Wolves in Kanata

by Kimberly
(Kanata, Ontario, Canada)

I have often heard the Wolves howling late at night in our part of Kanata, Ontario, but never seen them.

It is a very distinct howl and not that of a Coyote. As recently as two nights ago, they were heard but today, in the morning hours, we saw one in Bridlewood, Kanata.

My daughter and I were walking our three Labradors when we saw it, it was walking in a clearing and stopped when it saw us. We stopped too.

We stood there watching each other for a few seconds then it walked back into the NCC forest.

It was far enough that the dogs did not notice until the scent wafted through the air later, but close enough that we definitely got a good look at one another.

Surprising to say the least. A rare and special event.

Thanks for sending this to us. I will also post this on our facebook page.


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Wolves in Kanata
by: Karen (Kanata Lakes)

On the night of April 13th, I was woken up by incredibly loud howling and yelping in my backyard. When I looked outside, it was dark but I saw the outline of two very large animals fighting each other. They seemed much bigger than the Coyotes I've seen around Kanata. So, I'm wondering if its possible that they were Wolves??

Breakfast, perhaps
by: Anonymous

Saw one on trail in same area - mid Sept/12. I was running in the early am & it crossed my path in front about 20 meters away. Neat, but kinda troubling in that I kept looking back to make sure I was not breakfast for the rest of pack...

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