Wolf in Fonthill Ontario

by On of our Readers

I was driving down Canboro Road (near Effingham) when I saw a White Wolf trotting close to the snowbanks.

At first I thought it was a dog off it's leash.

However, when I got closer it was definitely a Wolf.

It was about 7:00 p.m. and dark.

Definitely surprised me!

I bet it did surprise you!

We have had several reports of Wolf / Coyotes in the Niagara Peninsula, so maybe someone else has seen your Wolf too!

Thank you for telling us about your experience! I will also post this on our facebook page.


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Lone Wolf sighting
by: Anonymous

I saw a cream, tan colored wolf out in a harvested corn field between Merrittville Hwy and Catarac Rd, north of Hwy 20 a couple of days back. Probably looking for field mice among the corn stalk debris. Bigger than a coyote and matches photos I googled on wolves.

Coyote wolves
by: Cathy Klippenstein

We were sitting on our deck out back, on Effingham St Pelham, when our rooster alerted us of danger, and since I'dd lost a chicken the week before I jumped up to look and there was a large coyote just past my garden. Hubby and I jumped into gear to get the dogs in the house and the hens in their pen. We noticed we were missing a hen and hubby went after what was now three coyotes, one with a kill in its mouth. I looked for the other hen, who I eventually found being greedy in the compost heap, hubby came back from his stand off with the coyotes and helped me chase the hen till we were all tired and she gave up and walked to her pen. Everyone was safe and will now be on lock up. WAY to go Arnold the rooster, our hero!!!!

Well done Arnold! I wish our rooster had been able to let us know about the Weasel that got into our hen-house last month, and killed our rooster and our six hens. Darn Weasels!

by: Ron MacDonald

I live in Fonthill, Ontario. I saw a coywolf trotting down the street in front of my house at dawn 3 years ago. It was a healthy, beautiful animal. Last Spring I let our obese cat out at 6 am, I called it 15 minutes later, but never saw it again. Three days ago I found coywolf tracks on my driveway, front lawn and both side yards. Each paw track was 4 inches front to back. Our backyard is surrounded by a chain link fence. We have two schnauzers we usually let out at 11 in the evening. Several times they have gone out and quickly ran back into the house refusing to go back outside unless we go with them.

No white Wolves
by: Anonymous

There are no white wolves in Fonthill, Ontario (or anywhere in southern Ontario) so I assume what you saw a big beautiful white northern-type dog.

Wolf and Coyote Sightings
by: Anonymous

Many times as we drove through Effingham to the sugar bush, we have seen either Wolves or Coyotes. One was so thin, so hungry it actually didn't care that we were there, it was searching for food...so beware!

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