Wild Peacocks Sighted

by Judith Pollman
(Amherstburg, Ontario, Canada)

Peafowl with Peacock displaying his tail

Peafowl with Peacock displaying his tail

One of our readers from Amherstburg sent us this report of her bird sighting - Every day on my way to work I am seeing 5-7 wild Peacocks grazing on the side of the road - can this be true? I didn't really believe it but I stopped yesterday and it was true - Peacocks!

Wow, if they are Peafowl, they must be birds that have escaped from captivity because they are not native to North America - they are from the Indian sub-continent, and must have been in someone's private animal collection.

Have any other readers seen Peacocks near Amherstburg or elsewhere? Let us know if you see them - we'd love to hear about it!

Thank you Judith, for sending this report!

© Juanita Shore Picture on this page is courtesy of Dreamstime.com

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Tail is Train
by: Anonymous

The Tail on a Peacock is called a train, when the fall comes they will loose the feathers so plucking feathers from a Peacock is not necessary as they fall out on their own. So no plucking feathers from wild Peacocks Please. These birds can fly short distances also so if you think it jumps your fence you would actually be incorrect they can and do fly. What colour has been seen so far. is it your typical blue green with the iridescent feathers, Or Brown or White with blue eyes on the train.

Never seen Peafowl in the wild before
by: Bruce Berry

I was cutting my grass at my country property near Tweed, Ontario when I noticed a feral peahen following me eating any insects that I ran over with the mower. She is now staying on my cabin porch and I feed her a banana on a regular basis. I have never seen a peafowl while at my cabin over the last 35 years.

Pea Hens
by: Anonymous

I also came across 2 large pea hens on the trails on 7th concession in Pottageville (York region forest one, not Happy Valley). Took some video.

Peacocks in Schomberg
by: Anonymous

Yes, I just saw 2 Peacocks in my backyard. They seemed very comfortable. We live in Schomberg, in town but back on to a farm field.

Peacock sighting
by: Kathy

I just came across a peacock on the 19th sideroad outside of Schomberg just before the Caledon King townline. Very beautiful and walked alongside my car. I was able to take a pic but unable to video as my phone chose that moment for my battery to die. I just sat and watched him and it did not appear to be at all afraid. A good omen according to the Spirit Guide! I was wondering if it had escaped?

Peacocks in Innisfil, Ontario
by: Anonymous

Have been seeing them for years here in Innisfil. Just saw one in our backyard yesterday. They come out of the forest behind us every so often.

invasive species
by: Anonymous

I wonder what native species is going to suffer if these non native birds get a solid foothold. The only non native species of any type I have heard of that isn't a problem is the possum.

Yes, seen 3 in Merlin
by: Anonymous

On October 3 2020 my husband and I saw 3 peacocks in Merlin 2 roads over from us as we were driving. I took pics and was so incredible to see. My friend caught this post and sent it to me. Thought I'd share my story. Thanks for reading.

Thought I was imagining it
by: Kate Doherty

I am so glad to read of these sightings. I was on my way home from Perth to Kingston yesterday and was certain I saw a peacock performing for a flock of wild turkeys. A friend said it couldn't be a peacock, that they would freeze in our Winters. Glad to know I am not completely insane.

No, you're not imagining it!

by: Anonymous

Group of 12 Wild Turkeys out in field behind my place for last few weeks each morning and evening. One very adventuresome and keeps coming into my yard. Yesterday he flew up onto the railings around my pool and I could clearly see she is not a turkey as she had plumes on her head and is not the right size or colouring. Googled and discovered she is a peahen. Will get out binoculars and check out the rest of them with the next sightings. Peterborough North Area.

by: Dave

Had a peahen on the roof of my shed. My brother was able to get a couple of pictures. Never have seen a bird like this in Brantford. Always something interesting!

Wild Peahen spotted in Brantford
by: Anonymous

Spotted a peahen in my neighbour's yard this morning and followed it across the road until it disappeared into another neighbour's back yard. Took several pictures from a distance and compared them to images on this page and others and am convinced it is a peahen.

Peacock in our backyard
by: Mrs Rocco

I live in rural Caledon East. Just saw a peacock walking past our kitchen window in the back yard. Has been there now for a couple of hours. Amazing! The cries are so eerie...

Caledon, Ontario, walking down side of road
by: Anonymous

April 21 around 6 pm I saw a peacock walking along the side of a dirty road unphased without a worry in the world. Looked perfect with deep beautiful colors in the long tail it was dragging. Was shocked to read so many in Ontario now, never seen this before, never seen a Panademic either. Every day is a surprise I tell ya.

Peacocks in Grey Highlands
by: Anonymous

March 31st 2020, male and female peacocks walked up our driveway around noon and were roosting on railing of our deck overnight. (not April fools joke) Male will come about 10 feet from us, female less friendly. We can walk around and work outside, and they have little interest in us. I have never seen peacocks in wild before. Not sure if wandered in from local farm?

Peahen in Caledon Ontario
by: Anonymous

There is a wild peahen in my backyard now in Caledon Ont. The bird has been on my property since yesterday evening when we first spotted it thought it was a turkey at first but with closer inspection confirmed it is indeed a female peacock or peahen. Anyone want to see it feel free to come over and see it. :)email keithaaron2019@gmail.com

Peacock sighting near Tavistock Ontario
by: Jane

I woke up this morning to a long necked bird peeping at my window. In the light I realized it was a beautiful male peacock in all his feathered glory. He had wandered through our open backyard gate and onto the porch. He was looking for another way out of our fenced backyard and finally took the same way he came in. Nature is full of surprises!!

Peacock sighting
by: W.G. Young

For the past two days we have had a peahen hanging around in our backyard in Caledon East. She isn't overly shy and has been helping herself to the local blackberry crop.

Welland Canal - North End
by: Lianne

Hubby spotted one along the Welland Canal yesterday just south of the Carleton Street bridge. He stopped to check if what he was seeing was actually a peacock and a man pulling out of his driveway confirmed it was indeed a peacock who had been roosting in his tree for weeks now!! Who knew?! Peacocks in Niagara!

Peacock in Amherstburg!
by: Anonymous

Yes, I just saw one at County Road 20 and Knapps Island Road in Amherstburg!! Shocked!!

Another Amherstburg sighting
by: Stephanie Pyne

This morning at about 9:30 a gorgeous male peacock stepped into the road out of tall grass on Creek Road in Amherstburg. I was pretty amazed by the sight!

Peacock on 6th line at Halton Forest
by: hbrown

Just saw one on the road escaping the bugs

Male peacock spotted
by: Anonymous

Saw a male peacock on concession 3 near Hagersville ontario, he was beautiful and he also did his stunning call. I'm not sure if it was someone’s pet but when asked no one new of any one who owned peacocks.

Peacock living in my backyard! Moffat, Ontario
by: Anonymous

For the last week we’ve had a peacock hanging around our rural property in Moffat. He’s VERY shy. Any thoughts on capture and relocation...say to the Toronto Zoo? Which is the lesser of two evils... loneliness or life in captivity?

Two peacocks!!
by: Samantha JP

I was driving on 15 Sideroad in Halton Hills and had to stop my car as two peacocks strutted across the road, walked along the shoulder and then into the wooded area. Nobody believes me that they were taking a stroll!! Lol

Peacock in Caledon
by: D. Russell

Driving along Hall's Lake Sideroad, just south of Hwy 9 in Caledon and came across a stunning Peacock walking down the road. Pulled over and took some pictures as it walked by me. It proceeded up past my vehicle then went into the ditch and up a hill into the forest. I was wondering if there is a Peacock farm in the area but after reading about all these sightings, I wonder if it was wild. I wish we could post pictures here. Cheers.

