Swans Sighted Yesterday
by Linda, Raymond, Karen, Brigitte, Tom, Tammy, Daniel, Karen
(Paris, Delhi, Burford, Harley, New Hamburg, Mount Elgin, Tillsonburg, Aylmer, Paris )
Tundras in flight, Ontario
Map of Tundra Swan sightings - early March 2018
On February 27th Linda from Paris reported ... I saw five Tundra Swans on Barringer lake yesterday.
On February 28th around 9:00 am, Raymond reported seeing Tundras near Delhi, he said ... Saw three flocks fly from east to west. They were loud, beautiful and organized. There were 37 in the last flock. Probably landing up the road because I could hear them in the distance before the sun rose.
Karen wrote to say ... I live south of Burford Ontario in Brant County. This morning, February 28, 2018, I heard the Tundra Swans and found about 200 of them around a shallow temporary pond from spring run off in a field that had soybeans last year. They are early this year by about two weeks. The swans arrive every year on our road and usually stay a day or two as they gather larger numbers before heading to Lake Huron and Goderich area. Last year they were very late, not arriving til April.
Brigitte from Harley, Ontario, wrote to tell us ... I live in Harley, Ontario, that is near Burford. Saw my first Swans today in the morning. This is 2-3 weeks earlier then we have seen them in previous years. We live under their migration route. Sorry no pictures yet. February 28th 2018.
Tom B from New Hamburg said ... March 1st 2018 - we spotted about 15 Tundra Swans flying near New Hamburg. Hoping to see more soon!
Tammy from Mount Elgin wrote to say ... March 2 2018, driving home today I saw hundreds of birds in a cornfield on Prouse Rd. I pulled off to the side of the road and attempted to take pictures with my phone with little success but I could hear them. Definitely the Tundra Swan. I drove a little further and saw more on some water near Spring Lake Trailer Park, still on Prouse Road near Culloden. I will be going out again tomorrow, hopefully to get a few better pictures.
March 6th 2018 - One of our readers reported seeing the Swans, she said ... on our way back to Tillsonburg from St. Thomas Ontario - what a wonderful sight. Many more will be arriving shortly. I thought there were many thousand already but we were told this was just the beginning.
Daniel from St Thomas wrote to tell us that thousands are now at the Wildlife viewing area on Hacienda Road, Aylmer, beside the Ontario Police College.
Karen W from Milton wrote to say ... We were out on a drive just outside of Paris Ontario the first weekend in March and we saw hundreds of swans in an old corn field. It was a once in a lifetime experience! (2018)
Thank you for sending us these reports of your Tundra Swan sightings -