What is this large bird of prey?

by Tom
(Oakville, Ontario, Canada)

It was sitting and having a snack on a light pole at Pine Glen park in Oakville, Ontario.

It was 6:00 pm on July 22.

I think that is an Osprey, Tom.

Was there water nearby? A lake or river?

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by: Anonymous

Georgetown, near Oakville, two HUGE birds flew near the low tree tops this was September 2019. They were so low! Their LOUD sounds were 'HAWK' of course I thought perhaps they're hawks.
My lap pet I called over, because YIKES, THEY'RE HUGE BIRDS.
Hawks pictures don't look like them.
The osprey picture looks like them.
A ravine's near, across the street.
I keep a close eye on my pet. Heard stories.
Seen huge birds way up far away drifting, usually in pairs till this year, and paired again, because a solo birds scoping alone this spring and summer, and those coyotes in the ravine howling at night!

Beautiful picture
by: Anonymous

Definitely an Osprey...what a nice close-up picture beautiful birds.

by: Anonymous

This is an osprey for sure.

by: Anonymous

Definitely an Osprey!

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