Saw Wolves as a child in Brechin, Ontario - 25 yrs ago

by V. Griffiths

Living in Brechin, Ontario as a teenager some 25 yrs ago, I would hear and see one to two Wolves that lived on and around our 50 acres of land.

I clearly remember their cries, and sightings of them, one grey Wolf one dark brown/black Wolf. I also have a vivid memory of having more than 20 chickens in a shed with a 6 foot fence around, and waking one morning to only one live chicken! All the chickens were gone, and not a sound heard!

I will always remember these beautiful Wolves, although I loved my chickens I felt no ill will towards these wonderful Wolves.

I no longer live in Canada, but have fond memories of Canada and the Wolves and pray that generations later, they still live on.

If anyone else has seen or heard Wolves recently in this area, I would love to hear their story.

Thank you so much for your story - if any of our readers live in the Brechin area, and have seen or heard Wolves lately, I hope they write in to tell us about it!


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2 Wolves
by: Joan

Last night I was letting my Golden Retriever outside at 10:30 PM. I turned the Lake light on as well as our deck light. Standing on the top step of our deck was a wolf and one was 2-3 steps lower than the other wolf. Jax and I just stared at them and were frozen still. They slowly turned and left the steps. Jax did not go out for a 1/2 hour and I guess he was sniffing them out because he was refusing to come in. Finally he came in.

Wolves still in Brechin
by: Rob

My son recently purchased a farm in Brechin, Ontario, and last summer I saw a beautiful wolf standing in the middle of a field at 10.30 in the morning. I stood there and watched it for twenty minutes, he was looking at me and gradually walking towards a forest nearby. This month we captured a picture of the same beautiful wolf on a Trail camera and he looks amazing. If you contact me I would be happy to send you some pictures.

Thanks for the info, you can send your report and pictures by going to our Wolves page and scrolling to the bottom of the page, and filling in the form there.

Wonderful Story
by: Doreen L

That must have been wonderful to have lived so close to Wolves when you were younger - I know that there no more Wolves in England, since they became extinct in the 15th or 16th Century. I'm glad you got to see some Canadian ones!

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