Female peacock in Roseneath
by: Sheila Winter

A female peacock strolled onto my deck this morning and ate sunflower seeds...not at all afraid of me or my dogs. Flew to the roof and stayed there a while before taking off for an unknown destination

Peacock Feathers
by: Tim Loftsgard

Found what has to be peacock feathers strewn about our garden. Couldn’t believe it at first but they are unmistakeable. There were so many though that I think something large got to him. Coyote maybe - near Rosemont, Ontario. Poor Peacock.

Near Roseneath
by: Anonymous

Saw a female strolling around my cottage today. Caught a few close pics

Female peacock by the bird feeder this morning,
by: Anonymous

Hastings Ontario just off 45, our dog was barking, looked over and there was the peacock by the feeder eating. Fairly tame. Took some picture and it went into the woods.

Female peacock
by: Anonymous

Sighted this morning on our property just south of Hastings Village Trent Hills. It loves blueberries.

Teacock or purkey?
by: David

For about a week we have been seeing a bird with a blue peacock head and a wild turkey body strolling around our property with a group of wild turkeys. I got a reasonably good photo of it through a window of the house. We are located south of Wellesley ON. Extreme mixed marriages!

Peacock in the middle of the road
by: Paul

Coming along Lookout Rd between Beachburg and Westmeath ... wow the most stunning Peacock, beautiful fan tail standing in the middle of the road. I slowed down and he ran into the bush. Where would it have come from?

saw one today
by: Anonymous

I saw one on the Springbrook Road today and I got 1/2 dozen pics to prove it. North of Belleville, Ontario.

Peacock Rice Lake
by: Anonymous

Peacock strolling around in our yard near Sandy Bay Road.

Spotted in Holland Landing
by: Anonymous

A peacock was at my front door when I arrived home yesterday. She didn’t seem afraid of me, and crosses the road easily and stops traffic. Apparently she has been in our neighborhood since Saturday. Last night she was up on my neighbor’s roof making loud squawking sounds!

Male Peacock sighting
by: Gisele

Driving home from Orillia last night 07/21/2018 approximately 9 pm on Highway 11 north bound lane before Gravenhurst, we saw a male Peacock walking on the side of the road, to much traffic to stop.

Peacock and peahen, Tweed, Ontario
by: Maureen, Tweed, Ont

Both birds showed up at our house July 17 and don't want to leave. July 18th in our garage and front porch. Very tame, come right to our patio doors. Amazing!

Cottage country sighting
by: Fern

I saw a peacock on Hwy 11 near Oro Medonte. He was standing by the side of the road. There are some farms with exotic animals nearby so I thought he had escaped. But after reading the other comments, I'm not so sure.

Bradford Ont July 16 2018
by: Dale Ranson

I photographed a pair this morning I think I went a little shutter happy.

by: Anonomous

We see a Male here in Bradford regularly.

Near Roseneath ON
by: Reg Ward

We are at our cottage on south shore of Rice Lake. A lady peahen showed up here yesterday. Seems very tame, we get within a foot of her. She disappeared last night but just came back this morning. It is NOT a wild turkey.

Peacock at Rice Lake - Roseneath
by: Tracey

Just before sunset last night a peacock came strolling down McCracken Road (Roseneath) while I was sitting on the dock. Not afraid of people around. Took several pictures. She stayed in the area for about half hour but eventually flew up into some thick brush and I lost track of her.

Peacock in Roseneath
by: Tracey

Peacock sighted in Roseneath, female and friendly! Basically ate food right out of a lady’s hand! I didn’t believe that peacocks were alive in the wild but this one could fly and everything! Wish I could post a picture!

Peacocks Near Norwood
by: Margaret

Jane, if you go down in the comments to June 27, 2017, you'll see that I told of a peahen that had settled on our deck. I'm just north of Norwood (the posting says east of Peterborough). The peahen hung around for a couple of days before we found a farmer who was actually raising peafowl close to us. He figured this was probably one of his hens, and it had escaped. He came and caught it and returned it to its family.

Peahen near Norwood Ontario
by: Jane

This morning just before 8am we saw a peahen wandering our farm property. Eventually our dog caught sight of it and set off to investigate. The Peahen squawked as it flew over the fence line to the farm property next door. Never seen one around here before!

Sighting in Hastings
by: Anonymous

To our surprise, we having one wandering around in and around the forest behind us, here in Hastings. He doesn't seem to be afraid of any noises or us talking to him.

Bowmanville Ontario Peacock
by: Anonymous

I captured a picture of a Peacock on the side of the road. I was in the countryside just outside Bowmanville, Ontario.

Peacock in rural Milton
by: Anonymous

I couldn’t believe my eyes but I saw a lonely peacock-looking bird. Blue and tall. 10 minutes north of Milton in my backyard.

Peacock Sighting on Medford east of Arva
by: Anonymous

We saw two male Peacocks walking in a field next to the road as we drove home last night. They were definitely Peacocks and not Wild Turkeys. Such majestic birds.

Peacock in Hillsburgh
by: Anonymous

Looked out to see a Peacock roaming in our backyard about 30 minutes ago. Gorgeous bird but not something I'd ever expect to see in Hillsburgh, Ontario. I hope someone is looking for it.

by: Jim

I had to stop as I was entering the highway (406) in Welland on Friday afternoon as a peacock was walking across the ramp. Lucky for the peacock very light traffic on the highway. I saw in my mirror that he made it onto the median. Pretty cool!

Peacocks off Montreal Rd Niagara Falls
by: Anonymous

Was out for an early morning drive when we encounter 2 peacocks - one black, white and large blue/green tail feathers, the other looked like a regular blue green peacock. Very few houses around to be "pets"...

They certainly are Peacocks
by: Jody

They are in Nithburg as well.

by: Anonymous

May 20, 2018 Jordan Ontario - Found a peahen in my spruce tree.

Peacock sighting
by: Anonymous

I saw a peacock in Fonthill, it was early in the morning 6:30 a.m. in my front yard off of Haist St.

Peacock siting in Fonthill, Ontario
by: Anonymous

Male peacock sitting on the roof of my house in the afternoon of May 22, 2018. He flew down and is strolling the neighborhood to this day. Since then I have read in the local paper that two male peacocks have been grazing in town for over a week!

Very cool experience
by: Peacock guides

Was walking towards end of wooded trail in Pelham Ontario, when 2 peacocks started walking right in front of us. They weren't startled, just took their time leading us trail for at least 3 mins. It was a very cool experience.

Wild Peacocks have been in Ontario a long time.
by: Anonymous

When I was 6 yrs old I was hand-feeding wild peacocks in south Windsor. At that time there was a lot of forest still. I am glad to hear the population is still growing for such a delightful bird.

A pair!
by: Alicia

We saw a peacock and peahen on the side of county road 8 east of Kintore. Two of us saw them - we couldn’t believe our eyes!

Peahen in London
by: Anonymous

Peahen spotted in our backyard in London, Ontario - is it possible this could be wild, or has it more likely escaped from somewhere?

My guess is that is has escaped, however, over the years we have had reports of the same pea-fowl living in the same area for a period of years. I think the original individual birds were escapees and they have now have formed a breeding population in the wild.

Peacocks spotted Friday 13th
by: Anonymous

Just spotted a male and female Peacock on my way to Essex going down a concession. I thought I was going crazy.

Peacock Sighting in Cambridge, Ontario
by: Tara Johnson

I saw a Peacock in March on Queen Street W in Cambridge, Ontario, near the roundabout going towards Hespler Rd. The bird was huge and my first thought was that it looked like a Peacock without it's plume being fanned out. I was told by my roommate that there are peacocks living across the street from us in the ravine. Amazing creatures.

New Boarder
by: John

I have had one living here now for nearly a week. North of Belmont, Ontario.

by: Anonymous

I saw about 8 to 10 birds crossing the road in front of my car today, November 30 2017, when I lost my way in Norfolk County. I guess those were peahens. Sorry, I couldn’t take pictures.

