The Robins returned early!
by Cindy, Carol, Patti, Susan, Sam
(Guelph, Innisfil, Etobicoke, Port Elgin, Brampton, Peterborough, Woodbridge)
Map showing Robin sightings

Several of our readers have written to us to comment on the early return of the Robins this year ...
Cindy Williams from Guelph, Ontario wrote to say ... December 30th.2016. Looking outside in our backyard there are 60 to 75 Robins flying back and forth, chasing each other and landing in the trees. Very unusual.
January 16th 2017 - Carol from Innisfil wrote to say ... I just saw a Robin in Innisfil, Ontario. It is only January 16, 2017. I always thought robins flew south in the winter.
January 18th 2017 - One of our readers wrote ... January 18th 2017 spotted 10 red breast Robins north Etobicoke. Very surprised.
On February 5th 2017, Patti from Port Elgin wrote to say ... I spotted a Robin in my backyard tree this morning!
February 5 – Susan said ... Watching a flock of 15 robins today eating the last of the crab apples off my tree. Concerned that this may be a little early for these beautiful birds. Is there anything that i can do to help with feeding them until spring?
February 12th 2017 - A reader from Brampton, Ontario say the Robins are back! Can the Robins survive, the ground is covered with snow and what will they eat? Anyone know what to feed them?
February 14th, 2017 and the Robins are back in Peterborough.
Sam from Woodbridge, Ontario said ... I found it very strange that on about February 15, 2016 a flock of about 200 male Robins rested for hours during the day, in a snow storm on a large Maple tree and my cherry tree. This year 2017, on Feb. 13 2016 the very same thing happened. What do they eat? My bird feeder had some 7 different bird species, but the Robins only looked on.
Another reader reports ... I just saw a flock of Robins and Swallows on February 15 2017.
Wednesday, February 15,2017 saw my first two Robins at my friend's house and thought it was early for Robins to return. Saturday, February 18, 21017 saw another one right outside my kitchen window sitting in the lilac tree. It was very large and I wondered if it is too early for babies to be born this time of year and too cold.
Thank you all for writing to tell us about your North American Robin sightings.
Cindy and Carol, I wonder if the birds you saw were a group that didn't migrate this year, or perhaps they were late heading south.
Susan, Robins don't usually visit the bird feeders because they normally eat worms and grubs, so if you have some on your property you could try putting out some bacon fat (cut into small pieces) for them, they may eat that. They aren't seed eaters.
Yes, the Robins won't lay until the weather is warmer, perhaps in another month or so, then they incubate the eggs for about 12 - 14 days before the chicks hatch.
I will also post this on our facebook page.