Coyotes of Summer 2017
by Nancy, Kim K, Tracy, Margaret, Tanya, Joan S
(Lasalle, Welland, Courtland, Vernon, Oakville, Brampton, Bass Lake, Wasaga Beach)
Ontario Coyote

May 1 2017 Lasalle, Ontario, a reader from Lasalle said ... I spotted three Coyotes on the railway tracks on Reaume Road Sunday April 31 around 2 pm.
Nancy from Welland, reported ... on June 1 2017 I see a lone Coyote in the morning as I travel the country roads between my home in Welland and my workplace at Brock University in St. Catharines. The coyote traverses the fields but this morning he was crossing the road. The one(s) I have seen are blonde.
Kim K wrote to report ... I live in a small rural village, Courtland, Ontario. I have been seeing them in the field behind our apartment housing. We have been hearing their yaps and howls only until Saturday, JUNE 10, 2017. About 8:40 pm, my boyfriend and I heard them about 200 ft away. As we put spotlight out in the field, I caught one running across the field.
July 28 2017 – Tracy from Vernon, Ontario, reported ... I live south of Ottawa, I hear a Coyote pack every few nights in the fields behind my home, I'm sure they were as close as my lawn last night. A couple of weeks ago a neighbour two concessions from me, noted the pack has come into their yard and made several attempts to draw out their dog and goats. They have pups now so all I hear now when they call each other in the evenings is the melody of many many cute little pups, it's adorable. I even have a voice recording of it! Last week I was driving home around 11 pm and had three pups walk out on the road just as a passed. Very cute and too big to be fox pups. This was 10 minutes from my home, closer to the city, so I am unsure if it was the same pack. I definitely don't take walks after dusk around my place now that I've heard them again this summer!
August 16 2017 ...One of our readers reported a coyote in their backyard ... We woke up this morning to the unexpected sight of a Coyote eating a cat in our backyard. She didn't even leave as we watched her. She remained in our yard for at least 10 minutes before jumping the fence into the neighbour's yard. I distinctly heard what sounded like a kill taking place a couple of hours earlier.

August 28 2017 Margaret E from Oakville said, A pair of coyotes are seen on a daily basis in my neighbourhood. Often it is just one solitary coyote.
Tanya reported from the Brampton area ... We are backing onto a greenbelt, we are rather used to wild animals visiting our yard. We feed outdoor stray cats and one of them has decided to stay and make our house his primary residence. We have a house on our back deck where the cat sleeps as he will not come inside. We are used to having raccoons, skunks and possums visiting the food bowl and hoping for leftovers but we had a huge shock couple of days ago. At 6:30 am my daughter saw the cat beside our BBQ, shivering with cold and was confused as why he was not in his house. The blankets from the interior were a mess so she pulled at it to fix it and to her horror, a full size Coyote emerged from the cat box, a foot away from our back door! The animal ran away as the cat scurried up a tree. It was a terrifying moment for everyone, indeed. Our house backs onto the intersection of Williams Parkway and highway 410 and we have no fence between our neighbour and us. In addition, they have removed the gates from their fence so it's an easy entry into our yard. I now nightly board up the entrance until we have a chance to make a proper cat house with a small entry opening that could not accommodate a Coyote. If anyone has any suggestions and better ideas, I would love to hear them.
Sept 3 2017 Joan S reported ... There was a large light brown Coyote seen at dawn at a quarry very near Bass Lake, Ontario. Bass Lake is located between Lombardy and Rideau Ferry, Ontario. It was not aggressive and ran when our Bernese / Border Collie mix approached.
Sept 25 2017 This morning my husband saw what he described as a Wolf or an enormous Coyote. We live on Caribou Trail, just off of Silverbirch in Wasaga Beach. He's not one to exaggerate or worry, but he asked me to not let our kids go outside on their own. We had a cat go missing last November also.
I will also post this on our facebook page so that our facebook friends can also enjoy it.