by Karen, Tim, James, Leezanne
(Innisfil, Essex County, Bolton, Simcoe, Amherstburg)
One male peacock and two peahens were on the side of the road on Shore Acres Drive, just outside the South Innisfil Arboretum, this was July 14, 2021.
Tim from Essex County said ... today driving into work I saw 3 peacocks crossing the road in wine country. There was a larger glossy blue and two smaller - same colour. The larger had the tail all folded up. They were very regal in their movements and made the morning amazing.
James from Bolton said ... just take the horizontal East to West side roads and the small forested areas or among treed residential lots in between farmers field, there are plenty of Peacock in Caledon. From Palgrave to Hwy 7. They are pretty but I understand that some can, like some wild Canada Geese can be nasty and even attack so I suggest staying in your car if taking photos. I saw them several times last year when I drove through the area much to my dismay.
Leezanne from Simcoe wrote ... while leaving work in Simcoe Ontario, I noticed a peacock strutting through the greenery beside the road on highway 3! I’ve never seen a peacock outside of a zoo so this was a surprise!
One of our readers wrote ... I have been fortunate enough to have had two recent sightings, within the last week. My first sighting was a lone male about a week ago in a field one evening. Then again yesterday, I saw a pair in the same area of Amherstburg on the same road in the county. This pair was just standing off on the shoulder of the road by the same field as my first sighting. Absolutely beautiful to see.
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