Thought it was a large elongated rooster on the loose

by Karen
(Niagara / Lake Erie)

I was driving along the Caisterville Road around 1 pm on June 25 2014, just 1/2 kilometre before reaching Caisterville, Ontario (a village in the Niagara/Lake Erie area).

Walking on the opposite side of the road was this bird that looked like a giant elongated rooster.

There are a lot of farms with free range chickens in the area, so I just thought it had wandered astray.

Curious, I turned the car around and headed back towards the bird.

As I approached I noticed there were about five more Turkey Vultures grazing in the field next to the road.

Their feathers had a lot of rusty coloured ones mixed amongst the black. That's why I'd mistaken the one for a rooster to begin with.

I felt lucky to get so close to them, but they were too shy for a close up.

They were enormous and when they all flew up together it was an impressive sight!

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