Peacocks i
by: Anonymous

I have 2 peacocks living under my deck for the last two weeks. I live in Flamborough. Does anyone want them before I try to get rid of them? They are very nice, but it's time for them to go!

Spotted in Flamborough, Ontario
by: Anonymous

There have been two female peacocks hanging around our backyard. I had no idea there were wild peacocks in Ontario? Or maybe they escaped from the African Lion Safari?

Who knows?
But as you are near the African Lion Safari, that may be a possibility!

My first ever Peahen sighting, Mount Forest Ontario
by: Dave

Very surprised to see wild Peahen pecking her way through backyards in the Ruby's Cresent area of Mount Forest Ontario.

Near Dungannon Ontario
by: Jools

Twice now I've spotted a peacock in a field along the highway between Dungannon and Lucknow Ontario. Glad I'm not the only one seeing them in the wild in Ontario ;)

South Huron Sighting Sept. 2017
by: Anonymous

Recently I've seen them here east of Exeter on two occasions. They do indeed seem to be breeding successfully because on one occasion (early September) I saw what appeared to be a hen and three juveniles walking across a country road and disappearing into the bush. Then two days later in the same area I saw another hen (or possibly the same one). I've lived here for almost 20 years and this is the first time I've seen them in this area! Good to know I wasn't hallucinating!

Wild Peacocks
by: Kate

I saw wild Peacock on Kennedy Road just north of Sharon Mushroom Farm in Georgina today, August 23 2017

Peacock with two chicks
by: Anonymous

Spotted likely the same hen that the previous poster mentioned by the arboretum in Gilford. With at least two chicks!

by: Linda & Bill Warnaar

Out for a drive on Civic holiday weekend 2017 and saw a female peahen on the side of the road just in front of the Arboretum in Gilford.

Peafowl are survivors!
by: Anonymous

Peafowl are all over Ontario now! If Someone has them free ranging and they decide they don't like where they are, they move on, or if the flock starts to get too big the young birds will move on and find their own range. Peafowl live in the wild here even with our winters. They take shelter in evergreen trees at night for shelter and to avoid predators. They forage well and eat all kinds of insects, grains, frogs and small rodents.

Peacock sighting
by: Anonymous

Spotted a peacock on July 16 2017 on 3rd line in Hillsburgh.

Saw a peacock
by: Julie

I saw one wandering on road in Bradford, everyone at work thought I was nuts. Some tried to convince me it was a turkey. Lol

Female peacock - Kleinburg, ON
by: Yvette

On July 7 2017, a female peacock showed up in our yard. We had no idea there were peacocks in Ontario! Interesting that I found this blog! She's welcome to stay (she's not scared of us, eats bird seed and has access to water) but we have coyotes and I've heard peacocks need other peacocks, otherwise they suffer stress. So obviously I need to help her get relocated prior to winter. Anyone out there know of a farm or anyone else with peacocks? Please help Penelope (yes, I named her lol).

Is she still hanging around, Yvette? If so,
send me a message and I'll see what we can do for Penelope.

Peahen East of Peterborough
by: Anonymous

A peahen has just spent the last 45 minutes sitting on the rail of our front porch north of Norwood, preening itself. My (indoor) cat loved it!

I actually saw a peafowl today!
by: Don

I actually saw a peafowl, I would say peacock, today on County Road 8 between Douro, Ontario and Havelock, Ontario. It was on the side of the road, unafraid of traffic, but I couldn't stop for picture due to traffic and only had my phone to take a picture. As it was nears farms, I wondered if someone has pets or is raising peafowl. As an officer of the law, I was NOT drinking!

Will carry a camera from now on!

Port Albert Peacock
by: Anonymous

This peacock has been hanging around some cottages in the Port Albert region for at least three weeks now. He's friendly enough; doesn't run away but keeps a safe distance from you. Apparently there's a peacock farm close by but an internet search isn't bringing it up. He seems to be eating okay between the bird seed from all the feeders in the area and the insects.

Peacocks on Hwy 118 East, Bracebridge
by: Anonymous

We live on Oakley Cresent, just off 118 east, and saw a male and female peacock. Our daughters, Lyvia and Evelynn, were so excited!

2 Peacocks strolling around Whitby
by: Eric

After dropping a friend off in the housing development just off Baldwin and Canary, I came across 2 Peacocks just strolling around, enjoying what goodies they could find on front lawns. When it started to rain they took shelter under covered landings. I reported this to Animal Services thinking they may have escaped a zoo or private owner, however according to this site, encountering wild Peacocks is becoming a common thing!

Yup, I think you're right - when the first person wrote to tell me they had seen peacocks, I told them they may have been mistaken, and what they saw were perhaps Wild Turkeys!

I saw one on the side of the highway between Parry Sound and Orville 2011-ish.
by: Also Anonymous

Judging by all the sightings reported here, it seems they must be breeding in the wild. I just wonder what they do or where they go in winter.

That question has also puzzled me, and all I can come up with is that they must find a warm barn to shelter in for the winter, because Peafowl are mostly from India and Sri Lanka, and the green peacock is found in Java and Myanmar.

At first, when we started to get reports of Peacocks being seen in Southern Ontario, I thought they must have escaped from a private owner's place, but to be honest, there are too many sightings and they are over a wide area, so I believe they must find shelter for the cold months, and are successfully breeding here.

Wild Peacocks
by: Anonymous

Have seen Peacocks twice in Niagara area this spring

Bracebridge Ontario
by: Bob Dyment

On May 23 2017 l mingled with 15 peacocks in Fraserburge Ontario about 10 km east of Bracebridge on Muskoka Road 14. They were all around the century old church on the hill. I walked along the road with them for over an hour. They had no fear of me or my dog. Then a dog from a near by house came running at them and they took flight up to the top of a huge white pine. I always carry my camcorder in my vehicle for any wild life sightings such as this. Three weeks earlier near the same area there were 25 wild Turkeys on the road. They were all around my vehicle with many other cars stopping to take pics of them. All were adults.

Male Peacock Sighting
by: Anonymous

I couldn't believe it. A peacock strolled outside my front window. I had to chase him down, as there are lots of wild turkeys in the Holland Marsh. To my surprise it was a peacock indeed. Then I found this blog and others have sighted them in my same general area. So fantastic.

1 Peacock and 2 peahens in Hunstville, On.
by: Anonymous

Myself [avid Turkey and upland (migratory) Hunter] have a single spotting of 3 peafowl (1 male, 2 female) in August north of Huntsville, Ontario, walking calmly past me (acting domestic) on a private road, north shore of Lake Waseosa. These were definitely peafowl, I've mingled for 30+ years with the peafowl at the African Lion safari in Flamborough and regularly hunt every species they could be confused for. These birds walked towards my car, and weren't bothered as I walked with them (exited my car) for 50-60 metres until they left the road onto a game trail (into the bush).

Peacock in Lindsay May 3rd 2017
by: Anonymous

Was in St. Mary's cemetery, Lindsay, Ontario, initially thought that it was a wild Turkey. This bird was larger, and looked like a female peacock! It disappeared into the bushes before I could get close enough for a photo.

Five Peacocks sighted
by: anonymous

Driving in the dirt roads east of Alymer, Ontario, were 5 Peacocks, one pure white male, one pure white female, a regular male, and 2 regular females.
I could not believe it...who knew?
They darted off before I could take a picture, but what a sight!

Peacock sighting
by: Anonymous

Two peacocks were on my neighbors deck eating bird seed - then took short flight to my yard - ate bird food under my feeders then walked into wooded area - Jan 24, 2017 - Rochester Hills, Michigan.

Peacock sighting Jan 13th, 2017
by: Donna

Driving home, along Ireland Road in Simcoe, Ontario, I saw a male Peacock walking along the road, from a large field. Initially thought it was a Turkey (from a distance), then realized what it was as I approached closer. Where are these guys coming from???

