Three Coyotes killed my friends German Shepherd

by JacQ
(Virgil, Niagara Region, Ontario, Canada)

Three coyotes killed my friend's German Shepherd this past Monday while going for a walk.

She ran home and later that evening the three coyotes were spotted in their back yard.

Virgil, Ontario Niagara region.

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Yes they are out in full view at any time of the day
by: Clair

I lived in the country very close to London, Ontario. Ten years ago nobody saw any Coyotes, nor did we hear their eerie calls. Now they are very commonplace & bold. I had several come right up to my house (within about twenty feet) in the middle of the day & just stand there bold as brass as I yelled at them & chased at them with a broom. They just stood there unafraid & sauntered off when they felt like it. They have no reason to be afraid of man. Every night I would hear their howling extremely close to the house.
The original western coyote was quite small & timid but they have interbred with our wolves & become a much larger animal with different predation habits & targets.
And yes they have killed an adult human in a National Park on the east coast. A single female hiker was tracked, chased & killed by a pack of three Coyotes. Human remains were found in the stomach of one of the animals. When other hikers came to the screaming victim's rescue, they began throwing rocks at the single Coyote that was standing over the dead woman's body. A Parks officer actually shot the animal as well but only wounded it. They were all stunned that the animal did not even move from his position over the body despite the barrage of rocks, yelling & even a gun shot wound. This is not a shy reclusive little canine. The animals that killed the woman were not hungry. They had a good amount of body fat.

No way
by: Anonymous

There is more to the story than what the person is telling, a German Shepherd has the bite strength of 500 psi, it is stronger than that of a Coyote's, and much more heavy and solid.
Coyotes are terrified of my Shepherd. Even in a pack, its not worth the risk of losing one or two of them.
I'd have to see proof. The German Shepherd probably was a pup.
My German Shepherd caught a Coyote a year ago and was going to tear it's head off before I stopped her. This coyote had another Coyote with it, and the other Coyote did not even come to this Coyotes rescue.

by: Denise

Hi, can you tell me when this happened? I don't see a date anywhere.
I live in Barrie and a friend of mine encountered a pack of 8 in a field near my house. I've had them at my fence when my dogs were out and they come back on a regular basis but I have only seen 3, I never thought a large pack would be here in the city.
The original report was sent to us here at discover-southern-ontario on February 8th 2013

Coyotes and Shepherds
by: ABBA's White Shepherds

I am seeking more information about this sad story. We live within a well populated Coyote territory and have Shepherds (in the rural / agricultural region of S.E. London), thus learning the specifics of this incident is important.
Our dogs seem to keep the coyotes from ever entering our property although as Prey Raw Feeders, an abundance of hanging meats offers the potential for conflicts that has to date, never happened.
Over many years, this has been our reality of co-subsistence when we had only one shepherd, although for the past six years we are now a family of four, with one large litter of pups per year.
Our dogs often run as individuals or all of them in the bush-lot unsupervised, as well as walks together (humans + dog(s) throughout every season, again for years, without incident.
Coyotes are often spotted passing by, at the edges or corridors between our fields and the neighbours. We are surrounded by hay fields and the only time we ever see a coyote or members of the pack anywhere near our home is when the hay has been cut and they are following the cut lines, eating the dead or exposed mice and rodents.
In the evening and at times during the night, our dogs bark (our shepherds have a distinct set of barks for specific reasons) when coyotes are too close or within earshot of our dog pack.
Besides the above sightings, we have never had any conflicts between us humans, our dogs, constant and varied raw meat supplies and coyotes.
Perhaps we have been lucky? Perhaps this sad incident involved unusual circumstances? I understand that over population, hunger, sickness, pack behaviour, loss of habitat, illness and other variables can cause problems and alter the natural balance of all species which can lead to conflict with domestic animals and livestock. Times are changing and I am always open to learn more whenever I hear information about any fatality that could affect our own situation. I would very much like to hear the specifics of this story.

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