To read recent reports of Bald Eagle sightings
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Grand River Kitchener
December 30, 2010
I was out for a walk with my wife and kids, and spotted a large Bald Eagle flying from tree to tree down the Grand River.
There …
Shakespeare ON
Today, Sunday, December 5th, about 11:30 in the morning, we spotted a Bald Eagle on Highway 7/8, on the north side of the road, along the bordering line …
Eagles in Bayfield
This morning while driving along Bayfield Road (between Bayfield and Clinton) we spotted a single Bald Eagle flying in a south easterly direction. …
Bald Eagle at Pittock, Woodstock,ON
November 11 2010
We were at Pittock Conservation Area in Woodstock, Ontario, and while looking for fossil rocks on the beach, I happened to look toward …
Bald Eagle on Severn River
On Wednesday, September 22, 2010, while driving my motor boat mid-afternoon along Lost Channel on the Severn River, I spotted a Bald Eagle take flight …
Bald Eagle
While driving home this afternoon just west of Barrie, Ontario, I spotted a large bird in flight. Upon taking a closer look I saw the "white head" and …
Bald Eagle sighting in West Lincoln
We were driving along Regional Road 65 or Silver Road. We thought it was a very large Hawk until we got close and realized it was a Bald Eagle. I pulled …
Bald Eagle Sighting - Komoka Area
While out fishing this morning (Sept 11, 2010) we saw a Bald Eagle fly overhead. We were fishing the Thames River under the bridge by Komoka Road and …
Pair of Bald Eagles west of Forest Ontario
Rob sends us this report from the Wyoming, Ontario, area - I just saw a pair of Bald Eagle cruising the shore of Lake Huron about 5 miles west of Forest, …
Large Bird, Huge Nest
Today I witnessed a large bird of prey carrying what I thought at first was a snake, turns out it was a stick about 3.5 ft long, it actually dropped …
Bald Eagle in Lake Scugog, Port Perry
We live at the north end of Scugog Island in Port Perry, Ontario - great birding spot, just south west of the Crown lands.
My wife was home with our …
Bald Eagle at Crowe River south of Marmora
One of our readers from Marmora, Ontario, sent us this report - I am quite sure I saw a Bald Eagle on June 5th, 2010, on Crowe River, just south of Marmora, …
Bald Eagle sighting on White Lake - North of Lakefield
Today, May 5 2010, my husband and I had just finished having lunch on the deck, and Doug said "Oh look there's the Osprey flying in our direction!" and …
Maybe Golden Eagles
There are at least two large Eagles, a very dark brown/black colour, which appear to live in a forested area between London and Lambeth.
They make …
Bald Eagles at "For the Birds" Bird Sanctuary
Forrest Elmslie, the Owner/Operator of "For the Birds" Bird Sanctuary, located off Gore Road, between Colchester and Harrow, sent us this report - On April …
Golden Eagles in Innisfil
I have had two occasions where I thought I saw a Golden Eagle. This time (beginning of April) I had a witness to what I saw.
My 15 and 16 year old …
Eagle sighted in South Grey County.
We need help from all our readers who are amateur Ornithologists! One of our readers sent us this report of her bird sighting, and we need help identifying …
Bald Eagle sighting Huron County March 5, 2010
One of our readers from Goderich sent us this report - On the way home from work today on Donnybrook Line heading towards Auburn, I was just checking out …
Bald Eagle sighting north of Primrose, Ontario.
One of our readers sends us this report of her Bald Eagle sighting - February 18, 2010. While driving along Prince of Wales Rd., just north of Primrose, …
Bald Eagle Spotted in Sarnia
Dave, one of our readers sent us this information - While clearing a light snowfall off the driveway this morning, my attention was drawn to the top of …
Bald Eagles in London Ontario.
Our reader, John from London sent this report - I always thought it would be odd to see a Bald Eagle in the city, but on December 1, 2009 I was driving …
Sighting on Stoney Lake near Lakefield
Ben from Peterborough writes - For the last couple of months I've been working on building a couple of cottages up on Stoney Lake, in central Ontario. …
Bald Eagle at Thames River, London
January 19th 2010
Greetings - this is Barb from here - this afternoon, at around 2pm, as I was driving through London, …
Bald Eagle sighting
I saw a Bald Eagle in Fullarton, Ontario, (a few miles southeast of Mitchell) on Monday December 13th 2010.
My husband and I were just outside in our …
Bald Eagle near Freelton, Ontario Not rated yet
Thanks to Eric Harrison for the photograph.
March 16 2010 - This eagle caught my eye while I was chatting with a neighbour. I assumed it was …
Bald Eagle on the Thames Not rated yet
Walking my dog this morning along the Thames at Kilworth, I was pleased to see a male and female Bald Eagle gliding down the river. Later in the walk I …
Hilton Falls C.A Not rated yet
Spotted: One immature Bald Eagle at the north end of the reservoir at Hilton Falls Conservation Area, near Milton, Ontario, on December 8th 2010.
Thank …
Eagle near North Bay Not rated yet
I had a lucky day! I was heading out and saw a dead deer alongside the highway. The first thing I saw was a dozen wings flapping in front of the car …
Eagles from a former Eagle-ite Not rated yet
Yesterday, November 07, 2010, my family and I were treated to a rare sight. While driving past a field on Parkhill Road between Thedford & Parkhill, I …
Eagle sighted Not rated yet
Twice now I have seen a very large bird of prey hovering and then chasing after prey.
I teach at Stewarttown Public school in Georgetown and, while …
Bald Eagle at Healy Falls east of Peterborough Not rated yet
One of our readers from Healy Falls, Ontario, sent us this report of her Bald Eagle sighting this morning - May 6, 2010, My husband was just finishing …
Bald Eagles Brigden, Ontario Not rated yet
Today my husband and I were out on the deck enjoying the beautiful day when out in the back field landed two Bald Eagles.
We weren't sure what …
Bald Eagle sighting in McGregor Ontario Not rated yet
Laura, one of our readers from Essex County, Ontario, tells us about her sighting of a Bald Eagle - We saw our first Bald Eagle in Aalbers Bush (Essex …
Bald Eagle sighting Fanshawe Park, London, Ontario Not rated yet
UPDATED - May 14, 2010 - I just heard about the nest of these Bald Eagles being blown down in the high winds we had a few days ago - here is a News …
Bald Eagle sighting in farm country! Not rated yet
One of our readers reports his sighting of a Bald Eagle near Teeswater, Ontario - While driving to work one morning this week, I spotted a Bald Eagle …
On World's Longest Freshwater Beach Not rated yet
This morning, Jan 24, I was looking out of my window overlooking Wasaga Beach, when I noticed a larger than usual dark object on one of the small …
Kilworth, Ontario Not rated yet
I have twice seen an eagle soaring over the river while I cross the bridge on County Rd 14 at Kilworth, Ontario.
Thanks, Lyann, it's nice to know that …
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