by Haj
We were driving along a narrow road towards Britannia, just after Cedar Spring on the 2011 New Year morning.
We caught sight of a grey & white animal ahead to realize it was a Wolf. It sashay across the road ahead with not a hint of fear or hurriedness!
We were excited & stopped the car.
The beauty just hopped on to the nearby higher ground & even gave us a glance.
Also we had a report of a Grey Wolf crossing the road around Cedar Springs, sighted by H. B. from Burlington, Ontario.
November 1st, 2010 around 1.15pm!
It was crossing the road at its own sweet time, with no fear of the sound of our coming car.
It even turned around to look at us ... Amazing!
Thank you Haj and H.B., for letting us know of your Wolf sightings!