Coyotes in Mississauga
by Fourteen of our readers
(Mississauga, Ontario, Canada)
Over the past two months we have received many reports of Coyote sightings in Mississauga, Ontario - you can read them below.

It is a daily occurrence to sight a Coyote in the complex just south of Thomas off Glen Erin. The Coyote appears to be hot and thin likely due to the hot weather. Unfortunately, the Coyote is roaming about the complex at all hours of the night and day and just walks down the middle of the street uninhibited by humans. Just watch out for small children and animals as the Coyote appears out of nowhere most days.
I do see coyotes from time to time here in downtown Mississauga but I just wanted to make a comment about people still not being aware of Coyotes. Sometimes I see people walking their dogs off leash and cats roaming in the early mornings in places where Coyotes are active. I tried to warn someone about them and they looked at me as if I was nuts. I just don't get it. I may have to post signs soon.
A Coyote attacked our dog this morning - just inside the woods at McLaughlin/Faith Drive. The dog broke free and the Coyote started to walk toward me but ran away when I threw a stick at it. This was July 11, 2016
Another reader reported seeing a Coyote ... I was out for a walk around 10:30 pm and just saw a coyote on Castlebridge near Glen Erin. It headed into Castlebridge Park. Seems like there's been a lot of sightings careful, especially with your pets.
One of our readers says that there should be warning signs ... I've seen them 7 times in O'Connor Park and once in Mississauga Meadowvale Rotary Park
One of our readers reported ... Walking up Termini Terrace about an hour ago and a Coyote was wandering up the sidewalk right in front of our house.
Coyote in Clarkson neighbourhood around 9 am
Two coyotes attacked my neighbor's dog (downtown Mississauga). We live one street east of Hurontario St south of Dundas. Our street backs onto a creek. I saw two of them 8:30 pm walking up the middle of our street. They do not fear humans. Also saw a sick one in July same area. Be careful with small dogs & cats.
Another Coyote sighting reported by one of our readers ... 8:45 am Coyote was seen going East to West on Meadow Wood Road near Green Glade. Animal Control were notified.
This is the third time now, that I've seen Coyotes in Applewood Hills park. The first, was sickly looking, seen mid morning. The other two sightings were in the evening, but clearly different animals. It seems they are traveling along the creek, but they have no issue with coming out around people to cross the bridge. I'm not sure if they would harm a fully grown adult, but if you're out walking with small children, or your dog, I'd be extra careful.
Went out for a bike ride with family late morning -11:30 am in Castlebridge Park. We saw a Coyote walking around fearlessly in the park. No fear of humans.
I was walking in Marie Curtis Park in early March with my dog when she noticed two Coyotes and started walking towards them. I then noticed two more Coyotes coming up from the lake and one more from the creek in total five of them. I picked up a large stick and started to yell so they left. I'm not worried about one or two, but FIVE is a pack on the hunt!
On July 29/2016 - Coyote sighting this morning at 7:10 am... came out of the woodlot backing onto Orr Rd ... into our yard, crossed Angela Crescent and went onto Wylan Court and then into a backyard probably heading into Sheridan Creek off Missenden. Animal Control was notified of the sighting.
I can across a Coyote on Monday 25th July. It came out of the Erin Mills Town Centre parking lot by Starbucks, crossed Glen Erin Drive right in front of me and across into Loblaw's parking lot. This was around 12.15 am, so be alert if you're out late in the area.