Toronto Opossum Sighting (Broadview Avenue)
by Tarquinius Davidson
(Toronto, Ontario, Canada)
Opossum Sighing at 737 Braodiew Ave.

Today while walking our dog we discovered an Opossum!
We found it in a very odd place. The opossum was hiding under a green box on the front steps of a flower shop.
My Mom noticed it first. She squealed and ran away with the dog. She was scared that the possum would attack our Yorkshire Terrier who is only 4 pounds.
But the Opossum did not move towards us or at all. I think he was also scared.
I was curious to know more about the possum and how (s)he ended up hanging out at a flower shop at 8:30 in the morning on a Sunday on Broadview Ave.
My Mom suspects he was lost and that (s)he normally lives in the Don Valley.
I took the picture (attahed) that’s my shadow in the window. I also took a video which is on my Mom’s phone.
As you can see from the picture, the Opossum has some very unique features. Such as…
1. Black on his ears.
2. Yellowish tail.
3. White and black fur.
4. A long face and a pink nose.
5. Black eyes.
6. Approximately 12-15 pounds.
Discovery Location (where and when)
1. 737 Broadview Avenue (east side)
2. Toronto, Ontario
3. Close proximity to Don Valley
4. Sunday, May 29, 2016 at 8:30 in the morning.