Three Coyotes

by Julia
(Thorndale, Ontario, Canada)

One day when my Mom and I were driving up Nissouri Road, Thorndale, just north of Medway Road, we saw three Coyotes at the side of the road.

They were right beside our car, so we stopped and pulled over, but they went across the field and then went back near the bush.

We drive that way, every day, but this is the only time we have seen them, although, we do hear them sometimes when we are in our hot-tub in the evening.

Also, they really start to howl when the train goes by, as that is when they really howl like crazy!

From Julia, age 7

Thank you Sweetie for telling me about the three Coyotes you saw with Mom - love from Grandma Barb

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Wolves, Coyotes, Fox
by: Jane Gateman

That was exciting to see 3 Coyotes up so close.

They don't seem to be interested in people, only if you have a Dog with you.

They are only threatened when a Dog is around because they are very territorial............they will attack and kill the Dog to protect their food and property.

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