Autumn Urban Coyotes in Mississauga
by Various citizens of Mississauga
Urban Coyote

We receive several reports of Coyote sightings each day - here are some from Mississauga from 2016
Dixie and Q E W August 28th ... there have been multiple Coyote sightings the last few days. Single one seen early this morning. Pack of three were spotted sitting in the middle of the road on Thursday night, eyeing some teenagers nearby. They are sighted day and night in this neighbourhood. They have no fear of humans.
Winston Churchill and Eglinton Avenue west, August 29th ... a single Coyote seen in the short grass near a grocery store and across from a school at 7:15 pm yesterday, August 28th 2016.
Burnhamthorpe Road and Robert Speck, today August 31, 2016 ... Coyote sighting around 2:30 am at Burnhamthorpe and Robert Speck. He/she was about to cross over on Burnhamthorpe Road and quickly turned back and headed into the marsh when they spotted me.
Coyote sighted ... Castlegreen Meadows Park (Greensboro / Castlebridge) Saturday, Sept 3, 2016, 10 am. One medium sized (60 lbs) Coyote sat in open area at the top of the hill (near playground) approx 75 ft away & watched my wife & I as we walked our 20 lb dog on the sidewalk (Greensboro). It started to come towards us for 30 ft until we made loud noise which made it stop, and turn away. It seemed very comfortable with us humans and very interested in our dog! Dawn or dusk seems natural to avoid contact with these coyotes, but it's been spotted several times in this area at 6-7 pm, and today at 10 am. Seems like the Coyotes are comfortable being around a busy area like this park at regular / high activity times of the day, as well as at night. Parents of small children, and owners of small pets beware and take precautions.
Coyote Spotted on Sheridan Creek Trail just off of Benedet Drive, September 3 2016, tonight at around 7:45 pm while I was walking in Sheridan Creek Trail heading north up the trail, I spotted a Coyote that was headed towards the catwalk off of Padstow Crescent. Turns out a woman also spotted that Coyote and she watched it run down the catwalk onto Padstow. I have heard from other people this week that there is a family of Coyotes in the area and that the pups are "teenagers". I run through the trails as well and on Monday saw a fairly fresh dead raccoon with the skull removed from its head. That carcass is still there by the Iona Catholic High School in the treed area on the north edge of the school.
September 5 2016 ... two daylight sightings on Angela Crescent on Labour Day weekend on Sunday and Monday
September 6 2016 ... Not seen, but neighbor's cat was cut in half. Winston Churchill Blvd and Bromsgrove area. I didn't see a Coyote but someone saw half of a cat visible eaten by a Coyote in my front yard. Owner brought the cat to veterinarian and he confirmed was consistent with coyote attack/feed. I was little concerned for little kids. May a coyote would attack a toddler?