I have images...
by: John Gierszewski

Lots of photographs of wild peacocks near Holland Marsh...Schomberg to be exact. I have been taking images for the last 2 years which are not downloadable to this site. They are posted on my Facebook page at John Gierszewski, on Birds Ontario, Ontario Wildlife and landscapes and York region nature, they are real and here. By the comments there seem to be a lot of zoos in Ontario who have lost birds and this Anonymous person sure gets around...I have images of males in snow, pea hens with babies from the summer etc. Nice to see that other people have seen them too. The bird purists are not happy so they deny their existence, but I wish them well.

Flock between Cambridge and Brantford
by: Anonymous

Near my small town of St.George I have been seeing peacocks regularly over the past couple of years. Along Blue Lake Road and Howell/Scenic Drive. They started as a small group and have grown to be a large flock of 15-20.

Saw two Peacocks today in Peterborough
by: Anonymous

Went for a walk at Orange Corners on the bike path in Peterborough and saw two Peacocks walking in a farmers field today.

Peacocks in Norfolk County
by: Anonymous

Saw three today on Norfolk County concession 3. Possibly the same three reported near Bealton in July.

Gilford sightings are pretty regular!
by: Steve Anderson

Shore Acres is the same area that I first saw one 6 years ago! There seems to have been many sightings there since. I'm pretty sure they have figured out how to stay warm! They appear to be thriving virtually province wide now! So Awesome!!

Same location
by: Anonymous

That's where I saw them in September. I hope they can find food over the winter.

Just saw a few
by: Anonymous

Driving home from work this morning and saw I think 3 or 4, I had no idea what they were to be honest, I saw the bright blue neck and thought peacock but didn't know they could live in Canada. Saw them in Innisfil, Ontario at Shore Acres Dr. and 20th sideroad.

Peacock Sighting
by: Anonymous

Peacock sighting in Mount Albert, Ontario!

Wild Peacocks Sighted!
by: Anonymous

I saw six male & one female outside of Schomberg yesterday.

Wild Peacocks
by: Anonymous

From fall 2016 ... there has been a peacock in my backyard all summer. He was hanging with wild turkeys in my orchard after they ate all my fruit the turkeys moved on but the peacock has stayed. At first he was wary of me but I ignored him and now he shows little fear. He shows up after I put feed in my bird feeder. The squirrels spread the feed everywhere and the peacock gets his share. I have a raised garden but he shows little interest in my tomatoes and peppers, although I have seen him standing up on the garden. There is a stand of pine on my property that he goes into and there is spring fed water in there and I suppose that might be why he hangs around here. I live south of Napanee, close to Lake Ontario.

Saw a beautiful male today
by: Anonymous

I aw one male and three females together on the side of the road in Innisfil, Ontario. I couldn't believe it and was sure it must have been a pheasant until I looked them up. Definitely a peacock!

Peacocks in Bracebridge, Ontario
by: Anonymous

I also saw the Fraserberg Peacocks just now. Amazing looking bird.

Peacocks in Brampton
by: Anonymous

I saw a pair in a residential neighbourhood in north Brampton yesterday.

by: Anonymous

My husband and I saw a pair of peacocks walking down a neighborhood street in Monroe MI last week. At first we thought they were pheasants till we got closer. It looked like a young female and a male or a mother and a chick. They were beautiful and we were amazed. We had to wait for them to get out of the way of our car. The car didn't seem to scare them.

Wild Peacock in Bracebridge
by: Anonymous

We just saw one in Bracebridge, Ontario, (Fraserberg) earlier today. I thought it was a turkey at first but it was definitely a peacock.

Peacock in residence
by: Anonymous

A peacock or two had taken up residence in the east Stouffville area. How do they survive the winter as they are not native to Canada.

I often wonder how they survive our winters, but I believe they are an Asiatic bird, native to the Himalayas where it also very cold in winter.

Bealton / Waterford
by: Anonymous

I just saw 3 peacocks on the road just a few feet off of Villa Nova Rd in Bealton. I've never seen them loose like that, not sure if they belong to someone out here and they escaped. I hope not as they are so beautiful, I'd love to see more of them!

Peacock sightin in Bracebridge
by: Muskoka

I never thought we would ever see Peacocks in Muskoka! For the past few days there have been 2 females and one male hanging around our rural village between Gravenhurst and Bracebridge. The neighbour's took some pic's so I'll try to post them. They are VERY vocal in the evening... the locals birds must be puzzled with the new settlers - haha

Pea Hen at CFB Borden
by: Anonymous

Saw a Pea Hen yesterday just outside the gate of CFB Borden. She was there in the morning and when I passed in the evening. I didn't know we have wild wild pea fowl here in Canada. Ha who knew! Beautiful!

Woodstock sighting
by: Anonymous

We have a male and female peafowl hanging out on our patio today, just east of Woodstock, Ontario.

Peahen in Erin (west of Caledon)
by: Anonymous

Came home last evening to discover a penhen on my deck. Neighbours told me she had been there for several hours and they gave her some lettuce. The Crows were very unhappy & making a fuss. I hope she is not a lost escapee. Not nervous of us.

by: Anonymous

We have spotted one several times on our property in Stouffville, Ontario. Where are these birds coming from?

Peahen in Trent Hills
by: Anonymous

We have just woken to the unusual sight of a large female feeding under the bird feeder in the garden. I really took a double take at the sight of her she is such a lovely looking bird. Must get that brand of birdseed again, might see a cassowary tomorrow.

Saw a Peacock near London
by: Anonymous

Just east of London today near Kintore, county road 16 I think. In the ditch picking at garbage. Spotted by us and our daughter who drove by fifteen minutes earlier.

by: Anonymous

Hi - If anyone knows a female peacock for sale please send me a message. Thanks so much

Peacock in Chippawa
by: Anonymous

A Peacock has been hanging around my house lately and people keep calling the humane society, why? Is it just not a wild animal non dangerous, why can't it be left alone? I assume it just showed up and will soon leave, confused.

Peacock in Barrie
by: Jayne Harvey

I saw a peacock crossing Cox Mill Road in Barrie today (Nov.4/15)....just east of Yonge, by the bridge. I wondered if it had escaped from a zoo. If not, it must be wild.

Angus Ont.
by: Anonymous

I thought it was a Wild Turkey from a distance but as I drove up beside it I realized it was a male peacock. We sat looking at each other for a few minutes then I got out of the car and walked along side of him and he was not bothered by me being so close. Beautiful blue color on his neck and round pattern on his tail feathers. He did not open his tail feathers - I guess he didn't sense any harm from me.

August 21 2015
by: Anonymous

This morning I was on my way to work in Bradford Ontario, when I saw 2 peacocks - blue headed male and brown headed female. I stopped the truck and took a quick couple of pictures. At fist I thought they where turkeys. This was just outside Innisfil, Ontario, 5 hours north of Windsor.

Peacock sighting
by: Dave

I saw one last summer in Woodslee on South Middle Road just east of Belle River Road. I noticed there was another sighting in Woodslee. I took notice of the crest on its head.

London Ontario Western University
by: Julie

I saw a peafowl on the Western University Campus behind University Hospital. I was surprised, but the plume on the top of her head was unmistakable. The peacock shape is quite recognizable too.

Peacocks near Coboconk
by: Ted Huhtalo

We were returning from Bobcaygeon, Ontario, driving on Ledgehill Road and saw a Peacock & Peahen.
I thought at first it was a wild turkey which are prevalent in the area, but the blue neck and crest on the male indicated that it was a Peacock.
Very surprised to see, hope to see more.

Peacocks on Hwy 15 in Kingston, Ontario
by: Anonymous

Driving to work this morning on Hwy 15 (Cunningham Road just north of the 401) in Kingston and there were 2 peacocks by the road. I have seen peafowl a couple of times before in that area. Not sure if they escaped and living in the wild or just out for a jaunt before returning home.

