Southern Ontario Coyotes
by Irene, Chad, Rose
(Hamilton, Thamesford, Oshawa, Mississauga)
Irene from Hamilton wrote ... I saw lots of coyotes at Confederation park and Red Hill conservation belt. They are very common there and not very shy, unfortunately. Yesterday, I was strongly asked by one coyote to leave the enclosed brushy area at Confederation park where I used to walk my dogs. It was likely a female with young or a pregnant one, and she was guarding her territory. She was barking like a dog, and at first, I thought it was a dog at large. But it was a coyote, and she was not at least scared of my three dogs and me. She was standing her ground, so we left. The pair of very large coyotes, or may be wolves, are always present at dusk at Rosedale diamonds area. They have thick collars like wolves would have. It is funny but they like watching the Greenhill Road from the above grounds after dusk, and often pose as a classy black wolf shapes against the full moon. You may paint them, very stylish! I had to change my dog walking schedule because of coyotes, and it is going worse.
Chad from Thamesford said ... I saw one beautiful orange-hued coyote sprinting full speed across an open field, and then crossed the road about 10 feet in front of my car, it was quite impressive! This was at 8:00 am on Friday, January 11 on Country road 74, close to 119, just north of Thamesford, Ontario.
One of our readers from Oshawa said ... Last October I was leaving for work when I saw a police officer with his shotgun drawn. Pointing it at a large animal in the park on Farewell Street, near King, in Oshawa. The animal was just laying in the grass. The officer then killed the animal. I wasn't expecting that! It was quite traumatizing. The animal began to flop around, before succumbing to his injuries. I don't believe this was the right thing to do. I have it on video, as it was hard to make out what the animal was, and I was zooming in on my camera because it looked like a lion or something, it was huge! I later found out it was a coyote. The coyote wasn't doing anything. I think they should have tranquilized it, then relocate it. Not kill it. With a shotgun. In a residential area.

Rose from Mississauga wrote to say ... My house backs on the hydro corridor along Strathy Ave between South Service and Lakeshore. At 6:30 am Aug 30, I was with my two cattle dogs & Sheltie in the field outside of my house, 2 on the leash and one off. A large Coyote suddenly appeared and lured the Sheltie to the centre of the field. It was 20 feet away and circled us for 10 minutes blocking the way back to my house. I was screaming and all the dogs were barking snarling and lunging at the coyote. It wasn't scared, it came closer and closer planning an attack. I managed to get the Sheltie back on leash but the coyote continued to threaten. We were saved when my husband came tearing out of the house brandishing an object. If he hadn't come at that moment, my Sheltie would be dead. Beware of Coyotes, they can all be dangerous!
One of our readers from Mississauga said ... a pair of coyotes were observed walking together to cross Garnetwood Park from west to east around 8:20 pm . They travelled along a 30 metre scrub area between a soccer field, with a game in session, and an off leash dog park that is fenced off. Of course, the pair caused quite the stir as the soccer game stopped for about 1 minute to observe the crossing and a handful of the dogs in the dog park became quite anxious. One was gold coloured and the other was darker grey. Both animals were calm and just trotted quietly across the field. They ended up on the east side of the park, which joins the wooded area along the Etobicoke Creek and disappeared into the trees.
One of our readers from Cambridge wrote ... I live just outside Cambridge in North Dumfries on the Grand River. My house is 5 minutes out of the city and it backs onto acres of forest and fields. I hear coyotes almost every night and we've seen them a few times in our backyard. Scariest evening ever tonight: I work on a horse farm in the Glen Morris/Brant area (also on the Grand River) and was just packing things up for the night at about 7pm. I went out to bring in the last horse for the upper barn when I noticed the horses going wild in their paddocks. That's when I realized there were Coyotes howling like mad down at the smaller barn. I was terrified as they were so close and it seemed there were so many! Worst of all, I had to go to the smaller barn to bring in all those ponies. I could hear them in the bushes ... it was so not cool.