(St Thomas area)
I live outside of St Thomas, Ontario - you forgot how awesome Turkeys are!
I'll often only see one or two around but they can gather in quite large flocks.
If only we had more larger forest areas.
I've seen at least one Badger around too!
Yes, I live outside St Thomas too, and see Turkeys on Ron McNeil Line and I saw some the other day on Sandymount Hill.
As for Badgers, if you spot one, you should report it to the Ontario Badger Hotline at 10877-715-9299 (toll free) and tell them where and when you saw the badger.
Badgers are quite rare in Ontario and they are trying to record every sighting and even every road-killed Badger.
You can read about the North American Badger here on the webpages of "Ontario Badgers".
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