Peacock in outside of Aylmer, Ontario
by: Kim

I had one cross the road in front of me last Friday on John Wise Line heading towards Aylmer around 8am. I was a little shocked as I have only ever seen them at Jack Miners in Kingsville, Ontario, in captivity or at zoo's. What a beautiful sight!

Lakeside sighting
by: Jon

I was driving to work through lakeside Ontario this morning and came across a peacock on the side of the road. There is a trailer park with a petting zoo nearby so after snapping a picture on my phone I went and spoke to the caretaker to see if they were missing one. He told me it wasn't theirs and that wild peacocks are known to be in the area. How strange!

McDonalds Corners
by: chuck

3 females came walking up the laneway to within 4 feet of Nancy while she was with her back to them working in the garden. They then moved off to about 150 feet away, found some shade, and hung out for 1/2 hour....then moved on. Pretty neat to see them out here.

Peacock Southern Ontario
by: Anonymous

We were driving on the 401 just east of Chatham on May 7th when a peacock flew across the road in front of us. It was close enough to see the iridescent blue and the head feathers so I knew it wasn't a turkey.

Fenelon Pea
by: Dave

I was in Fenelon Falls a couple weeks back and a peacock was living in my sister-in-law's garage. I'm told it had, along with a wild turkey hen, spent the whole winter in the unheated garage/shed. It seemed pretty strange for Ontario so I just now goggled it and here I am. Perhaps the "Pea-tur" is about to take a bow.
Why not! We have the Coy-Wolf! Too bad that the Peafowl and the Turkey are too different to breed, but that would be funny!

Wild bird
by: Mary

I just saw a Peahen in my backyard.....?
I live in Holland Landing.

Comment Disappeared
by: Anonymous

Hey I am trying to locate a comment left here on March 4th describing a sighting in Fenelon Falls. It seems to have disappeared. Can someone copy/paste it in a reply so I can read it?

Comment Disappeared
by: Anonymous

Hey, I am trying to locate a comment left here on March 4th describing a sighting in Fenelon Falls. It seems to have disappeared. Can someone copy/paste it in a reply so I can read it?

Hello there, Barb your Webmistress here!

I do recollect that a submission came in about a sighting in Fenelon Falls, but I don't see it.

I am the only one who works on these submissions and comments on our website - single-handedly keeping the wheels turning at Discover-Southern-Ontario, so if it was accidentally deleted, then the fault was mine - sorry!

If I do locate it, I will publish it again.

I have seen five Peacocks
by: Anonymous

Not sure if they were wild or not, but while my hubby and I were out for a drive on the west side of Tilbury, Ontario, there were 5 grazing on the side of the road. Two Peacocks and three Peahens. We stopped and I took a bunch of photos. I know that they aren't native to here, but they do survive. Especially in our milder climates.
I have photos if you'd like to see them.

Yes, please send pictures if you can - you can follow this link to go to our Wild Birds section and scroll down to where it says 'Enter Your Title" and just tell us what you saw and when, giving info about what the birds were doing when you saw them - there is a place there for you to upload photos.

Christmas Beauty Waterford Ontario
by: Anonymous

Last Friday December 5th we saw this huge bird in our side yard, as we live in the country we are use to seeing Wild Turkeys and thought this is what it was. Upon a closer look we realized it was a Peacock. It hung around in the side yard all day then went behind some evergreens. The next day, out it came again wandered around a bit, then left again. We had to go out for a bit and when we came back home he or she was wondering in the ditch in front of our home. Later that day my husband was out back and all of a sudden it appeared on our back deck. I got some wonderful pictures as it came right up to the window to see me. I am waiting to see if it is coming around today. I hope it will be okay over the winter as we have never seen any in this area before. We put lots of feed out for the birds, but this is one nice surprise.

They do lose their long feathers in late summer
by: Anonymous

Our 'pet' peacock that came to the house in May is still with us. It wanders around our property and began losing the long tail feathers in August and now has lost all of them. We have a collection of a dozen that are a foot long or more. I have talked to people who keep peacocks and this is very normal. We're not sure what to do (if anything) for the winter. There are some wood sheds for shelter if he wants. He is very inquisitive and has wandered into the garage numerous times. He sleeps every night in the tree by our front window and has no fear of our one dog or our cat.

Lost Feathers
by: Hugh Sutherl;and

My guess that if you think it had lost it's tail feathers it was more likely a Female which has the colours but not the tail feathers- and also would be more likely to be with Turkeys as the males might be aggressive

Peacock in Bobcaygeon
by: Suzanne

I saw one today near the bottom of Tate's Bay Road. He was with 6 or 7 wild turkeys, and he's lost his tail feathers.

Wintering Peafowl
by: Hugh Sutherland

I certainly would not wish to start a controversy, but from personal observations of a Peahen that adopted us in the fall and lived in our pine bush all winter, as well as a neighbour who had over 70 running wild on his property with no specific housing and all survived, that since they come from the snowy cold region of Asia with the highest mountains in the world (Himalayas), most will survive here. Let us not forget last winter was brutal and out of the norm. Others I know have used a straw filled box in a protected area to offer them shelter.

by: Ken

I'm not sure I agree with Hugh's comment re Peacock's ability to survive our severe winters. I have been told by persons that raise Peacocks, that they have to have indoor shelter to survive. In fact, one of the breeders told me that three of his hens died this past winder, due to the cold, even though they were housed in a barn.

To Michael
by: Hugh Sutherland

Peacocks have no problem with winter in Ontario as they come from mountainous country - they just need evergreens or any protected area or structure above predators.

Three Peacocks sighted
by: Michael

I saw three Peacocks on the side of the road in the Griffith area / Lanark area on a motorbike road and I did not notice a near by farm so I wondered if they were in fact wild. I realize they can not survive the winter, but they must find a spot somewhere. I can't remember exactly but we had gone up Hwy 511 crossing to Barry's Bay.

Peacock Alpine Lake Road, Bobcaygeon
by: Tracy

Peacock was seen tonight in my father-in-laws garden on Alpine Lake Road. At first the Wild Turkeys caught his eye then he thought they were back when he spotted the peacock minutes later. It didn't stay long enough to get a picture so I told him to keep his camera ready after reading comments on this website.

Wants to be a family pet
by: Doug

We've had a peacock hanging around our house all summer. It has always been very tame and spends most of the time on our roof or in our yard. We have to be careful because we have dogs. One dog is now afraid of it, the other, not so much. It was attacked last week by something; probably a Hawk but could be a Turkey Vulture or a Coyote and we thought it was dead after finding a pile of neck feathers but it showed up a week later, much the worse for wear with one eye badly damaged. Apparently, they winter on their own just fine but we will see if a one-eyed peacock can survive. They are very noisy during mating season. This site made me aware that they are much more common that I thought. We have fed it cat food, dog food, sunflower seeds, peanuts but it prefers red grapes the most.

King Township
by: Hugh Sutherland

There is a farm/grain producer on the 19th side-road off King between the 11th & 12th concessions (south side) that had over 70 wild peacocks on the grounds - none are caged and when I was there they were sleeping in the trees and running the grounds. The one that adopted us last year we took over to this spot and let her go so she would have friends, but I know they have been there for at least 8 years as our last house backed on the property and we often had colourful visitors on our grounds

King Township
by: Anonymous

Driving on the backroads through King Township, Ontario, my wife and I saw one come out of the bush at the side of the road. It calmly walked down the side of the dirt road for several minutes while we watched. It then made its way back into the bush. No one believes me! Nice to see there are more sightings, ha!

by: Andrew

Saw two in Clarington county today at the side of the road with chicks.

