Tundra Swan sighting February 10, 2016

by Lela Thompson
(Woodstock, Ontario, Canada)

Tundra Swans in flight - courtesy of Daniel S Bennett, St Thomas, Ontario

Tundra Swans in flight - courtesy of Daniel S Bennett, St Thomas, Ontario

Today is February 10, 2016.

While driving between Woodstock and Ingersoll, Ontario, along Beachville Road I saw a small flock of about 8 swans flying.

I know it seems early but I'm almost certain they were Tundra Swans.

It was a great bird day.

I also saw a Bald Eagle in flight just east of Dorchester.

Thanks for the info Lela, I expect the early return of the swans and the eagles is due to the mild winter and warm weather we are experiencing this year.

Thank you for reporting these sightings!

I hope you don't mind, but I'm using one of my son's photographs of returning Tundra Swans that he took recently.

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