Various Ontario Possum sightings
by Carol, Steve and various readers
(London, Woodstock, Windsor, Coldwater, Scarborough, Leamington)

Carol from London, Ontario, recently wrote to tell us about when she spotted a Possum ..... I awoke this morning at 6:00 am, it is still dark outside and I turned on our outside light in the back yard, there he was, munching on our bird seed, he is quite large in size and as the light got brighter he left and I believe went into the neighbors open shed! I don't want my little dog and the possum to meet!
From Woodstock, a reader wrote to tell us of their sighting ..... Watched two Possums this morning from my balcony in Woodstock, Ontario. Quite interesting as I did not know they existed here.
A reader from Windsor, Ontario, recently wrote to tell us ..... I caught one in a live trap in my back yard. This is the second one trapped and released in a Conservation Area, a few miles from my house. This is a residential neighbourhood in Windsor, Ontario. My house is several blocks from a wooded area in a city park.
Steve Bell wrote to say ..... This Possum is located in Coldwater, Ontario, farthest north I have seen or read about their northern trek. They found the perfect possum house. I was clearing some trees in my back yard and working around an old maple stump. This stump was about 4 feet high and two foot diameter. At the top of the stump had a split in it and as I looked in to see if anything was in the stump, something was looking back. I went and got a flashlight and discovered a possum looking back. It looked real cozy.
A reader from Rouge Park, Scarborough, Ontario, wrote to say ..... This morning at 5:15, my Yorkie and I came across the most unusual animal I have ever seen! It sat on my fence, motionless in my backyard and stared at us. I thought perhaps it was some strange monkey that had escaped from the zoo but it never moved. It was small, maybe just 8 inches in body length and had a long, rat-like tail and ears that looked like a cat's. I think I've seen my first live Possum! I had no idea they were in this area, but my daughter says she has seen a dead one on the side of the road close to here.
A reader from Leamington wrote to say ..... My neighbour informed me this morning that my cat and a Possum went toe to toe on their back deck last night, it ended in a draw, my cat is really a chicken. Ha ha!
Dear readers, I hope you don't mind that I combined your Possum Sighting reports! We, here at Discover Southern Ontario, have over a hundred animal sighting reports to publish, and it simplifies things when we can combine them in this way.
Thank you all for sending your reports!