Saw my first Robins of the new year!

by Karan
(Norwich, Ontario)

I saw my first Robin this morning, March 14 2012, and was very pleased to see the two of them frolicking out my sun room window.

I usually don't start watching for them until the end of April, so was very delighted to see them already this year.

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Saw our first robin
by: Deanie

The first Robin of spring was sighted tonight in Rutherglen, Ontario. Still lots of deep snow here so they are back early. Hope they can find enough to eat. Was a real surprise to see one.

Robins return like clockwork
by: Guildwood bird brain

Robins usually reach Scarborough (north shore of Lake Ontario) between March 12-14 each year. Redwings a couple of days later. Ain't it great!

The robins are back
by: n0va59

Yup, yup, yup... the Robins are back early.

I live in Scarborough area and I've seen 3 pairs (at different times) in the past week, I got so excited I even took a few

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