Four flying around near horses in field
by Tammy
(Melancthon, Ontario)
We looked outside to spot the horses all looking in the same direction.
We could see something large and dark in that direction. Upon checking it father, we discovered it was a very large bird sitting on top off one of the poles.
No need to race out to protect the herd. It turned out to be four there. One with red on head and three not so much. T
hey gilded around for about 5 minutes while we filmed them and then they left. This was about 5-6 pm.
They flew with such ease in large circles going higher then coming down almost landing then going back up.
It was amazing to see them so close - they are so big. I have seen them in the field before, did not look so big.
I enjoy this part of living in the county, you see such great things.
gly to look at close but beautiful to watch fly.