Random Peacocks
by: Elf

We were driving home at about 8 pm on 8th Line, just before 10th, in Halton Hills and saw a peacock standing at the end of a driveway. We turned around to take a photo and saw there were four in total. They did not look like they belonged to the residents of the house. They looked and acted as wild birds. Maybe they are escapees.

Peacock in the wild?
by: Norma

We were surprised when our neighbors notified us that there was a peacock in our back yard...

Peacock Seen in Kingston area
by: Dawn

Driving home in the early evening on June 24, 2014 my daughter excitedly asked if we saw it (the peacock) and quickly backed-up her car to take pictures of the peacock walking calmly down her road. We, naturally, thought she was kidding. But there he was and those with mobile phones started snapping pictures. I stepped out of the passenger side with my camera and began snapping as well. When I started to call to it, he made his way very calmly toward me and I was able to shot more photos. He definitely wasn't afraid of me or the commotion he seemed to be the centre of. All of this took place just outside of Kingston, Ontario, in the South Frontenac area.

Wild or Lost?
by: Anonymous

A peacock visited our backyard (Main Street West, Listowel) at about 6:00 am and 8:30 pm on June 23, 2014. Haven't found a report of a lost peacock yet.

by: Donna

We have had a peacock in our backyard (and our neighbours - he seems free to come and go) for the last two days. Not too sure about people but he and our cats seem to get along. Pleased to hear that we don't have to panic about re-homing him as he will be able to survive in our climate.

Peacock at Pigeon Lake
by: Anonymous

We had a peacock looking in our kitchen door (or looking at his reflection in the glass) the evening of June 1st. We are on Fireroute 96, Bobcaygeon, which is at the bottom of Tates Bay Road south of Highway 36 - just a few Km of forest between us and Nichols Cove, so it may be the same one. It hung around long enough for me to get some pictures (to prove we weren't seeing things)

Sighted in Listowel
by: Anonymous

There was one in our garden in Listowel this morning.

Peacock at Pigeon Lake
by: Anonymous

Again today the peacock was around the cottage on Nichols Cove Road. No idea where he came from.

Peanut Woodslee Ontario
by: Anonymous

Had one in my back yard last night.

Peacock at Pigeon Lake
by: Anonymous

We had a Peacock at our back door around noon today, south of highway 36 on Nichols Cove Road.

Peacocks in Fort Erie
by: Anonymous

I have seen and heard (woke me up a few times last night) at least one peacock in our neighbourhood. I first heard it last summer.

by: Anonymous

We live around Anola, Manitoba, and I came out of my house yesterday, April 3 2014, when to my amazement I saw two Peacocks looking at their reflections in a window which was sitting on the ground by our front door waiting to be installed. They hung around for an hour,until our cat discovered their presence and startled them. They disappeared into the bush but reappeared the next day grooming themselves by the same window... lol sooo cute!!! The cat doesn't same too concerned about their return. Mr. and Mrs. peacock can stick around for as long as they like... really enjoying having them.

Lots of Peacocks
by: Anonymous

There seems to be an abundance of peacocks around SW Ontario! They travel with the Wild Turkeys and appear to be coping quite well. The ones in my backyard have survived this horrible winter very well. My advice is to enjoy them as you would any wild bird:-)

Peafowl in Brampton
by: Cheryl

8:00 am this morning, I was with another neighbour, think we saw, what appeared to be a peacock, moving fairly slowly up a private court, close to a golf course in south Brampton. We were both amazed and at least pleased that someone else could confirm what we had difficulty believing. Is this possible?

Found Peacock at house
by: Mary Lou Naccarato

We have had this same peacock visit our house feeding with the other birds. Not sure if it's lost from a farm around here or wild. Any know what we should do?

Peacocks in my backyard!
by: Jen

I have 2 peacocks in my backyard! We are in Bowmanville/Courtice, Ontario. Last night just as my husband was coming home from work he had to stop and let them cross the road into our neighbour's yard. We're kind of rural here with 3 houses about 50 meters apart, the rest is farmland and bush. When I went to see if they'd gone into the bush behind the house they came out of the hedge into our yard. They're not afraid of people but they don't care for my little corgi. She wants to play with them but no dice, they flew up into the cedar trees of our hedge and are still there this morning. I was alarmed until I saw this site and realized that perhaps these birds, far from where they should be, have become part of our wild bird population. Mr. and Mrs. Peacock can stay as long as they want. Love it! (P.S. I noticed they sleep on separate branches too!)

Laurie of Alton, Hi Neighbour
by: Anonymous

lol, I am on the North East Corner of Highpoint and Main!
(Your next door neighbour) It must be the same Peacock!

Peacock sighting in Alton, Ontario
by: Laurie

We have a Peacock in our backyard that has been hanging around for a couple of weeks now. Yesterday it followed me around while doing Fall clean up in the yard. So it doesn't seem wild to me. If you are building a winter shelter in Alton, I would love this one to join your property too. Let me know if you are interested. I'm at the northeast corner of Highpoint and Main.

Peacocks in Alton
by: Anonymous

We have a female peahen that has joined four male wild turkeys, a male peacock that has joined a group of ten turkeys and one lone male peacock that is so tame it eats from my hand! I am building a winter shelter for it on our property!

Peacock near Renfrew / Cobden Ontario
by: Linda

We were driving along Queensline Road on the Thanksgiving Weekend and not far from Coben, Ontario, in the Renfrew area and we saw a peacock on the side of the road. I was shocked. My husband said that other people have seen them around the area before. I just hope it has shelter for the winter ..... it was beautiful to see.

Another sighting
by: Jamie

I live in Burlington next to one of the Grindstone Creek protected areas. This afternoon, my dog started to bark in the back yard. Went to the neighbour's and there was a huge grey bird with A CROWN! Very large body, long legs and iridescent neck. I have looked through our bird books and online and can only assume it was a pea hen. Sorry, no photo. If anyone has a photo, would you post? Like some other commenters I thought I must be crazy. Photo next time. If ever.

Peacock spotted near Simcoe Ontario
by: Brad

My wife spotted a peacock on the side of the road tonight... I said what??? You're joking... I turned around and sure enough.... it was a peacock... I got some grainy cell phone and video images. It let me get within 10 ft of it, crossed a couple property fronts then went behind an old house and the jumped up in the tree and walked out on the branches and let me stand right below as it was now about 10 ft above me. 2013/09/11

Wild Fowl
by: Daphne

This morning shortly after sunrise I saw a flock of what looked like peacocks and peahens - I was driving north to London east of St. Thomas. I was quite startled by them, initially believing they were wild turkeys until I got closer to them. I wish that I had taken pictures now but I am sure that these birds were large, had long tail feathers and their heads and necks were a beautiful blue/green colour. There were at least ten in the flock. I did not see the distinctive crown of the peacock/peahen and this is what confused me to begin with - after searching the internet and talking with hunters etc. I am convince that these birds were pea fowl.

Thanks Daphne, for telling us about your sighting! Great to hear from you!

