Saw a Robin this Morning

by Chuck
(Whitby, Ontario, Canada)

It is Monday, January 2, 2012 and the temperature is 0c.

I live in Whitby, Ontario, Canada. It was windy last night and there were some branches that fell from the maple tree in my back yard.

I was very surprised to see a Robin with a segment of earthworm dangling from it's beak.

My first reaction was to utter, "What are you doing here at this time of the year?!" This was a very surprising moment indeed!

I'm wondering why the Robin did not fly away to a much warmer climate by now.

Also, wondering if I should put some raisins out for the Robin or just let it fly away, instinctively, to a warmer climate.

Hi Chuck - I'm not sure why your Robin didn't fly south in the Fall with all his friends, but he may decide to go now, or perhaps he will stick around for the rest of the winter, and be here to welcome his buddies when they arrive in early March!

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Pears and Grapes For Robins
by: Chuck

Wow! You sure saw many Robins that sunny day, during the winter.

The Robins seem to love pears and grapes. I have grape vines growing along a fence in my yard and the grapes attract Robins during the summer.

Many times, I'd be watering the lawn and a Robin would motion towards me and enjoy a light spray of water on the beautiful bird.

I'm glad you enjoyed seeing the Robins and am sure they will return regularly.

Robins staying all year round?
by: Mary Lynn

I have been watching a flock of Robins in my backyard all winter here in Beamsville, Ontario. About 9 or 10 of them.

They are eating something in my neighbour´s Flowering Pear Tree and then fly to a huge black walnut tree for an afternoon siesta.

They are also probably eating all the wild grapes that grow everywhere here in this Niagara area.

I have not seen them for the past few days.

It was weird to be sitting on my back patio just 1 1/2 weeks ago under a warm sun and listening to Robins sing.

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