R. I. P. Opossums

by Glen, James, Peter S, Dan
(Ottawa, Cambridge, Bellville, Orillia, Iona)

Body of opossum found by the side of a busy road in south Ottawa. No one I know has ever seen one before here.

Glen recently wrote ... I just found one on my front step (dead) in Cambridge Ontario. It was definitely dead, not playing possum as I left it for a few hours and did not move. It looks like a cat may have had it and dropped it. The smell was horrible so I put it in a plastic bag and it went out with that day's garbage.

James wrote to say ... I just saw a dead Possum this morning, killed on the road in Belleville, Ontario. I just wanted to let you know they are here also.

Peter S from Orillia wrote to report ... 3rd May we found a dead Opossum under the back deck, it looks as though it was killed about 3 or 4 days ago. I'm not sure of the cause but it did have what could have been bite marks in its side.

Dan from Iona, Ontario said ... my dogs killed a possum at night under the porch, this was on April 21st.

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