Saw this one yesterday

by V
(Toronto, Ontario, Canada)


I saw this one in Crothers Woods (Don River valley) yesterday afternoon.

I'm just a beginner, so I would love if someone could help me identify it.

Thank you!

Perhaps one of our readers will be able to identify this bird from your great pictures. I will also post this on our facebook page.

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Thank you
by: Anonymous

Definitely a Red Tailed Hawk, they are quite frequent nevertheless they are very beautiful birds.

Your "beginner" hawk
by: kngfshr

Loved your line "I'm just a beginner ". Great to have you with us. Lots to learn ahead of you and you'll enjoy every new species you identify and every habitat you visit.

Hawk ID
by: Frank

What you have there is a juvenile, Red-tailed Hawk.

Juvenile Red-tailed Hawk
by: Judy

This looks like a juvenile Red-Tailed Hawk to me.

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