Tweety Bird

by Dave Morgan
(Peterborough, Ontario, Canada)

Tweety Bird

Tweety Bird

Dave, one of our readers from Peterborough, Ontario, asks about a bird he would like to identify - I came home from work this morning and was siting out on my back deck when i saw a cute little yellow bird land on the tree beside our pond. I quickly ran inside, grabbed my digital camera and returned to see this beautiful creature still perched on that branch enjoying the running water and tranquility I do every morning. I have no idea what kind of bird it is and was wondering if anyone does.

I'm a-thinking it is probably a Goldfinch .... any other ideas anyone?

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Yellow Finch markings?
by: Amy B

Dave (&others)

I have spotted a similar bird. I am near Gananoque, Ontario. I too thought it may be a gold finch, however, the bird I spotted does not have any of the white or black markings that a gold finch has (much like your photo). It is also slightly larger than the average finch.

Can a gold finch be solid yellow, with no markings?

Love to hear what others think. . .

Name that Bird
by: Anonymous

Looks like a Goldfinch, should have zoomed in for a better look.

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