Your webmistress, Barb

Re: Caledon and Ken
by: Anonymous

Re: surviving winter - as Peacocks are originally from the mountain ranges in Thailand they are winter tolerant - however a box with straw and entrance above the Coyote level will help - as long as they have some shelter they will be OK - as for ken this is a normal peahen colouring

Caledon Peahen
by: Lee-Ann

We live in Alton (Caledon) and had a Peahen show up here early summer. She leaves the odd time for a few days but has moved in to our yard for the most part as of now (Aug 18th) I have heard of other people in the area seeing a male. She's very friendly, I think she must have been a pet. I am worried about how she will survive the winter

Peacocks in Wasage Beach?
by: KEN

About 10 days ago, we had this beautiful bird appear at our bird feeders. At first glance, I was convinced that it was a Peacock because of the brilliant blue head, neck and part of the chest and the 3 rings on top of his head. However, from the chest back it looks like a turkey's body and the legs (spurs and all) are those of a turkey as well. He/she does not have the characteristic peacock tail but rather a very typical turkey tail. Does anyone have any idea what we are dealing with here-is it possible that a Peacock and a turkey have mated and this is the result? I have pictures so if anyone has any ideas, please contact me by e-mail at grubbe@rogers.com
UPDATE: June 1, 2014
Just a follow up on my posting of last August, we were able to capture our resident Peacock (Paulie) last October and he is now happily residing, along with his Pea Hen Petunia at a Hobby Farm south of Stayner, Ontario.
He probably would not have survived the brutal Winter we had, so I am so happy that we were able to get him an indoor home with a loving couple and lots of other animals.
He has now sprouted his beautiful male plumage and is absolutely gorgeous although Petunia is resisting his advances to this point.
I am so happy for him and feel honoured to have had him come into our lives. We go visit him every couple of weeks and he still seems to recognize us especially when we bring his favourite treats of raisins and sunflower seeds. We miss having him around our home but know that he is much better off where he is in that he will be able to live out the balance of his life in safety and comfort. Live long and Prosper Paulie!

Peacocks in the King Caledon Mono area
by: Hugh Sutherland

Following on my earlier comment (July 23) and items in this subject - when I used to live in the Schomberg, Ontario, area (pre-2005)we noted a few peafowl occasionally passing by - as of yesterday I visited the area and found a farm (grain producer) and they had over 70 peacocks living wild and un-penned including at least 7 babies that I saw - so obviously there are far more than previously noted - but since they are territorial, if they find a nice area they will tend to stay - I noted ours is shy of dogs and kids, and so likes it here.

by: Hugh Sutherland

It seems there is a wild (sorta) peahen in the Mono / Orangeville area as per the notes herein and some calls locally - on July 11 a lovely peahen arrived at our property (2nd line Mono) and has been here ever since -(July 23) settled in and shows no intent to move- I have been able to trace her to the 7th line Mono and looks like the Adjula Tosontario bird may be the same one - sadly my wife is allergic to pets so if anyone wants her call me -519 941 8390

Peacock near Kingston
by: Anonymous

Ha! So glad to have found this page...thought I was losing my mind when I saw one crossing Hwy 15 just north if Kingston. Amazing!!

Answer to your questions
by: Anonymous

I own a peahen and a peacock, they live free on my farm and never leave as long as there is food and shelter.
In the winter they live in the barn and do fine.
They need to get out of the wind and love sunflower (no salt), raisin and peanuts.
Southern Ontario farm

Peacock or peahen in Adjala
by: Anonymous

June 25, 2013 in Adjala-Tosorontio: we came home to find this bird sitting on top of our garage. We took pictures and after a few hours it flew away. Our property is surrounded by forest but we had never seen this before. Very cool.

Peacocks in Bayfield ON
by: Brett

Saw two large male peacocks crossing the road between Bayfield and Goderich on Orchard Line. Unbeleivable! Just moved from BC to Ontario recently and was dumbfounded to see a wild peacock in Ontario. Hopefully I'll see them again.

by: Anonymous

I saw a peacock in Scarborough, Morningside and Lawrence area. Everyone thinks I'm crazy. But because I was alone driving no one can confirm what I saw.

Peacock in Petrolia
by: Allie W

Spotted last night in a field at Plowing Match Line and Courtright Line. VERY shy and dashed off before I could even get out of the car. I'm going to take that way into town more often! We have lots of wild Turkeys, but this was definitely a male with colourful plumage!

Spotted peacocks
by: Cheng Wu

I did spot a peacocks on May 25, 2013 before noon at the intersection of Courtright Line and Kimball Road. I took some sharp shots before it flying away. I am still wondering how this could be possible... interesting!

Mono Township, Ontario
by: Wwendalynne

May 1, 2013 Just spotted a peahen on our farm today. We couldn't believe what we were seeing and have never seen one in the five years prior while we have been living at this location in the Hockley valley. I actually dashed into the house to look it up since I couldn't believe it was possible. She had come out of the woods and was standing by our barn on the gravel driveway. Her neck was shining an intense turquoise in the sun, just absolutely gorgeous! As we approached her, she calmly walked into the woods and then stood about 100 feet away from us just looking at us. Eventually she turned and worked her way deeper into the woods until we could no longer see her.

I was so excited to find this page and discover other sightings in Ontario. I am going to do another search for peacock sounds as we have had many curious noises without having a clue what species was creating them. Perhaps the peacocks have been around us for much longer than we knew.

Peacock Sighted
by: Jill

Wonderful sighting of male Peacock came across in front of me on Highway 8 between Bobcaygeon and Fenelon Falls yesterday.

Peafowl spotted London Ontario
by: Joel & Lisa

My wife and I were traveling east on Oxford St. between Clark and Veterans Memorial Parkway, when we spotted a male Peacock under a tree at a business on the north side of Oxford St.

Just east of train tracks that run from the recently closed train builders plant. I didn't believe her so she turned around to prove what she saw. Sure enough, when we pulled up and stopped not 10 feet from the fowl it took off running those 12 inch+ legs along side of the business (Tent Center) I think.

If some say they don't live through our climate, then I think we need to look again.

Peacock in Halton Hills
by: Jenn

I just saw a female Peacock in Halton Hills along Highway 7. Does anyone know, can these birds tolerate the winters here?

Saw 3 'Wild' Peacocks near Grifffith
by: Lee

I was driving through Griffith (between Ottawa and Bancroft) yesterday and saw what looked like 3 male Peacocks cross the road. They were definitely not Wild Turkeys; their necks had the colouring of male Peacocks and they were the size of Peacocks. I wasn't sure if they could be but it seems that I'm not the only one seeing these here in Ontario. Crazy!

Looks like these beautiful birds are thriving!
by: Steve Anderson

I was reminded of peacocks today, and remembered my first sighting over 2 years ago! (One of the original comments on this page)It appears there have been 2 other sightings in the same area since... Shore Acres Drive in Gilford, (the extension of County Road 89). Good to see that the birds appear to be thriving! And also that I wasn't losing my mind.... ;-)

Peacock sighting
by: Anonymous

I saw a Peacock yesterday in Corbeil with a home owner walking around a house. It was there again today, he just called me to let me know it was back.

Male Peacock
by: Jack

October 28/12 I just saw a male Peacock in our yard.

First one ever - with a bunch of female turkeys - we live just north of Owen Sound Ontario.

by: Mike from Barrie

Saw at least 2 males and 4 female / juvenile
Peafowl today on customers property in King Township
15 minutes north west of Toronto.
My first sighting was on the roof!

by: Anonymous

Saw one on my way to school this morning about 9 hours outside of Detroit, in Michigan.

by: Anne

I saw what I think was a Peacock this morning on Shore Acres Road, just east of 20th sideroad in Gilford, Ontario.

Renfrew & Arnprior, Ontario
by: Anonymous

Driving to Ottawa on a sunny afternoon we saw two male Peacocks on the side of highway 17.

We didn't think Peacocks were even in Canada and of course had to look it up (thank you iPhone!) and yes here they are!

Most of the sightings seem to be more south Ontario but they are even north of Ottawa!

Yes, we have had reports of several sightings, but Peafowl are not native to North America, and would likely not survive our harsh winters in the wild, and I wonder if they have perhaps escaped from private collections.

I hope they manage to get through the winter, and continue to flourish in Ontario!

Gore Road, Caledon
by: Anonymous

Seen three tonight on the Gore Road in Caledon, Ontario, one female had at least 4 small chicks with her.

Peacocks in Alexandria
by: Anonymous

At first I thought I was hallucinating, and of course I was alone, so there was no one else to help me verify it.

But this website and these other comments surely are leading me to believe that my eyes were telling the truth.

I saw a pair of peacocks!

Yes, today you wrote to us, and two people yesterday who also saw Peafowl - there must be lots of them around!

