Snowy Owl in Hamilton along Lakefront trail

by Tracey Rice
(Mississauga, Ontario, Canada)

My sister and I were walking the waterfront trail in Hamilton in November and spotted this beauty.

She sat in the same spot for at least an hour.

We saw her on our way out and when we we're heading back to the car.

It was absolutely amazing to see and she saw us too.

I've never seen one before and I feel privileged to have witnessed the beauty.

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by: Jim

A few days ago I was driving home from work coming of the highway onto the north service Rd in Hamilton, Stoney creek area. When I saw a large white bird on a hydro pole. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I didn't think snowy owls were in my area. I was kinda shocked actually. Couldn't get a pic because I was driving unfortunately. So I looked up to see if what I saw was truly a snowy owl and to my amazement it really was! Awesome!

True Beauty
by: Carolynne

Hi, I love owls, and my girlfriend who took these shots sure captured the true beauty !!!

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