turkey Vultures on a roof Not rated yet
I only took photos of a couple of them, but there were a bunch hanging out on a roof just north of Langton area.
I was heading north and saw them, took …
Turkey Vultures in Toronto Not rated yet
A group of 8 - 10 Turkey Vultures were circling in Toronto by the St Lawrence Market area on May 18, 2016 between 3 and 3:30 pm.
They were circling …
Turkey Vultures across Ontario Not rated yet
Many of our readers have written to tell us about their Vulture sightings in Ontario - some of them are below.
In April Jim wrote to say ... I have …
Twenty Turkey Vultures Not rated yet
In Hawksbury, Ontario, on March 24th 2016 at 5:30 pm, a large kettle of Turkey Vultures were seen by Andrew Wrobel myself & my girlfriend Johanne Lalond …
Turkey Vulture Tree Not rated yet
Last weekend hubby and I were in Port Stanley and around dusk I noticed that there were hundreds of Turkey Vultures flying over the cliffs.
I and got …
Turkey Vulture at Hollinger Not rated yet
After our church service yesterday, we usually hang out for music and band practice, I always have my camera to take shots of our activities.
At around …
Turkey Vulture sighting Not rated yet
I was traveling south on Airport Road just past Mayfield Road in Brampton, Ontario, when I saw what I thought to be a Turkey perched on a fence.
I soon …
Newmarket Vulture Not rated yet
On our roof yesterday (mid town), interested in some road kill, while being pestered by a swooping black bird.
Backyard Visitors - Burlington Not rated yet
We had a pair of Turkey Vultures arrive May 4, 2015 around 6:30 pm resting in our cottonwood tree.
They stayed long enough for plenty of photos. …
Up Close and Personal with a Turkey Vulture Not rated yet
I was walking along a local riverbank this afternoon taking photos when the winds started to pick up and the rain came down.
I decided to cut through …
Turkey Vultures Preying on Pets Not rated yet
March 21, 2015. We live in Olde Stoney Creek, Ontario.
A group of at least a dozen of these vultures spend the day on the roof of the apartment building …
Spending some time with the Gang Not rated yet
I'm new to this site, but here's a pic we took just literally outside Ingersoll east town limits August 20, 2014.
Amazed there are so many turkey buzzards …
Various Turkey Vultures Not rated yet
Michelle from Brampton wrote to say ..... A Turkey Vulture flew right in front of my car (as I was driving) and landed under the maple tree beside the …
Turkey Vultures on Parade Not rated yet
Margau from Midland wrote to tell us ..... Outside our cottage on Georgian Bay in the township of Tiny, Ontario, at 4.45 pm a Turkey Vulture circled a …
A Kettle of Turkey Vultures in Pakenham, Ontario. Not rated yet
July 4th, 2014 - After a long country drive, and ending up in Pakenham, Ontario, my wife and I pulled into "Five Span Bridges Park" in Pakenham, in order …
Turkey Vulture sightings Not rated yet
July 2 2014 - a reader wrote to tell us ..... I had the roofers fixing my roof this morning, so I took out my camera with my 500 mm lens and just hung …
Turkey Vulture sighting Not rated yet
Observed a large black bird on June 29th 2014 in Grand Valley, Ontario, eating a small animal in our backyard at 12:30 pm.
It had a reddish head and …
Thought it was a large elongated rooster on the loose Not rated yet
I was driving along the Caisterville Road around 1 pm on June 25 2014, just 1/2 kilometre before reaching Caisterville, Ontario (a village in the Niagara/Lake …
Four flying around near horses in field Not rated yet
We looked outside to spot the horses all looking in the same direction.
We could see something large and dark in that direction. Upon checking it …
Six of them in our neighbours back yard Not rated yet
The vultures are at Highbury Ave N, which surprises me, I always thought they would be found in a more forested area, or along highways.
They tend …
It was not a pretty bird Not rated yet
Saturday November 16th 2013, Powerline Road (almost at Smokey Hollow), time of day 11:00 am.
Two very large birds were spotted circling, then one came …
Turkey Vultures in Thornhill Not rated yet
This morning around 8:30 am, I dropped my two boys off at school and as I was going towards Yonge Street and Clarke Ave, about a mile north of Steeles, …
Turkey Vulture Not rated yet
I live in St. Catharines, Ontario, and was in the Malcolmson Conservation Area (Park) on Thursday April 4th, 2013 at approx 10:00am. The sun was shining …
Turkey Vultures around Southern Ontario Not rated yet
I saw a group of 20-30 Turkey Vultures flying over Hamilton, Ontario, in March, what a beautiful sight!
A reader from Grey County wrote to tell us ..... …
Sunbathing Turkey Vultures Not rated yet
I visit Nelles Beach in Grimsby, Ontario, almost every day. On warm sunny mornings a flock of about 35 Vultures visits the local beach.
Thank …
Andrew Not rated yet
Over the last few weeks, I've seen two groups of 7 - 10 birds meandering westward while sitting in my 33rd floor office.
They fly at a high altitude …
Turkey Vultures Not rated yet
Tuesday October 16 2012 6:30 pm Huron Heights subdivision London Ontario.
I observed a large flock of Turkey Vulture at least 30 birds circling …
Vultures spotted at Lakeview Park Oshawa Not rated yet
Today, while basking in the beautiful weather we have been having here in Ontario this spring, I was surprised to spot an a group of 10 to 12 Vultures …
Turkey Vulture Not rated yet
I'm at Charleston Lake, Ontario (near Brockville)
Walking on our cottage road in August, I saw a large black bird with a red head, picking at some "road …
Turkey Vulture Not rated yet
I live in Victoria Harbour, Ontario, and to be honest although there's a lot of land, I'm usually not lucky enough to see any wild animals.
However, …
Turkey Vultures, we think Not rated yet
This morning while making my son's lunch, I looked out of the kitchen window and saw at least six large birds in our backyard. I called out to my son to …
First Turkey Vulture Not rated yet
The Red Tail Hawks are coming back for the season - some other birds of prey are on the move, but you know that most of the other animals are waking up …
Turkey Vulture Roost Not rated yet
One of our neighbours has a large fir tree in their back yard, and every Summer it's home to a dozen or more Turkey Vultures .
They roost in it overnight, …
Turkey Vltures at Port Stanley, Lake Erie Not rated yet
Saw a bunch of these guys on the beach in Port Stanley and got this shot - one of my favorites!!
Thanks for another lovely picture, Lisa!
Turkey Vulture at Belwood Lake Not rated yet
My son and I spotted what was undoubtedly a Turkey Vulture , several times on the dock at our cottage on Belwood Lake (near Fergus) during the second …
Turkey Vulture Not rated yet
Barbara from Innisfil, Ontario, sent us this report of her Turkey Vulture sighting, she says - We live in the Innisfil area.
While we were heading …
Turkey Vulture, June 7th and 9th, 2010 Not rated yet
Debra, one of our readers from north of Scarborough, sent us this report - Lake Scugog, West shore of Washburn Island, there seems to be just one of them …
Turkey Vulture June 2010 Not rated yet
Anna, one of our readers from Bala, Ontario, sent us this report from her Kayaking trip - June 3 and June 4, 2010. Byng Inlet, Ontario. Two instances. …
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