Peacocks in Roslin
by: Leanne

I had a white peafowl in my yard this morning...I live south of Tweed in Roslin. There were 4 that showed at my neighbor's barn 2 weeks ago... Guessing the male is under 3 years old, as he did not have the large tail feather display..

I never realized we had wild peacocks in the area!

I'm not sure we do - I think they have escaped from captivity - they are not native to North America, and likely can't survive our winters.

by: Anonymous

I saw one in my townhouse complex on Sunday and it has been seen there all week. Victoria Park and Sheppard Ave area. I wonder where they are coming from?

Peacock sighting north of Kingston
by: Kevin

I couldn't believe it when I saw it along the side if the road a week ago... Searched to see if they were wild in Ontario as I just moved here. All black/purple/blue shimmer with aprox 24" train.

We have had lots of reports about Peacocks being seen around Ontario - they are not native to Canada but I think some must have escaped from Private Collections, and they are surviving in the wild.

Agincourt Peahen
by: Christine

My neighbours and I saw a peahen walking down Agincourt Dr in Scarborough this afternoon. Their dog treed it - who knew they could fly like that? - and then it came back down to the road and wandered up the street. Apparently a different neighbour saw it last week. Has anybody lost a pet???

Pea hens in Muskoka
by: Anonymous

Today I had two wild pea hens in my yard, in Muskoka, Ontario.

They are very loud!!

I never knew there were peacocks living in the wild, but apparently there are feral populations.

Peterborough Peacock - Local Celebrity!
by: Tammy and the Gang

We were visiting a friend's farm in Peterborough, Ontario yesterday and there was a huge peacock that has decided to take up residence on their farm!!! There is absolutely no question it is a peacock- we have pictures to prove it. It allowed the kids to get close enough to touch it's gorgeous tail feathers but seemed to prefer to be alone. Clearly it doesn't like the paparazzi either! No autographs, please!

Peacock in Caledon bush
by: Patricia D.

We have a female peacock that has been hanging around our house for the last day and a half. It sits on the deck and looks in the windows.We live in the bush with lots of coyotes around.

by: Anon

Peacock in Peterborough, Ontario, May 16 2012, 4:00pm. Have pics. Walked out of a ditch in front of my car on a side-road. Took several pictures. Drove right along side it, within 20 feet. Huge train.

Called the local zoo to see if they had lost any. They said no, but have been receiving calls on sightings.

I had an old jacket and some gloves in car and was going to attempt an abduction, lol. Couldn't get close. It became pretty cagey when it sensed I was pursuing it. Strange.

Wonder if they are good with potatoes??

Wild Peacock
by: Rusty MacCharles

My wife & I watched as a wild Peacock flew across hwy 8 between Fenelon Falls & Bobcaygeon, on Friday evening of April 27th.
We were very tempted to pull over & attempt to catch a better view of this bird, but the night was too close.

Holyrood, Ontario Peacocks
by: Anonymous

I was driving south of hHlyrood, Ontario, this evening and a group of 8 - 12 Peacocks both male and female, were along the side of the road and in a farmers field. They were distinct - the males had their long colourful tail feathers and the females were light in colour. I didn't think it was natural but I watched them for a few minutes. They were not Turkeys

Found Peacock
by: Anonymous

There is a Peacock in my backyard - near Newark (Mt. Elgin - Norwich area)...cannot find any possible owner in the immediate neighbourhood, so I'm interested to hear of a sighting near Ingersoll. Can they survive in the wild, freezing temps...

Peacock sighting north of Bowmanville Ontario
by: Robin

I saw one crossing the road on hwy 57 north of Bowmanville last week. Definitely not a wild Turkey. I went home and researched, the long bright blue neck gave it away. Crazy!!

Peacock sighting
by: Scott K

I saw a peacock on the Ingersoll Golf Course about a month ago. Then today I saw four peacocks on the side of the road near Kintore. Everyone thinks I am crazy, but my son was with me today and can verify the four!

Peacock Essa
by: Patti

Found Peacock was living next lot over.

Neighbour had a pen set up etc. But Peacock has disappeared off to other places we guess.

Good Luck to him

Wild Pea fowl or Peacock
by: L. Godbold

Saw what looked like a Peafowl at the side of the road near Cheneaux Dam, Portage du Fort, QC, on 12/22/2011.

Definitely not a Wild Turkey. It had the dangly feather thing on the top of the head and was much more streamlined than the Wild turkey.

Wild Peacock Sighting
by: Anonymous

Male peacock, 1 young male and 2 peahens spotted near Erin, On, Dec 4/11. Have pics.

Male Peacock In Essa, Utopia
by: Patti

Male Peacock has been in our area for a few months. Not sure if a Female is around, I hope she is.

Not sure what to do since coyotes are around looking for food too.

May winter him in the barn.

Hope the female appears soon.

Peacock at Degrassi Point, Lake Simcoe
by: Anonymous

My girl friend and I just took some amazing photos of a Peacock who was wondering around the cottage. We didn't think it belongs here so we went on the web to find out and it seems others have seen this same bird. She seems pretty comfortable around here so we didn't want to disturb her. I am sure we will be seeing her again.

Peahen at Degrassi Point, Lefroy, Ontario
by: Cathy

There was a peahen in my yard 10 minutes ago. She was just casually walking around, having a look at everything.

She really had a good look at the orange wheelbarrow, then went through my garden, and off she went.

My husband and son both saw her in the past week on the 3rd line and our road.

Peacocks in Gilford (Innisfil) Ontario

I saw Peacocks, 5 of them perusing on 20th sideroad and Hwy 89 in Gilford about 3 weeks ago.

When I told my son about it that night, he told me that they were also seen at the Fennel sub-sivision at Yonge and 89 in one of his friends back yard.

We are very familiar with Wild Turkeys and that was what I thought they were at first, but upon close scrutiny, they were peacocks, male and female both.

Luckily my neighbor was right in front of me and confirmed the sighting as well.

Has anyone seen them lately?

Peacock sighting
by: Anonymous

Traveling on Power Line Rd just east of Paris, Ontario, I snapped a 20 second video of a Peacock walking down the road.

Peacocks in Wallaceburg
by: Anonymous

I have seen a Peacock grazing at the side of the road just before Baldoon Golf course in Wallaceburg!

by: Anonymous

We have seen peacocks in the Orangeville area!

They are here in the wild
by: Anonymous

I've seen them here in the area on the 511 near Calabogie (Tatlock turn).

It must be a pretty big farm that they all escaped from

I did a search for Ontario Peacocks too,and here I am too!

Peacock sighting
by: Anonymous

I saw a wild Peacock today in between Caledonia and Cayuga, Ontario, on River Road along side the Grand River

Orillia Sighting
by: Anonymous

I have also seen a small group of Peacocks just outside of Orillia, Ontario.

The male was clearly a Peacock with the blue coloring and tail feathers.

They appeared to be in a small group 5+/- mostly females.

I have seem them a few days in a row and got a good look at the male.

Could it be true??
by: S. Anderson

Well .... I found this page while searching for info on Peacocks in Ontario, after seeing one on the side of highway 89 in Innisfil today! There is no doubt about what it was. Hmmmmm...

Wow - more Peacock sightings! I wonder if these are escapees from a zoo or private collector?

Peacocks are not indigenous to this part of the world, and are only found in the wild on the Indian sub-continent, so it makes you wonder where they may have come from.

If any of our readers know, please tell!

by: Judith Pollman

I have a picture but am unable to download it to this site.

Hi Judith - you could try reducing the size of the file and downloading it using the form on the "Area Birds" page.

I saw turkeys
by: David L

I have seen Wild Turkey in the Amhurstburg area - off of Alma Street and Pike Road, not far from the Golf course. I have never seen Peacocks but there are for sure Wild Turkeys in the area, more now that there were a few years back.

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