Sturgeon Point Bald Eagle Sighting
by Jacqui Mutch
(Sturgeon Point, Ontario, Canada)
Bald Eagle on Sturgeon Point Road

We have many
Osprey in the area, so when anyone has mentioned seeing an Eagle, it has been dismissed as being confused with one of the local Osprey.
Confirmed today on the Sturgeon Point Road (County Rd 25) just outside of Sturgeon Point.
Alas, this majestic bird took off as soon as I got out of the car to snap a photo.
I came back with binoculars and the sighting was confirmed but unfortunately the camera on the cell phone could not zoom in any closer.
Thank you for your report and picture. I will also post this on our facebook page so that our facebook followers can also read about the Bald Eagle at Sturgeon Point.
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